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    Everything posted by arb

    1. I'll take my second stab at this one (first one on this forum) How about Friedrich (Fritz) Heydenreich??? 1914 FAR 12, b. St. Major 01-10-13 peace time decorations AR1 War time awards swords to AR 1 22.12.1914 SH3 16.05.1915 VR1mSchw 03.09.1916 PHOvH3mSchw 31.10.1918 Date of rank as LT 24.08.1891- so eligible for DAK roughly 1915. I've gone through my 1914 Saxon database, added Roth's wartime saxon awards and his PHOvH3mSchw and this is the only guy who comes up. So, let's dissect this one and see if it fits. Andy
    2. Bob, Always glad to help. Bradley is the author (one of many, but listed first) of Biblio Verlags multi-volume (never to be completed???) set detailing the careers of German Generals 1921-1945. That set is part of a broader effort "Deutschlands Generale und Admirale." Andy
    3. Bob, I think it's a safe assumption that the Hildemanns were father and son. Bradley (Volume 5, p. 430) gives Fritz's date and place of birth as 18.05.1889 in Friedrichsort b. Kiel. My reseach on Julius' career has him in Friedrichsort from 15.07.87-22.10.89 "zur Fortifikation Dienst i. Friedrichsort v. 1. Ing. Insp." That they were both pionier officers further supports that assumptiion. Also, Roth's "Verdienstorden and Albrechtsorden 1914-1918 (p. 202) (Band XI Statistische Ausarbeitungen zur Phaleristik Deutschlands) gives Eugen as Zipper's first name. Andy
    4. Here's one: Gerhard Tappen (1866-1953) 15.09.17-12.01.19 Kom. d. 15. Div. 08.12.16-15.09.17 Kom. d. 5. Ersatz Div. 04.09.16-07.12.16 Chef d. Gen. St. d. Besatz. i. Rum?nien 11.03.15-28.03.15 Chef d. Gen. St. d. 7. Armee(in Vertret.) 02.08.14-11.03.15 ????? 01.10.12-02.08.14 Chef d. 2. Abt. i. gr. Gen. St. Gen.Maj. 26-06-15 A Oberst ??-??-?? Oberstlt. 01-10-12 Z2z Major 27-01-06 V3v Hptm. 25-03-99 O Oblt. 14-09-93 Leutn. 18-09-86 Andy
    5. Curd von Plato's career details: 21.06.92-25.06.93 Commander 48. Inf. Brig. 01.02.89-21.06.92 Commander Inf. R. 139 18.08.85-01.02.89 LTC on staff of Inf. R. 134 1881-18.08.85 Commander II. Batl./Inf. R. 105 20.04.78-1880 Major attached to staff of Inf. R. 104 14.07.68-20.04.78 Company commander 9./Gren. R. 101 1867-14.07.68 in 9./Gren. R. 101 1866 in hanovarian Guard (infantry) Regiment 1858-1865 ?? Gen.Maj. 17-11-91 (must have been back dated, as he was not a GM while commanding IR 139 in 1892 as shown in that year's Army List) Oberst 01-02-89 Oberstlt. 18-08-85 Major 20-04-78 Hptm 14-07-68 Prem.Lt. 08-06-65 Sek.Lt. 00-00-58 In Nov 1866 he married Carlotta Sthamer (not a typing/spelling error, as given in the 1913 Gotha Uradel. Handbuch, p. 504), born 1846 in Havana. They had three children, two girls and a boy. Interestingly, the two daughters were raised Catholic like their mother but not Fritz, their son. Both girls married, the eldest did not have children but the younger did, and her daughter was raised Catholic, but not her son. Not being Catholic myelf, it strikes me that just the girls were raised in the church, not the sons. Andy
