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What nationality is the naval officer please?
Odulf replied to azyeoman's topic in Northern European & Baltic States
Indeed, he was the president of the Dutch Red Cross and had many high decorations of international Red Cross societies. Below an outline of his orders and decorations (in Dutch) in 1933, shortly before he died, and don't forget that he was also a Duke of Mecklenburg... Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Grootkruis Orde van Oranje Nassau Grootkruis Huisorde van Oranje Grootkruis Ereteken voor langd. Ned. Dienst als off. XXV Nederlandse Rode Kruis Medaille Nederlandse Rode Kruis Kruis van Verdienste De Ruijter-medaille in goud Watersnoodmedaille in zilver Mecklenburg: Huisorde van de Wendische Kroon met keten Mecklenburg: Orde van de Griffioen Pruisen: Orde van de Zwarte Adelaar met de keten Pruisen: Orde van de Rode Adelaar Grootkruis Oldenburg: Huisorde van Hertog Peter Frederik Lodewijk Grootkruis met kroon en keten Saksen Weimar Eisenach: Orde van de Witte Valk Grootkruis Saksen: Orde van de Ruitenkroon Ridder Bulgarije: Orde van St. Alexander Grootkruis Turkije: Orde van Osmanië Grootkruis Siam: Orde van de Witte Olifant Grootkruis België: Leopoldsorde Grootkruis Luxemburg: Huisorde van de Gouden Leeuw van Nassau Ridder Roemenië: Orde van de Ster Grootkruis Württemberg: Orde van de Kroon Grootkruis Zweden: Seraphynen Orde Ridder Portugal: Orde van de Toren en het Zwaard Grootkruis Siam: Orde van Maha-Chakkri Ridder 1e klasse met keten Japan: Chrysantemum-orde Bezitter Perzië: Timsah-Homayoeni (portret van de Sjah) Bezitter 1e klasse met briljanten Orde van St. Jan Commendator Gr.-Brittannië: Bath-orde Grootkruis met keten Souvereine Orde van Malta Grootkruis Frankrijk: Legioen van Eer Grootkruis Denemarken: Olifants-Orde Grootkruis Noorwegen: St. Olafsorde Grootkruis met keten Waldeck: Erekruis 1e klasse Saksische Hertogdommen: Ernestinische Huisorde Grootkruis Beieren: St. Hubertusorde Grootkruis Baden: Orde van Getrouwheid Grootkruis Lippe-Detmold en Lippe-schaumburg: Erekruis 1e klasse Hessen: Ludwigs-orde Grootkruis Brunswijk: Orde van Hendrik de Leeuw Grootkruis Reuss: Erekruis Hongarije: St. Stephanus-orde Grootkruis Rusland: St. Anderas-orde Grootkruis Oostenrijk: Rode Kruis Grootkruis Rusland: Rode Kruis Grootkruis Duitsland: Rode Kruis Onderscheiding 1e klasse Italië: Rode Kruis Gouden Medaille Servië: Rode Kruis Kruis van Verdienste Spanje: Rode Kruis Grootkruis Portugal: Rode Kruis Grootkruis Cuba: Rode Kruis Grootkruis Italië: Rode Kruis Grootkruis Gr. Brittannië: “Royal Humane Society” Gouden medaille Pruissen: Reddingsmedaille Mecklenburg-Schwerin: Reddingsmedaille Venezuela: Medaille van Openbaar Onderwijs Polen: Orde van de Witte Adelaar Grootkruis -
What nationality is the naval officer please?
Odulf replied to azyeoman's topic in Northern European & Baltic States
As a Rear-Admiral he wore two silver stars, after promotion to Vice-Admiral he added a third star, thus the photo with Queen Wilhelmina dates between 1901 and 1904. -
What nationality is the naval officer please?
Odulf replied to azyeoman's topic in Northern European & Baltic States
Here are 2 photos of him at a later age, to give a better view of the uniform and his decorations. -
What nationality is the naval officer please?
