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    Everything posted by hagahr

    1. thanks PKeeting fore the lay out off the situation at the moment .. it helps to understand the general situation ?,,, a bit ? ....or not ? the odd question about the Schriftzeichen off the firm WA Keune & co remains intriguing . coincidence ? a mistake ? ,,,or maybe a link between the two ?,,,,, I am looking fore original reference ( official documents ) to the Otto Klein marking ,,,,that is fore sure . lets see from there regards kay
    2. maybe I am mistaken but I see two different circle K markings .
    3. Stephan Previtera allowed me to use pictures from his EK Book ...........IRON TIME ..... fore comparing ,,,a clear circle around the K
    4. thanks Robin,,,,,,,, hmmm the reason WY I ask I was looking at Stephan Previtera's book at page 445 the Erik Hartman dublo oak;s and noticed that he had a mark with a clear full circle around the K ,,, also ,,,,,that particular mark looks a bit smaller as these one shown here ,,,,,(who are also in S,PR book present by the way) . don't know I am allowed to show the pictures off it here ? (its Stephan 's book ) regards kay
    5. hmm wean I see a 1914 cross with some unknown and unusual constructions on the back , I first look fore the paint ,,,as afterwards altered and soldered parts usually heating the iron core so much it will damage the paint . ( resulting in blistering and eventual in paint or blackening ' loss ) second,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the soldering around the frame must be inspected carefully . the other thing is the quality off the unknown construction ... in this case its slanting a bit , hmmm ,,so by these pictures I can not be certain what the actual story off this cross is . period altering ,,, period production prototype ,,or even a home experiment off some sort ... sadly ,,,its hard to say .
    6. can you give us some close-ups ? regards
    7. can anyone post a picture off the stamp otto klein and the oak leaves ?
    8. these are Germany, Poland ,Bömen und Mären but they are still under investigation about how to place them and most importantly on to what to place them
    9. and fore the stamp the 800/1000 silver marks are not the only ones used in the old day's ... that is wy asking fore better pictures ,,,just out off curiosity ..you never know .
    10. you seen them before ? ( just fore the record ,,I do not think in any way that these crosses shown here are original ) just reacting on the questions about who wood want ( and made) copy's in the 1920 /30 /40;s sorry if I put anyone on the wrong foot
    11. fact is ,,1933 , 25000 veteran off the 1866 /64 1870/71 war where alive and well also fact,,,, auctions with 1813 /1870 ,and 1870 grand crosses where going on 1929 fact 3 ,,film and theatre had obviously a need fore medals ,,as Maybauer advertised 1941 . I all published that on my site but somehow its still not commonly known ....( maybe it needs more time ) Iron cross - Home
    12. to bad ,,,cant do nothing with that ... regards kay
    13. can I have a good close up off that stamp please ....? I have some old jeweller books where a lot off marks are shown ... wood like to have a chance to compare
    14. I wood like to have a peep as well ,,,,,,,buying hmmmmm ? I fear , fore the experienced collectors,buying this book wood not make all to much new info available . hopefully I am wrong ,,,,
    15. being careful is meaning ,,keep in mind they used cadmium on a regular basis I cant be certain its used in the ek production but ,,,, using gloves is not a bad advice fore the future . just in case they used the wrong materials that can be harmful fore your health . and sure ,,don't used ek's as a lolly regards kay
    16. by the way ,,be careful I strongly advising all collectors to be careful with these crosses the more info I gain and analyse,,,,,, about production method's jewellers seem to have . the more I get concerned about the common poison materials they seem to have used . there is no telling what was used in the frame and soldering off these crosses . and what is still in there regards kay
    17. hy Marrauder .. I have publisched some info about silver on my site also defining the difference between casted and pressed iron cores http://ironcross.vpweb.nl/default.html http://ironcross.vpw...lver-facts.html about the collor off your ek frame I can say there are lists fore the silveralloi solder and the silveralloi used fore the products . there you wil find also a colloring note fore the different alloi's used (.also the poisones ones ) regards kay
    18. tja,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,tja tja ,,tja tja Nina Hagen - Naturträne "Live" 1978 - YouTube
    19. well Chris and all others. I found out about these threads very late and didn't understand it as I am not in to 1939 items at all . and I was surprised about the conclusions in the beginning as well as the outcome want to say ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its not bad at all ,,,,just a learning experience that should tell us that a firm logo presented not automatically means it was used as stamp . al do in the list ,,,,,,,obvious silver stamps are pictured ,,, ( that is the confusion part off these lists ) and the details off these logo's indeed matter,,,,,,,,,,,, and can be Moore then just one story . its to sad do that some colleges using the opportunity to use strong blaming and degrading words in a case that is just an misjudgement off data what is a perfectly human and logical thing as this kind off data is not present on the internet anywhere so ... it is logic we all have to learn how careful we have to analyse these things to be sure . and not getting carry'' d away by enthusiasm to much , a valuable lesson fore future presentations as there is more in the barrel ..and we are all equals in the same boat . regards kay ,,,( and thanks )
    20. I am glad to see in this thread , issue's and info is handled with care ,,,and a mature open minded view . it makes me happy to see and confidant to keep up my site . regards kay Iron cross - Home
    21. as far as I know there where enough Crosses in 1870 1813 crosses had trouble to be produced .
    22. well that is a wonderful peace ,rely jealous about that ribbon . nice, nice ,, very nice catch
    23. no I am not kidding ,,,I am a long time E bayer so,
    24. who knows fore sure that the e bay record was achieved honestly ? I don't believe in it ,,,at all . .
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