    6. Jens, Heinemann's career. I hace nothing that shows he was Kom. d. XVI. AK or any other AK. Where did you find informaiton that he was a corps commander? Andy Walter von Heinemann (1856-1928) 06.01.14-25.04.16 Kom. d. 34. Div. (Metz) 21.04.11-06.01.14 Kom. d. 76. Inf. Brig. (Erfurt) 22.03.10-21.04.11 Kom. d. Inf. R. 96 (Gera) 10.04.06-22.03.10 Gen. St. d. Gouv. v. Thorn 22.04.05-10.04.06 Chef d. 7. Abtl. i. gr. Gen. St. 22.03.02-22.04.05 III./Inf. R. 59 (Deutsch-Eylau) 18.10.00-22.03.02 Gen. St. d. 37. Div. (Allenstein) 17.04.97-18.10.00 i. Gen. St. d. Kmdtr. v. Posen 14.02.95-17.04.97 Chef 2./F?s. R. 38 (Glatz) 17.10.93-14.02.95 ? l.s. d. Gen. St. i. Neb. Et. 26.11.92-17.10.93 i. gr. Gen. St., b. Trigon. Abt. 29.03.92-26.11.92 aggr. d. gr. Gen. St., i. Trigon. Abt. 20.11.90-29.03.92 k.b. gr. Gen. St., i. Landesvermess. Abt. v. Inf. R. 85 (bis 18.10.91 v. Inf. R. 74) 18.10.91 in Inf. R. 85 versetzt 01.10.87-19.07.90 k.z. Kr. Akad. v. Inf. R. 74 1884-01.10.87 in 3./Inf. R. 74 (Hannover) 1882-1883 in 2./Inf. R. 74 (Hannover) 1879-1881 in 7./Inf. R. 74 (Hannover) 14.02.78 Sek.Lt. 15.05.77 Port. F?hnr. i. Inf. R. 74 01.10.76 als Offiz. Asp. i. Inf. R. 74 eingetr. PRAO2mE PKrO2mSt PDK BrH2b REKj1 HSH2a SEK1 Gen.Lt. 27-01-14 D Gen.Maj. 21-04-11 - Oberst 14-04-07 B2b Oberstlt. 27-01-05 - Major 01-04-98 U Hptm. 29-03-92 Oblt. 15-11-87 Leutn. 14-02-78
    7. Komtur, Here is Dr. Plagge's pre-war career. I am not able to find anything about his war time Service. Dr. Karl Plagge 1914/1918 nicht in der Ehrenrangliste zu finden! (Der Dr. Plagge auf Seite 1041 war Dr. Wenzeslaus Plagge, nicht Karl) perhaps related?? 19.11.12 unter Verleihung des Charakters als Generaloberarzt und mit der Erlaubnis zum Tragen der Uniform der Sanit?tsoffiziere der Schutztruppen der Abschied mit der gesetzlichen Pension bewilligt. 1908-19.11.12 Regiments Arzt d. Inf. R. 116 (Gie?en) 1905-1907 Chefarzt d. Etappenkommandos d. Schutztr. f. SWA 18.04.03-1904 Regiments Arzt d. Feldart. R. 57 (Neustadt i. Ob. Schles.) 1902-18.04.03 zuerst ? la suite d. Sanit?tskorps, dann Batl. Arzt b. II./Inf. R. 79 (Hildesheim) 00.07.1900-1901 Batl. Arzt b. II./4. Ostas. Inf. R. 1894-00.07.1900 Batl. Arzt b. III./Inf. R. 82 (Einbeck) 22.03.89-1893 Arzt. b. I./Feldart. R. 25 (Darmstadt) Char. als Generaloberarzt: 19.11.12 Oberstabsarzt: 18.04.03 A Stabsarzt: 21.09.93 M2m Assistenz-Arzt 1. Kl.: 29.06.91 Assistenz-Arzt 2. Kl.: 22.03.89 Dates of promotion courtesy of Glenn J., as well as date of retirement. All other information from the various Ranglisten. Andy
    8. Heinrich Ritter und Edler von Kienle, born 19.08.1875, was commissioned a Sek.Lt. with a date of rank (DOR) of 27.02.1896 in the 9. IR (found in the 1897 Dienstaltersliste). That?s the same DOR as Richard Henn. I know from my records that Richard Henn was a Kriegsschule graduate, so, it?s a safe assumption that Heinrich graduated at the same time Richard did, as you point out. Heinrich can still be found in the 1898 Dienstaltersliste, but by 1900 has disappeared and is only mentioned as Leutn. a.D. Why did he not transfer to the reserves or Landwehr? He still would have had a military commitment. Perhaps he ran afoul of the Ehrengericht???? Was he injured and mustered out as an ?Invalid?? Without consecutive Ranglisten or other sources, it?s impossible to tell. At least now that date can be narrowed to sometime between May 1898 and May 1900. Now for Richard Henn. He was born on 07.02.1875. Upon commissioning, he joined the 5. FAR in Landau and remained with that regiment until 01.10.1901 when a new FAR, the 12th, was formed at Landau. From 1901-01.10.03 he was an Abteilung adjutant. On 01.10.1903 he entered the War Academy in Munich. Sadly, Richard died on 06.02.1906, explaining his disappearance. So, for me the only remaining question is what happened to Heinrich to cause him to leave the army under conditions that prevented further service in either the reserves or Landwehr. Andy
