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    Everything posted by hucks216

    1. Probably not much chance as a positive ID of this signature due to the low rank and being in the training & replacement units of GD, but what do others think the first few letters are? I think the first letter could be an S, but it could also be a H or J with the following letters having the chance of being c, e or a.
    2. Major Walter Pössl Born: 16 Sept 1909 Died: KIA 25 Sept 1944 Highest rank reached - Oberstleutnant (Posthumous promotion) Kdr Pz.Abt GD Kdr I/Pz.Rgt GD Führer Pz.Rgt 27 RK - 20 April 1943 DKiG - 18 Oct 1942 Ehrenblattspange - 05 Sept 1942 Image: Citation
    3. I've had a look through the command positions for II/SS-TIR 2 and can't se any name that would fit that signature. It might just be one of the soldiers who is sending a photo home to the family. At around this time the II Btl commander was SS-Hstuf Karl Kummer followed by SS-Hstuf Max Dallinger.
    4. Nice photo for the Stab of II/SS-TIR 2. Not sure how possible it would be to identify the signature though.
    5. I don't have any examples in my files to compare but it looks possible. Also looks to be an interesting citation variant.
    6. Example to a son of a senior German Heer Officer. He would go on to die aboard U-623.
    7. Bomber Clasp in Gold for an Ehrenpokal winning member of StG-2 'Immelmann'
    8. Luftwaffe variant for the Kreta cufftitle for a member of StG-2 and an Ehrenpokal winner.
    9. And a few dated for 1944-45 and from KG-54/KG(J)-54. The first one would be from 4./KG(J)-54 in April & May 1945... While these two are from 11./KG-54 and dated for March-May 1944 (there might be a slight possibility that the first one could be for 5./KG-54 but Soldbuch shows the man served in 11 Staffel at the date shown)...
    10. A few signatures that I have yet to find the identity to. Dated 1939 so may well of progressed up the ranks in the years to follow but shown here as a Leutnant in Stab I/StG 2 'Immelmann'.
    11. Major Paul-Werner Hozzel. Born: 16 Oct 1910 Died: 07 Jan 1997 Highest rank reached - Oberstleutnant Kdr I/StG 2 'Immelmann' Kdr Sturzkampffliegerschule 1 Kdr StG 2 'Immelmann' Kommandant Feldflughafenbereichen an der südlichen Ostfront Leiter der Führungsabteilung im Stab der Luftflotte 1 Führung der Geschäfte des Chefs des Generalstabs der Luftflotte 1 RK - 08 May 1940 EL - 14 April 1943 Image: Citation
    12. I have recently acquired a Wehrpass to Fritz Heidrich who reached the rank of Generalmajor in 1943 before retiring in October of that year (and going missing in 1945 - believed to have died in Dresden Prison in 1945). The Wehrpass has a lot of entries and so I thought that I would share the entries that relate to the Imperial era as Heidrich served in the German Army from 1901 to 1943, reaching the rank of Hauptmann in WW-1 and serving as a Batterie-Führer in 1915 and an Artillerie-Gruppenführer in 6 Kav.Division in 1916.
    13. Yep, seeing the clearer signature I would say that it is one and the same.
    14. Some very interesting photos. Are there any details as to the names of the sinking ships? The British destroyer (H99) is HMS Hero and judging by the stripes on one of her turrets it was taken during the Spanish Civil War.
    15. I think it is the signature of Knights Cross winner Kurt Böhmer. As you say, it is very faded but I think I can make out the 'öhm' part of his name.
    16. Nice Africa related grouping. I like the uniform photo in the Wehrpass and it is the second time I have seen one of those green Dienstpass/Reisepasse, the other being one I have for a KM officer who had his original Reisepass replaced after escaping internment in Argentina.
    17. For me it would be the signature of the Butcher of Prague, Reinhard Heydrich which I have 2 examples of - one on a promotion citation to a member of the Gestapo and the other on a letter that goes with the citation and is on paper headed with the notorious address Prinz-Albrecht-Straße 8.
    18. It's definitely not Ernst Biehler as he was a Generalmajor by the time this was signed. I seem to recall seeing this before and I can't remember if the signature was identified or not.
    19. It is on-line at nurmerous places I believe. A large thread was started on WAF by Mr Gottlieb which has resulted him being (finally) expelled from that forum.
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