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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. This boy at obverse was known as Duanfang http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duanfang
    2. I think this treasure came from (approximately) 1910s-1920s period of time
    3. Hi Stefan, this one (most likely) was made after ww2. Cheers, Nick
    4. This certificate junior clerk. from the doctors of military district medical administration of the Turkestan Military District collegiate councillor Nikolai Ivanovich of Oranskiy
    5. Looks like December 3, 1946
    6. I meant: "it looks like "crude" is a typical feature of these jettons"
    7. This jetton was issued by Chisinau general counsil of trade (общая ремесленная управа) in commemoration of c100 anniversary of the annexation of Bessarabia by Russia. Silver.
    8. Лента на твоей медали неправильная. Взята от этой медали
    9. Никто из тех кого я знаю
    10. Unknown russian captain with both turkish orders
    11. His Excellency A de Raffalovich (State Advisor, member of Finance Minister 's Council, Vice President of Russia ' s Imperial Commission)
    12. Well, this is how one of the Nogi`s cups looks like
    13. ​First of all stop posting in chinese. Second, this medal has nothing to do with the Kuomingtang On 30 March 1940, Wang (our visitor) became the head of Reorganized National Government of China. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reorganized_National_Government_of_the_Republic_of_China
    14. Friend of mine has this doc in his collection ' alt='' class='ipsImage' width="1000px" height="439px">"> issued on May 19, 1926 to cavalier of 5th class golden kite order. He got his award on April 1, 1906 together with his original 100 yen year pension. ' alt='' class='ipsImage' > ' alt='' class='ipsImage' width="1000px" height="439px">
    15. I see our colleagues are full of interest and zeal Typical ... Tientsin? Naaaa I don't think so. Most likely we are talking about 5th class golden kite award from 1906. If I remember correctly they changed the size of the pension somewhere in the 1926 from 100 to 150 yen.
    16. 1942 Visit to Japan Commemoration Medal. It is not Kuomingtan. It's National Government of Republic of China. P.S. It a miracle that I was able to post anything. After this famous upgrade I found out that I can add posts only when working in FireFox. If one is using Safari or Amigo he simply coudn't post anymore ...
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