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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. [attachmentid=42875] A small shell... [attachmentid=42876] [attachmentid=42877] [attachmentid=42878]
    2. And speaking of gasmasks... [attachmentid=42871] [attachmentid=42872] [attachmentid=42873] [attachmentid=42874]
    3. And although not German, here's a doughboy helmet... I believe it belonged to Sgt. Putnam. [attachmentid=42868] [attachmentid=42869] And his gasmask. [attachmentid=42870]
    4. And here's a stahlhelm while we're on the subject of headgear. [attachmentid=42864] [attachmentid=42865] [attachmentid=42866] [attachmentid=42867] It still has part of the original liner material as well as a capture tag. The info on the man who captured it is written on the top and the tag is from the medal unit to which he was assigned showing that one of the officers had approved this as a war trophy.
    5. Hi all, Took these a week or so ago and finally have the time to pop them on. This is just a part of the militaria that is at our local musuem and an extremely small part of the entire collection overall. Very interesting place. On the militaria they know very little. I've been trying to help correct that but some items are outside my area of expertise... or things I only know enough about to be dangerous. So any comments would be most welcome. Enjoy! First off is an IC 2nd class. Until I went over to take these pictures it had sat for a ton of years with no ribbon. Many thanks to Tom Y. for being kind enough to donate a length of ribbon for it. Now she's all dressed up and showing off! [attachmentid=42860] [attachmentid=42861] There are no maker's marks that I can find. I just know she looks a whole lot better in all her finery. Thanks Tom!!!! Next, an Imperial German enlisted man's cap. [attachmentid=42862] [attachmentid=42863] It's in terrific shape and appears to be complete.
    6. Oh I totally agree!!!! I mean, minty perfect pieces certainly have their place. It's the same thing as in numismatics. Some collectors love pieces as near to perfect as possible. And as far as owning them as works of art... no problem. But to me, I want to collect militaria for the "history" which means I want and love pieces that have "been there and done that". The kind that we say "Oh if only that one could talk!" To me, it's the stuff dreams are made of. Something that likely sat in a drawer, probably in a box or case and was hard (if ever) used just doesn't really do much for me. It's seen squat. It's "been" in a drawer collecting dust. I want to hold it in my hands and positively "feel" the history dripping off of it. They have vibes and to me it's probably one of the closest things we have to time travel. So I'm right there with you on this point. I think it's a terrific group... it's got that salty look... it's got the info and the photo of the recipient. And I'd like to think it would be a good candidate for research, as again, I'm not necessarily looking for a super hero type. I think any history is great. If it wasn't a bit pricey to do so I'd research every single numbered piece I have... regardless of it's history... just to "know" who it was awarded to and for what. To me, that's what historians do. That's what we live for. And that's what we thrive on. 99.99999% of my TR stuff cannot ever be researched for it's original owner. That's one thing I love about Soviet stuff and I can only hope we'll be able to one day do the same for Bulgarian and other Warsaw Pact material with serial numbers. Oh, I haven't forgotten... I owe you a PM... just been up to my ears. But things are easing up so hoping to get with you on that soon. Thanks! Dan
    7. Hi Chuck, I don't know... I think it's a beautiful group with honest wear. It's been there and done that which are the best pieces IMHOP. Let's put it this way... I'd love to have a similar group. Hopefully some day. Great set! Are you going to research? Dan
    8. Hi all, In addition to what Rick had stated in post #5, I just heard back from Robert McDivitt and here's what he had to say: "I was not able to identify the recipient of Goldene Ehrenzeichen Nr. 71889. However, I do have information about other numbers that bracket 71889. Based on that information, I am able to say that the recipient joined the NSDAP on 12.12.1927 and resided in Gau Sued-Hannover-Bruanschweig or joined on 13.12.1927 and resided in the Ruhr region (maybe Gau Duesseldorf or Gau Essen)." So at least that add's a bit of info to it. Also, as much as I hate to do so, I've reached a point where I think I'm going to let it go. Not that I don't love it but I've really moved away from TR for the most part and am not only looking to get a collector car in the not too distant future (I hope) but also get a few more nice Soviet pieces if I can manage it. So if anyone is interested please let me know. I'm getting ready to post it in the for sale section in just a bit. Thanks, Dan
    9. Hey, I'm game! I'd actually found another which had been posted but doesn't have the enamel/paint on it and is obviously not the one. But in a black and white photo I can see where the ribbon/hanger would catch the eye: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2751&hl=guards It's in post #7. Needless to say... the games afoot! Dan
    10. Hi Gerd, We'll definitely keep trying. Now let's see... 2 down... 999,998 to go! I'm sure we'll hit on it sooner or later. Dan
    11. Hi Gerd, Here's another try on this one: [attachmentid=42783] The Vet in the center... below the Red Star and to the right of the 25th Anniversary of WWII. Found this on Ebay as one of the photos in a book: http://cgi.ebay.com/Heroes-of-Soviet-Union...1QQcmdZViewItem No idea if it's the one... but looks close. Figured it can't hurt to try. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. Dan