    9. Paul is correct. There were two active duty officers in 1914 named Kurt Frhr, von Wangenheim. The gentleman descirbed in the Kube auction entry was born 27.11.1872, ten years after "Paul's" Kurt. In 1914 he was in the 3. Garde R.z.F. and like his eponimous fellow officer, had served in the colonial wars. His 1914 awards included (as found in the 1914 Rangliste) PRAO4 PKrO4mSchw PDK BrH3bmSchw MMV2. Andy
    10. Georg Erdmann Karl Friedrich Graf von Haugwitz, *22.06.1848 +12.09.1897 was the father of Curt *28.09.1895 (Gotha Gr?fl. Taschenbuch 1915-394). Georg entered K?r. R 1 in 1865 and served with that regiment until 1877 when he transferred to KR 6. In 1885 he went to KR 5 and then KR 7 in 1891. Major 22.03.1889 His last assignment was as the commander of Ulan. R. 2 from 1894-1895. The pictures above are of a company grade officer and most likely show him in the uniform of either KR 1 or 6. I won't hazard a guess given my inability to distuinguish facing colors in a black and white photo. Still, the family connection is clear, though not the regimental (GKR) affiliation, at least not based on what I have found in the Stammlisten entries for Georg. (KR 1 Stammliste entry #100) Andy
    11. Jens, A bit more information on his career: Ludwig von Estorff (1859-1943) 01.10.19-08.04.20 mit d. F?hr. d. Reichswehr Gruppen Kdo 3 beauftr., zugl. mit d. F?hr. d. Wehrkreis Kdo I beauftr. 25.02.19-01.10.19 mit d. F?hr. d. I. AK beauftr. 05.02.19-25.02.19 Gouv. v. K?nigsberg 20.01.19-05.02.19 Offizier v.d. Armee 17.12.18-20.01.19 stellv. Oberbefehlshaber d. 8. Armee 16.03.18-17.12.18 F?hr. d. Gen. Kdo z.b.V. 60 07.11.16-16.03.18 Kom. d. 42. Div. 11.09.16-07.11.16 Offizier v.d. Armee 11.05.15-11.09.16 Kom. d. 103. Inf. Div. 11.09.14-11.05.15 Offizier v.d. Armee 01.09.14 schwer verwundet- Lazarett 01.10.12-01.09.14 Kom. d. 68. Inf. Brig. (Metz) 20.03.11-01.10.12 Kom. d. Inf. R. 92 (Braunschweig) 22.03.07-20.03.11 Kom. d. Schutztr. f. SWA (Windhut) 04.01.06-22.03.07 Kom. d. 2. Feldregt. d. Schutztr. f. SWA 25.06.04-04.01.06 Batl. Kom. i. 1. Feldregt. d. Schutztr. f. SWA (z. Verf?g. d. Kom. d. Schutztr.) 19.02.04-25.06.04 i. Schutztr. f. SWA 18.07.03-19.02.04 I./F?s. R. 35 06.02.02-18.07.03 b.m.d. Stellvert. d. Kom. d. Schutztr. f. SWA 12.03.01-06.02.02 Major i. Schutztr. f. SWA 09.06.00-12.03.01 Major i. Schutztr. f. DOA 18.04.00-09.06.00 k.z. Oberkomdo d. Schutztr., ? l.s. Gen. St. 13.09.99-18.04.00 i. gr. Gen. St. 04.06.94-09.07.99 Komp. Chef i. Schutztr. f. SWA 11.06.94-04.06.94 i. Schutztr. f. SWA 14.09.93-11.06.94 Chef 9./Inf. R. 31 (Altona) 29.03.92-14.09.93 k.z. Gen. St. v. Inf. R. 31 01.10.88-20.07.91 k.z. Kr. Akad. v. Inf. R. 31 1888-01.10.88 in 9./Inf. R. 31 (Altona) 1887 in 7./Inf. R. 31 (Altona) 01.10.83-30.09.86 in 2./Unteroff. Sch. i. Marienwerder v. Inf. R. 31 1879-1882 in 8./Inf. R. 31 (Altona) 15.04.78 Sek.Lt. i. Inf. R. 31 (Altona) Gen.Maj. 01-10-12 U Oberst 20-04-09 V Oberstlt. 10-04-06 F3f Major 27-01-00 L2l Hptm. 14-09-93 Oblt. 13-12-87 Leutn. 15-04-78 Andy
