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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Well... actually 7 as I PM'd him before the first reply. Dan
    2. Well, perhaps but I just remembered this having just read over alot about The Inner Circle question. Just one of those lucky breaks! If it's okay, I'd like to pass the honor of the next question to Windu in honor of his one year anniversary on GMIC. Dan :cheers:
    3. Timur Frunze Mikhailovich ( Hero of the Soviet Union) (5.4.1923 - 19.1.1942) TImura Mikhailovich Frunze, lieutenant, fighter pilot 161 th Fighter Aviation Regiment. Born April 5, 1923 in the family of Soviet military leader and revolutionary, Mikhail Frunze. Russian. Graduated with honors from the Kachin Military Aviation College. Since the end of December 1941 until the day of death had fought on the North-Western Front. . W and 10 days in the aviation regiment Timur Frunze Mikhailovich made 9 successful flights and taking part in three aerial combat, he personally shot down two, and with his wingman, one enemy plane. . W tion of Hero of the Soviet Union Timur Frunze Mihajlovic was awarded posthumously March 16, 1942. . And the name of the hero ever enrolled in the list 1 Squadron 161 th Fighter Aviation Regiment . In the name of Timur Frunze named streets in Moscow, Staraya Russa and Veliky Novgorod. . January 19, 1942 Lieutenant Frunze paired with a flight commander and the leading pair, Lieutenant Shutov patrolling in the area of Staraya Russa, covering the ground troops against enemy attacks from the air . Soon the air there were 30 enemy bombers escorted by fighter 8. Soviet pilots decided to attack the Nazi planes. The first attack was successful. Was shot down spotter "Henschel" Hs.126. Then, in the ensuing battle with the "Messerschmitt", our pilots shot down another aircraft, but the plane was shot down Shutov. Timur continued to battle one. Soon Frunze ran out of ammunition, and emboldened the Nazis to close range shot the brave pilot. Airplanes T.M. Frunze fell 500 meters from the village Otvidno Starorusskoe Area. Initially, the pilot was buried in the ground fighting. In the first 50 years of TV Frunze was reburied in the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow. His name is a street in Moscow (the former Warm lane). --- Sources: 1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary. V.2. M.: Voeniz.1988. 2) Legendary Heroes-Komsomol. Vol V and VI. 1973. Dan :cheers:
    4. Mikhail Frunze Михаи́л Фру́нзе​ People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs of the Soviet Union In office 15 January 1925 – 31 October 1925
    5. 1. Who am I? Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze 2. How did I die? Frunze was suffering from a chronic ulceration, and although it had been suggested to him many times that he undergo surgery, he tended to favor more conservative treatment approaches. After an especially severe episode in 1925, Frunze was hospitalized. Stalin and Anastas Mikoyan both came to visit him, and impressed on him the need for an operation. Not long before his death, Frunze wrote to his wife: "At present I am feeling absolutely healthy, and it seems ridiculous to even think of, and even more-so to undergo an operation. Nevertheless, both party representatives are requiring it." [9] Frunze died of chloroform poisoning during his surgery on 31 October 1925; the operation was considered very simple and routine even by the medical standards of the time. It has therefore been speculated that Stalin, or some other potential rivals, arranged his death, but there is no hard evidence to support this.[10] However, Frunze had been administered a chloroform dose that many times exceeded the dose normally applied to induce narcosis. 3. What was the original name of the town in which I was born? Bishkek, then a small Imperial Russian garrison town in the Kyrgyz part of Turkestan. 4. What was my son’s name? Timur Frunze... who was adopted by Marshal Voroshilov. Dan :cheers:
    6. Definitely know the feeling... and I'm sure Kim would do the same in a similar situation. To me, going into someone's home I'd NEVER do such a thing regardless. I'm sorry... if things offend me I leave. Just like if something on the TV or radio offend me there is a little thing called a channel selector and an on/off switch. Same if in a book store there is a section that might offend me I simply don't go there. Sadly, the world has for some time gone the route of... it offends me... get rid of it! That's just wrong on so many levels. My mother's current husband Carl (she and my dad divorced when I was in my thirties, and my father passed away years ago) is an example of all this. His father was a member of the Norwegian underground fighting the nazi's, was caught at one point and put into