    12. Hi all, Beauties, one and all!!!! And special thanks to Paul for getting it all started! Keep em' coming... want to see more! Dan
    13. Hi Paul, It's just that Patton seemed to revel in his hate of them. I've heard from alot of Russians that they hated the Czar but not really the church before. Even alot of the Soviets seemed to secretly continue to believe even when it was officially not the thing to do. I've studied the last Czar and his family and just can't share their opinion of him. I really felt for him... all of them. He was, by his own admission not really suited to nor had his father trained him to be Czar. His father of course had died young and unexpectedly and it left Nicholas holding the bag. Perhaps his greatest fault was that he did not abdicate in favor of his brother Michael... who may or may not have made a better Czar. Nicholas tended to be too much of a gentle family man who was thrust into the position of running the country and floundered in it much of the time. I've heard he was an alcoholic, but only once and have never read such in any of the biographical or historical texts I've ever read. Circumstances were also very much against him... not unlike Carter when he was president. The )$*@$+T&#$ hit the fan, the fan was on high and he was simply not the man for the job at that time and place. In another time perhaps but not then. Hence he tends to be remembered as being a bad president. I don't think he was in all ways. He honestly tried as I feel Nicholas did at being Czar. But he got hit with revolutionaries left and right, troubles in the Balkans, like there was ever a time when there wasn't trouble in the Balkans, family problems including his only sons hemophilia, Rasputin, who certainly seemed to be in "exactly" the right time and place to cause the maximum of trouble, and WWI. The "one" major thing I have always hated about the communists and Lenin in particular is that they killed Nicholas and his family. Had they simply sent them into exile in England or elsewhere I honestly think that much of the animosity towards them would never have occured. They created their own bad press with that more than much of what they did in the beginning. Then of course killing people in massive amounts equal to or most likely far exceeding the nazi's did not help at all... and much of that was of course under Stalin. History is bloody... sad but true. We're reminded of that all the time. But it sounds like you have a great family history. Very sorry to hear about your Great Aunt... may she rest in peace. A very brave woman I'm sure. And that's one thing I, and many others I'm sure admire so much about the Russian people. They do not lack bravery or a fighting spirit. They do whatever it takes to defend their motherland and you've got to admire that no matter what. When it came right down to it, I know that the vast majority of Russians who fought during the war did so not out love for Stalin or the party... more fear in that regard... but because they were fighting for Mother Russia and their families and loved ones. A great people for sure! And then a pilot in the 50's... more interesting times. Did he end up being one of those who flew in Korea? Any idea what he flew? Bombers, fighters? How about awards... did he or his mother receive any? Of course over there they gave so many for just about anything I guess it would be the rare person who never got anything. They probably had an award for pushing more paper than anyone else! LOL! But always fascinated to hear what people were given for what they did and why they got it. I only wish more histories would become available in English. I'd love to see a complete history of each awards recipients as that would be great reading... although I'm sure quite tragic and sad considering how many ended up being persecuted, sent to gulags or shot outright. What a waste so much of it was. So how did you get interested in Patton? He's always been one of the biggies on my radar, along with Rommel and Zhukov, at least as far as WWII is concerned. On the book I'm now up to the Order of Alexander Nevsky. Great reading! Thanks, Dan
    14. Hi Paul, I would expect no less from a Patton fan... even though he hated the Russians! Believe me when I say it's "well" worth it!!!! I'm only up to the Order Of The October Revolution and now that for a fact. And when you pick it up it even feels like something that is worth what it costs! And look at it this way... if you "ever" want to resell it.. you won't lose any money... just about flat out guaranteed from what I've seen... unless you want to use it to grease the treads of your tank... so that probably would not be advisable if you'd want to get the full value out of it. Seriously though, it's just a flat out great book and I think anyone who has even the "slightest" interest in Soviet history or their awards will enjoy it for many years to come. Let us know what you think what you get your copy and start reading it. Dan