Odulf replied to azyeoman's topic in Northern European & Baltic States
This is a portrait of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands and her husband Prince Heinrich von Mecklenburg. He held an honorary rank as Admiral of the Rear in the Royal Dutch Navy. He became a Rear-Admiral in 1901 and was promoted Vice-Admiral in 1904. La Haye is the posh name for The Hague. Dutch Naval officers' uniforms can be easily recognised by the branch badges on the collar (in gold: anchor for executive, crossed torch and arrows for engineers, aesculapis for medial; in silver: anchor for administrative, silver aesculapis for chemists). -
id please
Odulf replied to blueman's topic in Great Britain: Militaria: Badges, Uniforms & Equipment
South Africa, The Royal Natal Carabineers -
Royal Navy uniforms about 1920
Odulf replied to Odulf's topic in Great Britain: Militaria: Badges, Uniforms & Equipment
Rare WW1 - NAVAL Mons Star Group
Odulf replied to Mervyn Mitton's topic in Great Britain: Orders, Gallantry, Campaign Medals
Hi Mervyn, This is not correct! In the photo shown above, the cap tally is nown, NOT the brass cap badge. The brass cap badge was worn on the Army style khaki woolen or cottom peaked or vizor cap, in combination with the Army style uniform, NOT on the Navy style sailor's hat. See also my previous remark: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/50851-hms-tallies-how-to-tell-the-difference/page__st__20 #35 -
WW1 & WW2 Naval Group
Odulf replied to Mervyn Mitton's topic in Great Britain: Orders, Gallantry, Campaign Medals
Richard P. Jenkins, Engr.SL with seniority from 10-04-1918 (tempy), o/B HMS Jupiter II [ A/P Stores Ship at Devonport, from Mar / May 1918. Sources: The Navy List Dec. 1918 & Shore establishments of the RN (compiled by Lt.Cdr. B.Warlow, RN; Maritime Books, 2000) -
Rare WW1 - NAVAL Mons Star Group
Odulf replied to Mervyn Mitton's topic in Great Britain: Orders, Gallantry, Campaign Medals
According to "The 1914 Star to the Royal Navy & Royal Marines" by W.H.Fevyer & J.W.Wilson (The Naval & Military Press, 1995) the medal was sent to him on 25-01-1919 and the clasp on 25-04-1928. -
WW2 Naval Shoulder Boards
Odulf replied to Mervyn Mitton's topic in Great Britain: Militaria: Badges, Uniforms & Equipment
Many RNR officers held a past or present rank in the Merchant Navy, unlike the RNVR officers who in general did not have such a maritime background. The lozenge shape in the stripes is typical for MN officers of all rank. -
WW2 Naval Shoulder Boards
Odulf replied to Mervyn Mitton's topic in Great Britain: Militaria: Badges, Uniforms & Equipment
The badges of rank shown are of the British Merchant Navy (the buttons are MN also), the purple braid indicates Engeneer Branch, Doctors can be recognizes by scarlet/red braid. -
Oberst Josef Reichert (13-12-1891 / 15-03-197o) Kdr. Inf.Rgt. 6 01-09-41 Generalmajor 01-09-43 Generalleutnant 09-12-44 RK als Gen.Lt. u. Kdr. 711 Inf.Div. Image: Award document Sudetenmedaille, 30-11-1939
I have an order of wearing Prussian ODM according to Kabinetts-Ordre of 4 December 1871 and adapted to 1900. To be worn on the left breast in the next order and from left to right: " 1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse (1870) 2. Ritterkreuz des Königl. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern, bzw. am weiβen Bande 3. Roter Adlerorden III. oder IV. Klasse mit Schwertern, bzw. am weiβen Bande 4. Kronenorden III. oder IV. Klasse mit Schwertern, bzw. am weiβen Bande 5. Militärverdienstkreuz 6. Militärehrenzeichen I. Klasse 7. Militärehrenzeichen II. Klasse 8. Rettungsmedaille 9. Ritterkreuz des Königl. Hausordens von Hohenzollern ohne Schwertern, bzw. am statutmäβigen Bande 10. Roter Adlerorden III. oder IV. Klasse ohne Schwertern, bzw. am statutmäβigen Bande 11. Kronenorden III. oder IV. Klasse ohne Schwertern, bzw. am statutmäβigen Bande 12. Ehrenzeichen in Gold (1890) - In 1900 umgetauscht gegen das Kreuz des Allgemeinen Ehrenzeichens (1900) 13. Das Allgemeine Ehrenzeichen 14. Das 25jährige Dienstauszeichnungskreuz der Offiziere 15. Das Fürstlich Hohenzollernsche Ehrenkreuz II. und III. Klasse mit und ohne Schwerter 16. Düppelkreuz 17. Alfenkreuz 18. Kriegsdenkmünze für 1813/15 19. Erinnerungsmedaille von 1863 20. Kriegsdenkmünze von 1870/71 21. Erinnerungskreuz für 1866 22. Kriegsdenkmünze für 1864 23. Hohenzollernsche Denkmünze 24. Krönungsmedaille Persons who yet are rightfully wearing the Iron Cross of 1813/15, should wear the military commemorative medals from that period, and the commemorative Medal of 1863, immediately folowing the Iron Cross 1870. " Unfortunately, my next Regulation about the order of wear dates from 1943, thus I have a wide gap of about 43 years, which is covering (in particular) the period from 1918 to c. 1935 and thus the order of wear during the interbellum. Also, the above list does not mention the wear of non-Prussian ODM by Prussians. I realise that we are drifting from topic, and I thank Dave and Matthew for their replies.
An interesting topic. As far as I know the Hanseatic Crosses were instituted 14-09-1915 and issued until 23-11-1923, thus these may also have been presented post november 1918, for merit (Für Verdienst im Kriege) during the war. What is the official order of wear (alphabetically or in order of issue)?