a concentration camp. He survived but his experiences left their mark on Carl. However, from the get go he knew I collected militaria including German from all eras. He even commented once that he was looking forward to seeing my collection some day. Turns out he was just "being polite" at the time. When they finally came to visit he happened to see some of my iron crosses (again of all eras) on a display shelf and got very upset... even started to cry it upset him so much. First off, had I even imagined that would happen I would have taken those items out of the display before he came over. But due to his comment about looking forward to seeing the collection, which he'd made on more than one occasion I'd not even thought about it. I didn't point them out, nor did I even bring up any of it when they were here... till he did. I felt awful but I also defend my right to collect what I want and to display same in my own home. I'd NEVER go into his home and ask him to not display something there. If something bothered me I'd leave. To me, a home is one's castle and what you do there or display there is no one else's concern. I am extremely sorry, especially as someone of German ancestry, about what happened to his father. But I didn't have anything to do with it when you come right down to it. I'm not a supporter of neo nazi's or any of that nonsense. I don't like what happened in the holocaust. I'm sorry for the pain he felt but it's not something I did. He should have explained his feelings from the get go instead of "being polite" and misleading me. Sigh. On another occasion we were staying with my dad and his significant other in Maryland. She is Jewish. She also knew I collected... was not into it, but never said anything negative about it and I didn't talk about it or anything when around her. However, as a way of "advertising" my interest in militaria I often wear a replica Blue Max on a chain around my neck. On occasion I'll switch to a Romanian Order of the Crown or something colorful with enamel that catches the eye. It was and is a long time habit and on more than one occasion has linked me up with others in the hobby that I otherwise would never had met. Anyhow I was wearing the Romanian Order during that time and they had a Thanksgiving dinner during the time we were there and invited some of their (her) friends, some of whom were older Jewish ladies. Anyhow we had what I thought was a nice dinner and once done I went back in our room for a few minutes to do something and dad came in. He asked me if the cross I was wearing was German? I explained that it wasn't, was an Imperial Romanian award, etc., as it even has a crown on it, red and white enamel, etc. Not German in any way, shape or form (although it was awarded to Germans). Seems one of the ladies took great offense and got mad because she thought I was wearing a nazi medal. ARRRRRRRGH! Again while I understand her side, and I feel for what she and her family went through (which I didn't know during all this but only after the fact) I was rather put off that she didn't give me the benefit of the doubt and just ask me. Had she done that I'd have been able to explain and if it still bothered her I'd have taken it off. Honestly I'd not even remembered having it on. I'd just put it on, wear it and take it off at night. No different than someone who wears a St. Christopher medal or a Cross or a Star of David or whatever. It just becomes second nature. I'd not even given it the slightest thought and certainly had no intention of offending or upsetting anyone. But once he and I talked I was very upset as I felt I'd been wrongly accused of something and was not given the opportunity to defend myself, give an explanation or anything. I was guilty... period. I let it slide but it left a very bad taste in my mouth especially as I always tried to teach about the holocaust as part of the effort of making sure we never forget. Ironically I've known many Jewish collectors of TR... I think it's kind of odd but they have just as much right to collect it as anyone else. It's a very individual thing. But I just got so tired of all the negative vibes I just put it well into the background. I mean, I collect guns too... and to the many anti-gunners out there that is offensive. But on that score I say tough! That's one area where I stand my ground. If they don't like guns... then they can choose not to be around them. This idea that one must give up things (or even have them confiscated) because another individual or group of individuals doesn't like it and things you should not have it is a bunch of bull. I keep them secure. I seldom shoot them and if I do it's at the range on rare occasions. I don't hunt but have nothing against hunting... just never got into it. Seems there's going to be someone