    15. Hi Pat, Definitely... other than a little bit more of a wait it went very smooth... UPS must have been doing penance. As it was, the end of this past week I sent out a shipment to my mom out in California, overnight via Fedex. Knew it wouldn't be delivered until Monday as it was a good deal more for Saturday delivery and it was something she had to have on time. And what happens? The driver had filled out the form, copying it from past receipts. He screwed up (was a different driver than normal as well) and forgot to put south in part of her address. Hence it didn't get delivered on Monday. So much for the best laid plans of mice, men and me! And now... believe it or not I need to send a small package with one item out to New Zealand. I can't believe I'm jumping right in... but from what I understand Canada is one of, if not "the" worst place to ship stuff to due to all the read tape and gov't nonsense. Hoping NZ won't be a problem. As far as German refs you have my recommendations on those... and I'm sure most anyone would agree with them. On the Soviet... I have one... McDaniel & Schmitt, hands down, without a doubt. That is if you're going to be serious about it. If you're only going to casually collect them I'd still recommend it but there are others which will give you the basics... and I think I've already passed on recommendations on those. If not give me a nudge and I'll be happy to do so. Very glad that all my old friends are safe and sound in a new loving home. Again can't wait to see pics of them in their new environment. And yes, LOVE my red bible!!!! I know it's the best investment I've ever made in my Soviet collection... without a doubt! Again, highly recommend you get one first chance you get... you may never want to put it back down! Dan
    16. Hi Dave, Many thanks! I did see that they are putting out a companion volume on researching Soviet awards... I just wish they'd give some idea of the price range as if I make this next set of sales of my TR stuff I'm going to "have" to set enough aide. No more waiting nine years to get a copy! And yes, it would be great if they'd put out a revised 2nd... but I only hope they hang on long enough for me to recover from buying this one! I'm now up to the section on the Order of Lenin. Did a bit of reading in that section when I first got up... but then had tons of stuff that I "had" to do around the house and now work is looming on the horizon. But with luck I'll get through more of it today. So far... fantastic! I do have a question though, which may even be addressed in the book but figured I'd ask. Does anyone have any idea why the time on the Spasky Tower pictured on several Soviet awards is always set to that same hour? Was it just a random choice or is there some deep significance to it? Thanks! Dan
    17. Hi Ed, Many thanks! Not sure on sleep... I've been told I can sleep when I'm dead... but the reading I need to do now! Well, I've finally cracked the covers... am up to the Acknowledgements. I figure I'm going to read this from cover to cover and squeeze everything out of it it has to offer. Thanks, Dan
    18. Thanks Paul. I just finished dinner... waiting for tonights first ep of Combat! to end and then I'll pop in another tape and then I'm off to spend the evening with "the book". Hope Kim doesn't get too jeolous! Dan
    19. Hi Gilbert, Many thanks for the kinds words. I've had a bit more work pile up along with a few things on here that I had to take care of... pushed me back in my schedule a bit. Going to go rustle up some grub and once that's out of the way then I'm going to dive in and probably not come up for air for several days if I can avoid it... other than work. And don't think I'd ever manage to be quite that lucky... to be able to get an OOV! I'd be lucky to get a good copy at some point. This has been great though. Ever since I posted earlier I've felt like I've been having a party with ya'll stopping by to have a sip of champaign and join in the celebration. This is just a terrific place and ya'll are the best members a club could hope to have! My hat is off to each and every one of you! Thanks! Dan
    20. Many thanks! Hoping to dive in in about another fifteen minutes when I'm done with work for the day. Thanks! Dan
    21. Hi Rick, I'm definitely old enough and know "exactly" what you mean! Both definitely red letter days (no pun intended... well, maybe just a little one! ). And I also totally agree... in fact they're getting tough to find now. This past fall when I made some sales and thought I could go ahead and order it (before life got in the way! ) I had searched the web, Amazon, Ebay, sites where it had been sold... but no more. I even went so far as to contact Paul McDaniel from his site and he wrote back and said even he didn't have copies for sale now. I finally lucked into it over at collectrussia.com (Atlantic Crossroads, Inc.) where they still have them... till they run out that is. And at the issue price and $5 shipping via UPS, or $8 via USPS. I'd actually ordered it last week and have been pacing a trench in my floor ever since waiting for it's arrival. I only wish I could buy a few more and set them aside for that future day when they'll be worth their weight in gold... and with this book that will end up being quite a lot of gold! And I promise Rick... the Epson scanner is now on the top of the "gotta get it" list! Thanks! Dan
    22. Hi Alfred, That MADE MY DAY!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Hey, a rare variation!!!! Dan
    23. Many thanks! It's definitely a day of Victory!!!! Perhaps I should design a new award for the occassion! Of course then they'd "have" to put out another edition! Dan
    24. Hi Doc, Many thanks! Definitely looks even better than all the pics I've seen... well worth the wait, all the pacing and fretting and knashing of teeth! Hey, as an aside... the "eaglettes" have landed. I need to get with you and send over some pics of goodies for you to choose from. And the Belgian one should be here later this week. Thanks so much for everything!!!! Dan
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