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    Blog Comments posted by JapanX

    1. "... anyone, other than me, know what the "PMR" is? ..."

      Pridnestrovskaya Moldavskaya Respublika? :)
      Република Молдовеняскэ Нистрянэ

      a.k.a Приднестровская Молдавская Республика (rus)
      a.k.a. Придністровська Молдавська Республіка (ukr)

    2. Have a nice vacation Greg!


      ...I never give lifts but felt sorry for a hitchhiker. He - for some reason, that I am sure he regretted later - started to tell me his 'life story' - which included that he had just escaped from prison. He got quite a fright when I told him I was Police and handcuffed him.Mervyn

      What we`ve got here is another cold-hearted policeman :):):)
      Nice story! Thanks Mervyn.
    3. "Many changes; and most, I fear, will not work out at all."

      You said it! Same story here. Maybe only with a little higher order of stupidity and incompetence. Day- and-night-around-the-clock.

      "Still, it is a paycheck..."

      Exactly! Sometimes you don`t have even that (my life story all way throught 90s).

      "...this are some rough times ..."

      I think soon enough we`ll see something much much worse... But don`t worry - I`ve got your back :) So far only in Moscow...But who knows... With all this globalisation nonsence :)

      P.S. How you become so interested in faleristics?

      P.P.S. Sorry for my importunity :)

    4. Hi, Greg! Love your style!

      Keep it up!

      "I began work with the State (Virginia) and am currently a Sergeant in a maximum security prison for... women "

      Cool! This sounds exactly like my job... University... Only mine is much more dangerous - I don`t have a gun :)

      Your devoted reader from Moscow

      P.S. If you`ll need anything with translation from russian (or anything else) just let me know.

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