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Spitfire crash in Kent
The Prussian replied to 74Squadrongirl's topic in Armour, Vehicles, Ships & Aircraft
So, probably it is the 2nd or 3rd regiment. Unfortunately I don´t know much about the medals. Here is a nice website for austrian units http://www.mlorenz.at/ look for "Landwehr-Gebirgstruppen" Here is a link to a k.u.k. Landwehr ranklist from 1916!!!!! But it´s not online, maybe you have to order it http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000678645 Here is a ranklist from 1906 http://www.archive.org/stream/schematismusder05landgoog#page/n4/mode/2up The 1916 seems to be here, but I have problems to open it http://kramerius.nkp.cz/kramerius/PShowVolume.do;jsessionid=42B65FC42D63B131C0C87851C004812F?it=&id=15621 Another interesting link: http://www.familia-austria.at/index.php/forschung-und-service/netzrecherche/132-beitraege/565-militaer About the troops in Tyrol: http://www.landesmuseum.at/pdf_frei_remote/VeroeffFerd_40_0059-0209.pdf
It´s quite easy and complicated, Ian... There were two different kinds of Edelweiß. 1) with a stalk 2) without a stalk The one with the stalk was worn at the collar from the following units: Those three Landesschützen from Tyrol AND Landwehr-Inf.Rgt. Klagenfurt N°4 and since 1911 the Landwehr-Inf.Rgt. Laibach N°27. In august 1914 the stalkless Edelweiß was intruduced. This one was worn at the Kappe from all troops of the XIV.Korps in Innsbruck. Summary (since 1914): Only a single Stalkless Edelweiß at the Kappe: XIV.Korps Innsbruck Only a single Stalked Edelweiß at the collar: Landwehr-Inf.Rgt. 4 and 27 (since 1917 they were called Gebirgsschützen-Regimenter 1 and 2) of the III.Korps Graz Both Edelweiß: Tiroler Landesschützen (since 1917 named: Kaiserschützen) Note: The second photo shows a stalked Edelweiß at the Kappe. That was initially wroing, but it has been tolerated durng the war. I added a few stalked Edelweiß (metal left and metal right and cloth)
Hello Ian! Unfortunately I can´t read the name, but I can help with the unit. Because he wears two Edelweiß (one at the Kappe and one at the collar), it is one of the three Tiroler Landesschützen-Regiments of the XIV.AK. 1.Regiment Trient 2.Regiment Bozen 3.Regiment Innichen
Hello Dante! Geb.MG-Abt.221 set-up 21.8.1915 by MG-Lehrkursus Döberitz, mobile since 1.9.1915 Ersatz came from : Ers.Geb.MG-Abt.3 Under command of: 30.9.15-29.12.17: 11th army 8.1.18: Trier (Germany) 15.3.18: 17th army 16.3.18: Heeresgruppe Kronprinz Rupprecht 3.4.18-9.5.18: 6th army 9.5.18: Heeresgruppe Dt. Kronprinz 13.7.18: 7th army 31.7.18: 1st army 10.8.18: 7th army 29.8.18-9.19.18: Armee-Abteilung B 16.10.18-30.10.18: 19th army Temporary under command of: 24.9.15-17.4.16: 103rd Inf.Div. 29.4.16-22.6.16.: 9th bulgarian Division 29.7.16: 2nd bulgarian Division 26.10.16-2.11.16: Detachement Halkett 3.11.16-15.4.17: Detachement Thierry 16.4.17-13.12.17: Seeabschnitt 24.7.18-27.7.18: 8th bavarian Res.Div. 14.10.18-November 18: 1st bavarian Landwehr-Division Since November 1918 changed into 2.comp./Geb.MG-Abteilung 261 Personal strength: 1 captain; 3 First lieutenants or lieutenants,; 1 Colour-Sergeantl; 1 Sergeant; 1 medic corporal; 1 weapon-corporal; 1 smith; 10 corporals; 16 Lance-corporals; 130 soldiers, 14 Train-soldiers Transport strength: 2 ammo-vehicle (4 horses), 1 supply-vehicle (4 horses); 2 vehicles for personal equopment (4 horses), 1 food- and animalfood vehicle (4 horses); 1 kitchen (4 horses); 7 trailers; Total: 7 vehicles and 7 trailers Weapon strength: 6 MG Source: Jürgen Kraus: Handbuch der Verbände und Trupen des deutschen Heeres 1914-1918 )Maschinengewehrtruppen, Band 1) http://www.militaria.at/Book.aspx?book=17888640&Language=de
I´ve found another Hartong, but I don´t know, if he is it... Rangliste 1899: Reserveoffizier Leutnant Hartong from Schleswig in Inf.Rgt.84 Rangliste 1900: Reserveoffizier Leutnant Hartong fro m Schleswig in Tel.Btl.2 Rangliste 1904: Reserveoffizier Leutnant Hartong from Aachen in Inf.Rgt.29 Reserveoffizier Leutnant Hartong from Oppeln in Tel.Btl.2
Hello Andreas! Why must he has been mentioned in the Ehrenrangliste? There were only those soldiers, who served in an active unit in 1914. I´ven found a "Telegraphen-Hartong" in the following Ranglisten: 1909: Reserve-Ofizier, Leutnant im Telegraphen-Btl.2 (Soest), LD2 1911: Reserve-Offizier, Oberleutnant im Telegraphen-Btl.2 (Soest), LD2 1913: Reserve-Offizier, Oberleutnant der Telegraphentruppen, 1.Aufgebot (Soest), LD2 1914: Reserve-Offizier, Hauptmann der Telegraphentruppe, 1.Aufgebot (Soest), LD1
That´s right, Jens! I forgot that fact.... Pionier-Offiziere didn´t wear Litzen at the 07/10 (only Garde-Pioniere did). The Bluse 15 had Litzen for all engeneer-officers. A lot of photos exist, where Litzen were sewn-up upon the 07/10. Those Litzen were grey. So, a Pionier could fit in this case too! Here I have a photo of Pi.Btl.7. The officer behind the "Havanna" wears those Litzen too