    12. Jens, geb. am 17. April 1871 zu Schlo? Hammerstein im Kreise Schlochau, Reg.-Bez. Marienwerder, evangelisch. Vater: Wihelm, General Leutnant z.D., zuletzt Kommandant von Posen, gest. am zu Berlin. Mutter: Clara geb.von Livonius. Verheiratet: 1. am 25.03.1899 zu Berlin mit Eleonor geb. Clau?en, gest. am 21.02.1905 zu Kassel. 2. am 09.04.1906 zu Berlin mit Auguste geb. Schmidt-B?rkly. Erziehug im elterlichen Hause, auf der h?heren Knabenschule des Dr. D?bbelin zu Berlin, den Kadettenanstalten zu Potsdam und Gro?-Lichterfelde; Abiturient 08.02.1890 dem Garde F?s. R. als Port. F?hn. ?berw.- 25.12.1890 durch A.C.O. v. 25.12.1890 f?r vorz?gl. bestandenes Off.-Examen belobt.- 18.01.1891 Sek.Lt. m. Patent v. 08.02.1890 (A). 01.10.1896 zur Kr. Akad. .- 01.04.1898 Prem.Lt. (A) .- 01.10.1900 bis 22.03.1902 z. Dienstl. b. gr. Gen. St. kommdt.- 22.03.1902 unter Belassung beim gr. Gen. St. u. unter Bef?rderung zum ?berz?hligen Hptm. (A3a) als aggr. zu, Gen. St. d. Armee versetzt.- 17.02.1903 unter Belassung b. gr. Gen. St. in eine Hptm.-Stelle d. Gen. St. d. Armee eingereiht.- 14.11.1903 mit dem 20.11.1903 in den Gen. St. d. XI. AK versetzt 15.09.1905 als Komp.-Chef in das Inf. R. 71 versetzt 11.09.1907 als aggr. zum Gen. St. d. Armee versetzt.- 18.10.1907 als Milit?r Attach? zur Botschaft in Washington und zur Gesandschaft in Mexiko kommdt.- 01.04.1908 in den Gen. St. d. Armee eingereiht 10.09.1908 Major (Y3Y) Stammliste der akitven Offiziere des Inf. R> 71 1860-1910, Voigt, Erfurt, F. Frohberger Nachfolger 1910 27.07.1910-01.10.1912 i. gr. Gen. St. 01.10.1910-22.04.1912 Gen. St. d. 14. Div. 22.04.1912-1914 Kommandeur d. II./KIR 145 26.12.1914-04.08.1915 Kom. d. Inf. R. 26 28.03.1916-20.02.1917 Kom. d. Inf. R. 159 18.04.1917 (T) Oberst 00.00.1919-29.03.1920 Kom. d. KIR 145 Andy
    13. Rick, I've sent you a PM with the birth dates of all those mssing year of birth except Alexander- he is no where to be found in my records. Andy
    14. A very nice document indeed. You might be interested to know that the Major who signed the document was Rudolf von Reinicke. He commanded J?g. B. 7 from 30.10.1866 until Aug 1870, then F?s. R. 40 until 1875 and then 25. Inf. Brig. until 1876. So, an added bit of history to go along with your document. Andy
    15. Glenn, As always, many thanks for your assistance and I look forward to seeing that PDF during your visit. Andy
    16. That's the funny thing about officers like this. Someone thinks they have enough information on his date of promotion to GM to list him in Biblio's series, but without providing it, no way to verify. That he is not in Keilig is not too surprising, but not shown as such in the Seniority list is a greater mystery. At least Alex now has his date and place of birth and death! I just wish authors were more willing/able to provide their sources. Books on these subjects need to be chock full of footnotes (as the SS and Polizei General series is!) Andy
    17. If I am not mistaken, Werner Kirsten was promoted to Generalmajor on 01-09-1943. He is listed in Volume 6 of the Biblio Generals series. All that is given is his date, place of birht and death (28.08.1892 Premessen, 10.10.1951 Perwo-Uralsk/UdSSR), date of entry on active duty(26.08.1911), retirement (30.11.1932) and reactivation (01.06.1934). The only assignment listed is as commander of Inf. R. 7, but he is not listed among the pre-war commanders in Volume 2 of Wegner's Stellenbesetzung (also by Biblio). No photo either. A rather obsure individual to say the least. Andy
