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    Mervyn Mitton

    Honorary Member
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    Everything posted by Mervyn Mitton

    1. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_06_2014/post-6209-0-61940900-1403448451.jpgclick The Presenting General looks like the one out of Black Adder...... Our lad - the 'armless one - is on the General's left. A brave soldier and a high award.
    2. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_06_2014/post-6209-0-03117800-1403448207.jpgclick Cuttings courtesy of Ann Shepherd (Ian's wife) They are from the Manchester Evening News
    3. I'm just clearing a few unanswered posts - this one deserves reflection. With the huge numbers of dead, who knows what talent has been lost. What famous authors , poets, scientists, officers have been lost from their Countries future. I think the World would be a quite different place if WW1 and WW2 had not happened. This article is in the wrong place - it should be where our Members can give it thought and voice their opinions. Mervyn
    4. Hoss - just found this interesting - and informative article. As you say, who would have thought 'conkers' had any value ! Incidentally, you started the Football post on the Lounge - and I'm trying to keep it going with a few posts. Now it's your turn - let's see if we can get a debate going. Best wishes Mervyn
    5. Very nicely restored. The British War Graves Commission looks after British War Cemetries - however, these days the local Countries often take on the responsibilities. This is a small Cemetary, but you can see the thought and dedication that has gone into it's renovation. We must feel gratitude that 39 of our Dead are being looked after so well. Thankyou Poland.
    6. Thankyou for that Info. IG. I hope some of the local members could go to that Concert. Mervyn
    7. Well - this is interesting. First time I recall someone coming forward like this. Mrs. Law - how did you come to learn of these, I expect from one of our members who was browsing ? The original post was back in 2011. For the present you must wait to see if Len contacts you. If he misses the post we may contact him on your behalf - however, only as a reminder. Any decisions taken are between you and nothing to with the Forum. I am assuming that you had the main medal group stolen as well as the miniatures. ? The other question is - when did the theft take place - was it a burglary - and was it reported to the Police - also, where were the medals (address) at the time of the theft ? Best wishes - please contact me should you have any queries that we at GMIC may be able to help you with. Mervyn Mitton
    8. Ross - where is the loop on the small tipstaff. It would have been intended to hang low on a neck chain - or, to go around the wrist. Those intended to go in a waistcoat pocket, were usually without chains. Mervyn ps. We haven't mentioned the two Lion's Head clasps. You will have recognised these as early Cape clasps - and very sought after by collectors. However, these would have come into use during Victorian post 1837 period. I think they have just been added to the box as the later owner probably didn't know the date of his pieces.
    9. That is the registration for his mark. The dates could be later - we will have to wait and see. Looks a nice old piece. Mervyn
    10. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_06_2014/post-6209-0-91728800-1403365514.jpgclick He died 73 years ago. Even if she is a younger sister, she is probably in her 80's. It is quite possible that her Remeberance has been printed every year for the past 62 (since war restrictions on paper were eased) years. Please convince me that Wars don't cause untold grief and mourning ?
    11. Kev - there are silver hallmarks on the silver belt tightener , in the centre of the Prickers holder - and I think on the base area of the buckle. Please try to photograph these and we will know the age exactly. Mervyn
    12. A splendid collection in their own right. The pre-1904 must be rare. Is the Officer's Helmet Plate of silver - they usually were. Congratulations - these are items desperately in need of being collected - I expect they had been stuck in a drawer ? Mervyn
    13. A very nice find. They are all in the Baluster form - which is fairly typical for that area. The Crown is very much a Ceremonial one. What period did the Supt. live-in ? The right hand one has the Cypher for G1VR - George 4th. - and now that I look at the other one it is also George 4th. That leaves the crowned tipstaff - almost certainly Georgian period - had it been William 4th , the sides would have been more angular. The small waistcoat pocket tipstaff - in brass - is by far the nicest of the group. I would say that it was made to match the large Georgian one and they would have been presented - together - in the wooden box. There was probably a scroll . Georgian Tipstaffs were often given on Appointment - usually by the Mayor or, someone who had made the Promotion. An unusual find - and quite valuable. The two smaller tipstaffs may well have been carried on an everyday basis - and are therefore, part of the overall set. I suspect that the Supt. you mentioned either bought or, inherited the collection. Too early for him to have used them. Mervyn
    14. Dave - should you have the time , an article on his findings - with a few numbers - would make very interesting reading. Such a pity that much of their research is being forgotten. Mervyn
    15. Similar Ribbon though. Gavin , I seem to remember he came to London for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee or, it might have been for Her Golden one. He rode in an open car and received a wonderful reception from the crowd. How could anyone not admire such a record - and such Gallantry. Mervyn
    16. Thankyou for that information Dave. Were they a big Division ? Thankyou for reminding me of Reg's name - I used to correspond and chat with him on the phone. He was a mine of info. - do you know if he ever published his listing of Forces before 1829 ? Best wishes Mervyn
    17. Dan - welcome to GMIC. Go to the top of the pages and you will find a Members Help area. The Chairman has given advice on sending photos etc.. We look forward to seeing your photos - are you in the Police ? Please feel free to ask me any further questions. Mervyn
    18. Thanks Craig. I've deleted the other post - it was only to prevent an 'o' at the top of the page. The numbers are very impressive. Mervyn
    19. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_06_2014/post-6209-0-71439700-1403191536.jpgclick
    20. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_06_2014/post-6209-0-04169200-1403191367.jpgclick
    21. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_06_2014/post-6209-0-93198400-1403190609.jpgclick Over the years I have seen many beautiful and ornate Masonic Badges and Jewels. However, for simplicity in design, quality of work and sheer dignity - I think this example will take a lot of beating. Made in 1933 of heavy silver and then gilded , I suspect it must have been for a past Worshipful Master. The Lodge was in Johannesburg and was of the Scottish Order. I think one of the most attractive parts of the ornamentation are the Coat-of-Arms for South Africa. I have just had a thought from mentioning the location - the weight of the Jewel could well be solid gold - and not silver gilt. I will have to check. The name of the person it was given to, is shown on the reverse. Should anyone be able to look him up it would be interesting to know what he did - and his final Rank. Mervyn
    22. Get some good photos - one of the categories in the 2014 Photo Comp. will be Police. Mervyn
    23. What an incredible group - 24 with the VC. I think I can see the ribbon for the MM - but, it may be for another award. Australia has very strict laws on it's VC's - I am sorry to see that they have managed to get their hands on a large majority of those awarded and to have them in an out of the way Museum. Canberra is the Capital - but other Cities are much larger in numbers. They say he is 2nd or 3rd in Award numbers in the Commonwealth. I presume they are including Britain - we are also in the Commonwealth. Who then are 1st and 2nd in Awards ? Interesting link Chris. Mervyn
    24. Hi - Ross. My apologies that no-one has answered this interesting post. I have never heard of this unit - although it stands to reason that Liverpool would have a Harbour Unit. I can't think of his name off hand - used to live in Chelmsford. He and a colleague worked out just how many small police forces , harbour police and canal police had existed before 1829. Ran into the hundreds. With the two holes for stitching, I am assuming that this was a collar badge ? Ross - seeing this has reminded me of the Vic. helmet. I'll get someone to look it out so that it can be sent. Best wishes Mervyn. ps. Let us know about other pieces that have come-in to your collection.
    25. You are looking at a war time view of Trafalgar Square. Welcome to GMIC - I see that you have been busy at an Antiques Fair ? Mervyn
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