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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Happy to provide. I'll tell the butler when he makes his next pass by our table. Dan
    2. No problem at all. We're happy to have you! So have you specialized in any one area or just have a broad interest in Soviet and Russian awards? Any specialized knowledge in any of these areas? Can always use more of that! This is such a great hobby and I've found this club to be one of the best places to be to share among other's of like interests. I think it's truly what Nick the Chairman set out to create... a Gentleman's Club where we could all relax, unwind, discuss our hobby or just life in general without feeling pressure or fearing disputes. We're all in the same boat. The more we help each other the better off we all are. I for one look forward to seeing more of your collection as well as comments you might wish to make on what others have presented here. So have some fun, get comfortable, pull up a chair, order a drink and enjoy! Dan
    3. Hi Kilka, Welcome to the Club. Very nice Order! Many thanks for posting it. Dan
    4. Hi all, Well, here's another new addition. Probably be a few days to a week before it arrives as I just purchased it earlier today. I "think" I did okay... $32.57 plus shipping. Anyhow here it is... only my second one: [attachmentid=46695] [attachmentid=46696] These are the sellers pics. More tidbits to come as they arrive. Thanks for looking. Dan
    5. Here's another new addition. Russian Army Distinction Medal: [attachmentid=46693] [attachmentid=46694] Looks an awful lot like it's Soviet cousins. In fact it's now in the Riker mount displayed between them. Dan
    6. Hey, congrats! Happy reading! Just finished yesterday myself... but am continuing to use both for reference of course. Can't keep from picking them up to look up this or that. I think you'll really enjoy it. Dan
    7. Hi all, My modest contribution. Type 4 Variation 2 S/N 908799 date range April 1971 to December 1973 (Thanks Darrell!). [attachmentid=46639] [attachmentid=46640]
    8. Thanks guys! And Rick, totally agree... I need to do a bit of cleanup and oiling on a couple of them. Hoping to get to that in the next day or two. And definitely treasure the ones that my Uncle brought back. They're plain Jane but I'd never sell or trade them for anything. Definitely going to be passed down in the family. Thanks again for the compliments and comments. Dan
    9. [attachmentid=46180] [attachmentid=46181] Thanks for looking, Dan
    10. [attachmentid=46177] [attachmentid=46178] [attachmentid=46179]
    11. And my HJ dagger. [attachmentid=46174] [attachmentid=46175] [attachmentid=46176]
    12. [attachmentid=46170] [attachmentid=46171] [attachmentid=46172] [attachmentid=46173]
    13. Next up, my SA which was also brought home by my Uncle Jack. [attachmentid=46166] [attachmentid=46167] [attachmentid=46168] [attachmentid=46169]
    14. [attachmentid=46163] [attachmentid=46164] [attachmentid=46165]
    15. [attachmentid=46160] This is my Heer dagger. Not in terrific shape but was a war trophy brought home by my Uncle Jack so to me it's priceless. [attachmentid=46161] [attachmentid=46162]
    16. Hi all, Okay... guess I'll start this off even though they're posted in other threads... so hoping this is okay. First off my Kreigsmarine dagger. Got this from John Angolia ages ago. One of my prize pieces. Absolutely love the navies and think they're some of the nicest of the German daggers of whatever period. [attachmentid=46154] [attachmentid=46155] [attachmentid=46156]
    17. Hi Gordon, You are most welcome. I'm pleased to have been able to help you complete the set. They look great together... and I'm very honored to have one of the pieces from my collection now taking it's place in yours. Thank you so much and may you receive as much pleasure from the old girl as I have over the years. Thanks, Dan
    18. Hi Doc... seems I'm starting trends left and right these days! Does sound like a wonderful book though, doesn't it? Dave... will there be any pics at all? Or just text? Just wondered. Dan
    19. Hi Dave, By tomorrow I should know one way or the other whether my GPB has sold yet. If it has, then I'll be one of the first ones in line... for an early copy... authographed if you please. I'll confirm as soon as I know. But yes... I personally would absolutely love a copy. Will be the perfect companion to the Green Bible. Thanks, Dan
    20. Hey guys! I've got to say... so far... well worth it!!!! And I love the stories he tells from the recipient's records. I really wish they'd do a book just on a ton of those. I could read them forever!!!! Just unbelieveable the kinds of things those men and women went through and the punishment they took. Talk about the Russian bear! WOW! Like the three pilots who ran out of ammo and rammed German planes and survived to tell the tale. Unbelievable!!!! Can't wait till ya'll get your copies and we can compare notes. I'm up to the ORB section. Great stuff!!!! Dan
    21. Hi all, Wow, for once I must be right up in the very front of the herd. The view up here is much better and no dust at all! I do hope ya'll get your copies soon. Really looks terrific and hope to dive into it shortly. Dan
    22. Hi Doc, Absolutely correct! You win a cookie! Many apologies... just felt that was an appropriate name for it since it's the companion to the Red Bible. Dan
    23. Hi all, Well, we have a new arrival! My "Green" bible has now arrived! Many thanks for helping me out on this Gordon!!!! I owes you many many pizzas! Haven't had a chance to "check it out" yet but I will say... it's not a weight lifting piece like the "Red" is. Just under half the thickness. Lots of reading, beautiful pics and a ton of charts is what I see on a quick flip through. I'm sure it's going to be fascinating reading and a great companion to the "Red". Hope ya'll get your's soon! Just overjoyed that this one didn't take me nearly ten years to get... for once I'm closer to the front of the herd. Alot less dust back here! Dan
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