    18. Glenn, Reading your post on v. Lowtzow makes it crystal clear that your work with the MWB has enabled you to pull together careers and the like in ways absolutely impossible previously. Such resources simple do not exist without the dedication of individuals like you. My hat's off to you for the countless hours at the copier, keyboard and the years of work and study which allow you to understand the nuances of this arcane hobby and solve many of its mysteries. Great job! Andy
    19. Wilhelm von Oertzen, geb. 22.06.1861 Rittm. d. Res., seit Sep 1914 F?hr. d. III./Landst. Inf. R. 17. Adolf von Oerzten, geb. 11.07.1889 Oberlt. im IR 24 Carl von Oerzten, geb. 05.11.1889, Landwirt, Lt. d. Res. d. FAR 53.
    20. I look forwward to seeing the list with its many "von Oerztens", as I have worked especially hard on id'ing all 30 of the active duty officers listed in the 1914 Rangliste. I was gratified to know I was correct in all 30 first names when a few years back I exchanged letters with a member of that family seeking info on several members of his extended branch of the family tree. He even shared some particularly interesting and informative family documents which confirmed my previous work. We'll just have to wait and see if this might assist with id'ing the recipients on your roll.
    21. The von Levetzow mentioned on page 740 of the Ehrenrangliste, who was reactived during the War and served with Armierungs-Batl. 9 , had last served with Hus. R. 12 until retiring in 1907. This Rittm., Erdmann von Levetzow, was commissioned in Drag. R. 4 in 1889, tranferred to 1. Garde Ulan. R. in 1894 and then to Hus. R. 12 in 1901. He was born 25.08.1868. Sounds like a strong candidate for your missing Rittm. a.D., as the spelling of that last name varied quite a bit. Andy
    22. Christer, The von Bassewitz I mentioned in the previous post is Karl Friedrich von Bassewitz, born at Goldberg 22.10.1878. He belonged to the "Sch?nhof" line of the von Bassewitz family from Mecklenburg. His father was a judge born in Mummendorf and his grandfather owned two eststes, Mummendorf and Blumenhof in the area of Grevesm?hlen. So, there is at least part of your Mecklenburg connection. HIs great-grandfather, also a land owner, was born in Neustrelitz. Andy
    23. Christer, Looks like you have photos of the staff of Art. R. 403. That is Major Hardt, commander of Art. Regt. 403, along with other officers in the regiment. I do not have Hardt's first name, but at the beginning of the war he was a captain attached to the staff of Art. R. 17 in Bromberg. The names on the back of the first picture are Hptm. Hillmer I/403 Hptm Genest III/403 Major Hardt Hptm von Bassewitz II/403 The second picture Hptm. Genest III/403 Major Hardt, Regt. Kom. Leutnant Eberle (Adjutant III/403) In May 1914 there was a Hptm. Hiller in FAR 38, a Hptm Genest in FAR 40, a Hptm. von Bassewtiz in FAR 84. I think it's safe to say Eberle was a wartime Lt.- no Art. Lt appears in the 1919 Dienstaltersliste. A very nice set pf photos. Andy
    24. Gustav Borggreve, *12.04.1825 ?05.10.1903. When he retired as a Major and commander of Landwehr Bezirk Warendorf on 09.04.1878 the only decoration he had was the 25 year long service cross. This mght be explained by the fact that he retired for the first time as a captain on 13.03.1866. He was recalled in 1870 for 5 months in 1870 as an acting LOC commandant. In Jan 1871 he was given the "Charakter" as a Major and made commander of the Landwehr District, a position he held until his second retirement in 1878 as noted above. Andy
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