out there that nearly anything we say or do will offend. I think people need to work on growing thicker skins. In the old days this PC stuff was not an issue. I for one which it would go the way of the Dodo. Oh well, takes all kinds I guess. I say, live and let live, be happy, enjoy life as much as possible and be good to others. Even the guy who bought that canister... if he wants one then no problem. I think it's odd... can't imagine wanting one... but to each his own. If it makes him happy or fulfills whatever purpose he has for it then more power to him. If I visited him where he had it on display (assuming he displays it) I'd never ask him to remove it or get rid of it. If it bothered me I'd explain in a nice way and say I need to leave but if he wants to we can go somewhere else and continue our visit... if not I'd understand but I'd hope he'd understand my feelings. It's like smokers... it's their right to smoke and my right not to. I try to avoid places where there are smokers because it bothers me on several levels. My father was a smoker since he was twelve and it finally killed him. I hate the smell and don't like what the secondary smoke does to me, especially as I have asthma. But the only place I'll generally ask a smoker not to smoke is in my home or my car. But if I'm in their home or their car and they light up, it's my choice to leave that situation. I don't ask them to stop as that's their space. Dan :cheers:
    7. I totally agree with you Chris... creepy and other than a museum dedicated to the memory of the holocaust, either private or public, I see absolutely no reason why anyone would even want something like this or any of the other items connected to the camps. Way back when I was getting into TR, my wife Kim had absolutely no problem with it with the exception of NO original SS or camp items and nothing with Hitler or his cronies displayed all over like pictures on the wall, etc. Believe you me, I had NO problem with that as I've no interest in that end of things... again other than the fact that we MUST NEVER FORGET what happened, why and NEVER let it happen again. Although sadly it has, via Stalin and the Soviet camps, the Khmer Rouge, etc. Not on the same assembly line basis instituted by the nazi's but that makes no difference. Innocent people were killed... more than we'll ever know. But it takes all kinds I guess. Of course there are many who wonder why in the world anyone would even want anything at all used during the TR, or communist regimes, etc. Although I still have the interest I got rid of most of my TR stuff before we moved to ND and just after getting here. I downplay what I have left as alot of folks simply do not understand this type of collecting. Whereas few seem to have any problems with commie stuff. I just got so tired of all the negatives involved in TR. I NEVER showed any of it, or talked about it with anyone I thought would even be so much as slightly offended or put off. I did try to use it to teach about the holocaust. But it honestly just got so tiring that I was glad to be all but out of it. Also goes to show there is indeed a sucker born every minute! I wonder if this guy would be intro'd in purchasing Hitler's toothbrush... I think I have one laying around here somewhere. He can have it for the low, low price of $1,500... a low price indeed for such a truly historic object. It was originally captured by a U.S. Private who discovered/liberated it from the Bunker (gave the Soviet guards a couple of packs of cigs to go in and snoop around.) and only used it to clean floors in the base bathroom from that time till he got out of the service a few years later. Dan :cheers:
    8. This is why even Rick wouldn't get into them since his first outing after the wall came down ended with them being fakes. I simply won't fool with them unless they're free or I get them for dirt. Just not worth the risk of spending much and having yet another fake for the dollars spent. I have a feeling these are like much of the Third Reich items out there... phony as the day is long and seems they made shiploads of them and they've been churning them out for Lord only knows how long. It's very frustrating. Plus, as you say some of them have just gone out of sight... and again there are very few people I'd buy one from trusting absolutely that they are correct... especially at those prices I'd want an ironclad guarantee of authenticity or full money back return privileges for life. To me, just not worth it. At least these look nice in a display, are aged to look the period and for what I have in them I can't complain. Again here's hoping some day I'll end up with a real one, but as they are not a main area of focus for me it's not a big if these are all I end up with. Not losing any sleep over them, that's for sure. Sad that such things are out there. Again I've nothing against copies for say reenactors who don't want to see originals lost or damaged in field use. But just make them look brand new, with like that really shiny gold color or something, and have them marked clearly as copies on the reverse in such a way that it cannot be removed without ruining the piece. These just look far too convincing and if they can fool folks who have been involved in the hobby as long and Rick and myself then God help the newbies with far, far less experience in such things. Scary! Dan :cheers:
