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    Josef Rietveld

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    Everything posted by Josef Rietveld

    1. as far as i know miniatures were worn on tailcoats and frocks. Miniatures of MVK's without KD (wardecoration) are rare. Normally the officers who were awarded peacetime-crosses and quit service went into the reserve and were allowed to continue wearing uniform at official events. josef
    2. Greetings to Arkansas. I can only add this picture of Offiziersstellvertreter Josef H?llriegel, Golden Bravery Medal 1915 (Feldj?gerbatallion 10). He wears an very very rare (i have never seen one) variant called dicke krone thick crown a crown with no pendules like for s signum laudis but made of iron josef
    3. Very interesting. Never seen this type before. Can we have close-ups of the cross and the miniature? the box is IMHO an very early rothe one dating arround 1870 are there any hallmarks on the loop? have a look at the wardecoration is it one gilded piece or ist it made of silver with an visible gold-overlay when you look at the sideface. i hope this is the correct term. regards josef
    4. or Feldwebel Josef Beranek (Golden Bravery Medal 1918) from IR 21 or an unknown Zugsf?hrer. all pics taken from J?rg C. Steiner Das Eiserne Verdienstkreuz
    5. Then you should have a look at the following Pictures. For example Offiziersstellvertreter Lorenz Brandl Golden Bravery Medal 1918, Feldhaubitzenregiment No 43 or an unknown Kadett. Although awards to kadetts were prohibited in happend.
    6. A generalmajor wearing a leopold knightscross and an Iron Crown Order 3rd Class. It seems that kleindekorationen, which indicate higher classes of this orders, are fixed on the trifold ribbons. The picture dates from 1917/18 regards josef
    7. the copy was sold fpr 400 Euro in the dorotheum on 1st December 2004. I can send you a Black&White picture of this piece if necessary. josef
    8. Hi Jeff, the shown cross is a Halskreuz des Hoch- und Deutschmeisters, a neckcross for the grand (high)master of the teutonic order. You can find it in the marko-catalogue at Number 170. It is very rare RRR and should be made of gold. i remember that such a cross was sold at the dorotheum in vienna some years ago but unfortunately i'am not able to find it. i also know that there exist welldone copys of this award. regards josef
    9. Dear Mahoni i just looked it up in my exemplar of Pride and Privilege and you are right. the thugra is described as gold assay mark but - i'am not sure if i should trust him as i already found some mistakes in this book before. josef
    10. @Mahoni, of course your comment is appreciated. But if this thugra-stamp would indicate gold, why are such marks not on the reverse of the 1st class sash-badge with swords i bought together with the star? see pic, the badge in the middle is the one with swords regards josef
    11. Generalmajor = Major General Feldmarschall-Leutnant = Lieutenant General Feldzeugmeister = General (all Generals after 1908 that didn't belong to Infantery and Cavallry) Brigadier was only a function-title for an officer commanding a brigade. There were NO rank-badges for the brigadier. haynau
    12. sorry for the pic, but my old cam reached its limit
    13. Dear Avsar Ibar, thanks for your comment. I have one question maybe you know the answer. On the stars backside is the royal mint medaillon (hallmark) and above a small oval second hallmark depicting the thugra (reschad V). only on the medjidie-star with swords i can find this special hallmark. have you any idea what is the meaning of this hallmark? thanks in advance josef
    14. i show mine (diameter 100 mm) as addition, cause i love it so much haynau
    15. I had it bookmarked aswell. It is definitely an austrian case. DKVM stand for Deutsche Krieger Verdienst Medaille, a bit funny, because as you all know the medal is prussian. So the abbreviation would be correct PKVM. josef
    16. You want an insane price? here it is AWS on Ebay josef
    17. That is the point. I once started a thread in the sammlergemeinschaft deutscher auszeichnungen abbout the inflationary mass of german-turkish documents (besitzzeugnisse) dated 30.10.1918. The are never accompanied by a corresponding turkish document. The date itself is no coincidence. On the same day the Ottoman Empire signed the ceasefire of Mudros with the Allied Forces. It seems that because of the ottoman collapse a cornucopia of ottoman awards was gushed on the german troops even very unlikely combinations like the iftihar-medal (arts/science) with sabers. haynau
    18. Lapa and Bison, thanks for your comments. So i have a severe damaged 5th Class Legion d'Honneur from the 1816-1830 Period. josef
    19. For some months i use the wreck of a unknown order as keyring pendant. I always thought it was of belgian origin. Yesterday i examined the piece and came to the conclusion it must be a legion d' honneur. I guess it is the Restauration Typ from 1815 to 1830 because it shows the bourbons lily in the crown and on top of the crown. The thing that confuses me: I always thought that all grades appear in Gold or at least in silver gilt. My keyring pendant shows abolutely no remains of a possible gilding. i would be thankfull for your comments josef
    20. as addition, the A stands for any edelmetall (noble metall, silver gold). but it was punched at the hauptm?nzamt which was located in vienna. so vienna seems to be ok aswell haynau
    21. Sometimes i use wikipedia, but this archiduke was investigated purely by using the 1904 Milit?rschematismus haynau
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