    9. Thaks Oleg... kinda figured. Will keep trying. Dan :cheers:
    10. Next, a Submariner: As always I'm very grateful for any and all comments. If they turn out to be bad I don't have much in them... in fact I think the Scout was a gift way back when but honestly I can't remember for sure at the moment... a bit on the tired side... been a long hard day. Will keep my fingers crossed but again not holding my breath. Many thanks! Dan :cheers:
    11. Okay, finally got time to catch up with some of my scanning backlog... so going to give these a try... good or bad? I'm not holding my breath but sure would be nice if I'd actually come up with a real one sooner or later. Thing is, I only get them if they come my way as a gift or if I find them for dirt cheap. This is one series of badges I'm definitely not going to blow a ton of money on as more often than not they seem to turn out to be fakes. Anyhow, here goes. First off... a Scout:
    12. The last of the three and my favorite: Again just fun pieces which I think look pretty good. Great for display or can be used for ones favorite beverage. Dan :cheers:
    13. Wanted to share these. They were made by a friend when he was in KM reenacting... I think he did a pretty good job on them. The badges are replicas glued on the mugs... probably one of the best uses I can think of for replicas. First off... one for the High Seas Fleet:
    14. Just got a chance to get some backlogged scanning finished. Some fire medals and badges: Guess I'll have to start keeping an eye out for the rest of the qualification badges to finish the set at some point. I definitely will be needing the 40 year medal to finish off the medal set: Dan :cheers:
    15. A wonderful gift from my friend Windu. It's taken me a while to get to scanning this and several other items but just finished and wanted to post it. They are my first pieces from Indonesia and I'm deeply grateful for them. Many thanks Windu! First the medal... here's what Windu said about this: The medal is Satyalancana Jana Utama, it's a meritous medal for police with service of min. 8 years and excellent record.. Next the ribbon bar... again with Windu's description: The ribbon bar is for Army (red backing), they are: -Satyalancana kesetiaan 8 tahun: 8 years service and loyalty in military -Satyalancana Dwija Sistha: for military instructor -Satyalancana Seroja with star: 2 times service in east timor during the conflict.. Again I can't thank you enough Windu for these wonderful gifts! Once I've got a bit more $$'s to play with I'm hoping to start in collecting more Indonesian ODM's. :jumping: Dan :cheers:
    16. Welcome aboard Clive. Looks like you're doing okay picture wise. As far as editing, I think you need to advance to the next level up in your membership and then at the bottom of each post you'll see an edit button. Push that (once it's available) and you'll then be able to make corrections, changes, etc. As you become more involved and make more posts you'll see your member level change and additional features will be added. Eventually areas will open up that you currently cannot access. So best thing to do is keep making posts, stay involved and things will get better as you go along. If you decide you really like it here and would like to help out in the running of the club you can then subscribe (not required) and that will also open up some new features, etc. Wish I could help you out re: your bar, which looks quite nice by the way but although I do dabble in British and Commonwealth awards my expertise is somewhat lacking... I'm learning as I go along. But we have a very strong British/Commonwealth section and I know some of our members would be happy to jump in and assist you. Just hang in there and you'll see begin to get the information you need. Dan :cheers:
    17. Christophe... I've thought on it and feel like what the hay... you got it in ten minutes when no one else could in days... so yeah, two points. Re: the clues, basically I used the word "projections" several times, highlighting it each time and also saying to "read" the clues, highlighting that word and/or phrase as well. The film was also known as "The Projectionist" and even had someone not known that, it was about Stalin's private "projectionist". I finally even worked in the words "inner" and "circle" close to each other in the same sentence, highlighting both of the words. So in essence I gave the title hence the answer there. I also gave pics, including one of Tom Hulce standing beside the real Alexander Sergeevich Ganshin. Jim, you mentioned "film" in several of your posts... so close you were on fire. But of course not a director, etc. I figured at the very least, especially when I posted better pics of Tom Hulce including those from two of his other big rolls in Animal House and Amadeus that someone would at least have known that was him, checked his filmography and thus found the answer. Literally the answer was there staring everyone in the face... just had to "connect the dots" as I suggested. Well, over to your Christophe for the next question. Congratulations on a job well done! Jim, please add two points to Christophe's score. Many thanks! Dan :cheers:
    18. Here's the review I did back in 2006: http://gmic.co.uk/in...__fromsearch__1 I've now added the entire movie. Enjoy! Dan :cheers:
    19. Well, just elaborate on the clues (not the pics so much... just the text). You say "projections" but how did I do that... as well as some other hints done in the same way. Here's the trailer: Articles: http://en.wikipedia....ki/Ivan_Sanchin http://en.wikipedia....cle_(1991_film) I will post the full film over in my Books & Films section. Movie: http://www.amazon.co...15944847&sr=8-4 Book: http://www.amazon.co...5945097&sr=8-28 This was originally geared to American viewers but ironically it didn't do well here... although it did in other countries. I think it gives an excellent fear for the paranoia in Soviet life in those days and life there in general. Again I highly recommend both the film and the book. Dan :cheers:
    20. YES!!!! :jumping: Knew someone would get it! Congrats! I'll give you the second way it was told... by book which was by the same name. I'd highly recommend both to anyone who has not seen the film or read same. Great story! Now, did you want to go for the bonus point or should I just tell what was in the clues? Dan :cheers:
    21. Incorrect but... you're so hot you're starting to have flames coming off your shoes! Let's just say it involves part of your answer. Again read the clues! I'm doing everything but shouting out the answer. In fact I've given the answer in a way. I've laid it all out for you folks... I know ya'll are smart. You've likely seen or read this... if not you'll learn something new. Come on! Reach into your inner brain and pull out the answer. Otherwise this will just keep going in a circle. Jim, you of all people should be picking up on what I'm doing. Go back to your post #107: Posted 27 July 2011 - 07:51 When I used to participate in the quiz in previous years, I use to love to ask my questions in this format.....hiding subtle hints that lead you onto a treasure hunt. They usually sound more complicated than they are, but then if you take them apart and sprinkle some some common sense onto my words, the answer is usually staring you in the face :-) Only problem is that these questions tend to be tougher for those whose first language isn't English. Good luck! Dan :cheers:
    22. I'll add that it's all on the web for all to see. No tricks... again I'm astounded that no one has gotten this one. I should probably get two points just for having it take this long given the number of really good clues I've provided. Dan :cheers:
    23. Oh, I hereby propose that if no one gets this then I get awarded two points for coming up with such a good question that no one can answer. :jumping: How bout it Jim... sound good? Dan :cheers:
    24. Well the projections for a correct answer seem unchanged. Honestly folks... read the clues... look at the pictures. I've given it to you, lock stock and barrel. Do this or we'll come full circle and still have gotten nowhere. A couple more clues to make it so easy even the animals in my house could get it! If no one gets it in short order now... then I think ya'll are napping or have gone into coma's. Just read the clues carefully, look at the photos... with a bit of looking you'll find it fairly quickly. I'm actually shocked that no one got it fairly quickly to begin with. Glad I went with my inner muze and picked this one as it's really been more of a challenge than I ever thought it would be. I've given tons of clues and all you need to do is connect the dots. I'll even sweeten the pot... for an additional bonus point tell me just how clever I've been with my clues. If you list all the keys I've given in same and explained their meaning then I'll award you the bonus point. But you have to give all of them. Dan :cheers:
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