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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. That's it for now... but more to come as soon as I can get the time to do scans and make posts. Dan
    2. A Stahanoviszta medal in rare bakelite case which I have to say (at least to me) looks to be in pristine mint condition:
    3. Hi all, Sorry it's been awhile but had to go on a trip to Florida to help a very dear friend and fellow forum member and I've been working at three jobs and about to start a fourth so needless to say I've been fairly busy and haven't had much time to enjoy on the forum. Hoping that will change as I'm trying to get more time when I'm off and even on my work days to be on here and working on my various hobbies. This will still take me a while but here are some more additions to the collection. Note that from here on unless otherwise noted the pics are Charles (Hunyadi) and used with permission (Thanks Charles!) and also these same items (unless otherwise noted) were obtained from Charles as well. An M63 Colonel (Panzer) uniform:
    4. Hi all, Well, it's taken a long time... and still a few weeks wait for it to arrive but thanks to Charles (many heartfelt thanks my friend! ) I finally have a Hungarian uniform. These are Charles pics but will take more once I have it and it's on display on a torso. The badge on the right is the Sports Badge in Silver and the ribbon bar is Two Meritorious Service Medals, 2 Gold Service to the Nation Medals and 25,20,15,10 year service medals. It comes with the pants. Hoping for a cap for it down the road. Again many thanks Charles... I could not do it without you! I'm deeply grateful for all your help my friend! Dan
    5. Hi all, Found these videos and thought they might be of interest: http://youtube.com/watch?v=BWzLv7ATHlA&feature=related I especially like this one: http://youtube.com/watch?v=5kTIPiwi4hw&feature=related Dan
    6. Hi all, Founds these doing a search on Munkasor. These seem to be army videos which include naval and air force units from what I can see: http://youtube.com/watch?v=p-sxG9mIYcI&feature=related Newer: http://youtube.com/watch?v=9iZcbj6WUD0&feature=related http://youtube.com/watch?v=r6rnDEXTcU8&feature=related Dan
    7. Hi all, Did a search on Munkasor and came up with some interesting videos including this one on the Munkasor: http://youtube.com/watch?v=JVaeJx2tyW0&feature=related It starts out with the workers doing their various jobs at the railroad, electronics factories, etc., but then gets into uniformed training and then an awards ceremony. Lots of Orders, medals, badges and insignia as well as uniform types. Dan
    8. One really nice thing about this bar is that it has a complete set of the long service medals including the 40 year! Again Charles... I simply could not begin to do it without you my friend. Many thanks! Dan
    9. And my first long bar. This one ways a ton! It really amazes me even more after hefting this one that those highly decorated folks can stand up... or even sit up with all the weight they've got to be wearing!
    10. Hi all, Sorry I've not been posting much for a while. Had to go to Florida to help out a very dear friend and fellow forum member for a few weeks. Between that and working three jobs (soon to be four) it's been hectic to say the least and not much free time for having fun on here. But I'm trying to sneak back in as much as I can between jobs. I received two more bars from Charles (again many thanks my friend!!!! ) right before Christmas and this is the first chance I've had to post them. These are Charles pics as I've still not had time to scan new ones. First the smaller of the two bars:
    11. Hi all, Wanted to pass on this info. A while ago I'd posted a nice copy of the Victory flag (Post #64 within this thread) and several members expressed an interest. At the time the seller only had the one for sale but then decided to have another run produced. Another of our members purchased one from him and now that I've heard from the seller (Michael Bessler) that the run has been completed and the flags are once again available I thought I'd pass this along in case anyone is interested in obtaining one of these. Again all I can say is that I'm very pleased with mine. It's excellent quality and a great representative piece which would make an excellent backdrop to any Soviet display. Here is his Ebay auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=300204746817 But he said if any of our members would like one you can contact him via email at: Michael Bessler <MBESSLER@woh.rr.com> And he can simply sell it off of Ebay. The price is fixed at $40 plus shipping which of course may vary depending on your location. Again this is an excellent deal as these are not cheap to produce. And again I can state from my experience that he's a pleasure to deal with, he ships promptly and safely and the flag is well worth getting. Hope this helps! Dan
    12. Hi all, I stumbled on this while checking for reviews on this. Thought I'd pass it along. http://www.ebookee.com/Soviet-Rifleman-1941-45_141903.html It downloads the book as a .pdf document so if you have Adobe Reader you'll be able to read it and view the pics. Dan
    13. So glad you both got copies! Definitely a must have IMHOP. And again at the price it's really a no brainer. I do hope some other members will decide to order this now that Christmas is over. I'm still reading my copy and already I've learned so much. And when you add in the great pics of all the goodies... well, you simply can't go wrong on this one. And at the price of most reference books these days this is really a super bargain. Charles... definitely a great addition re: the cap badge. Super! I'm also hoping to add some of the items pictured in the book to my humble but growing collection. Dan
    14. Hi all, Upon reading this thread I simply cannot remain silent. But I will start out by saying I am not trying to anger, hurt, offend or put off anyone with what I'm about to say. However... I deeply and strongly feel it MUST be said. I suppose all those wonderful people who so idolize Stalin would not mind at all if the purges were reinstituted... so that millions more (including those who support the return of Stalinism) can march to their deaths in the new Gulags or at the hands of the new state executioners. Hope they all have fun being killed off with a bullet in the head or by being worked and starved to death in the prison camps. While I'll agree that the Soviet Union ended up needing a very strong leader to bring them up to the level of the other world powers of the time, especially as things turned out in needing to defeat nazi Germany... but what an incredibly horrible price they paid, before, during and after! The blood of millions cries out... NEVER AGAIN! But seems no one is listening. Here's hoping they have fun being marched off to prison, the gulags or their deaths! And just a reminder... at least in my eyes a large part of what we must do in collecting relics of the Soviet state (or nazi Germany or any other such tyranny) is to show and teach people that such things really did happen... and MUST NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN AGAIN! Dan
    15. Hi all, I managed to get the rest of the series. Got the KGB one a few months back from Amazon.com and Kim just got me the last one "Soviet Uniforms & Militaria 1917-1991"... for all of $3.50 plus Priority Mail shipping! Another Ebay find!!!! She also got me: also for a great price ($37). The next one I'm hoping to add to my reference library is: Keeping my fingers crossed! Dan
    16. The second class was originally part of the collection of OMSA member Eric Ludvigsen who passed away on November 28, 2004. Well... hopefully one of these days I can get the medal and at least one of the higher sets with the breast star, etc., in the case. But for now I'd dearly love to be able to get the case, etc. for the neck Order and also a case for the first class. Again if any of you can point me in the right direction on those I'd deeply appreciate it. Dan
    17. Hi all, As promised, just got home from work (through a snow storm! ) and so here are the rest of my Merit Crosses: First Class:
    18. Hi all, My beloved wife just got me this and I couldn't wait to share. Also wondered if anyone could tell me where I might be able to purchase a case and suspension loop (looks like it's missing the one to attach it to it's neck ribbon? I'll add in my other levels of this award a bit later tonight after work as I have to run. I'll keep my fingers crossed that one of my fellow members can point me in the right direction on the case and suspension loop. Thanks, Dan
    19. Hi Jim, You are indeed the winner! Sorry for the delay but I've been at work on a closing shift and had court work before that. Just got back in and this is the first chance I've had to get on and confirm this. So now it's over to you for the next question. http://mig3.sovietwarplanes.com/mig3/pokryshkin.html Dan
    20. Hi all, Hope no one minds but I've listed these down in the sales section for my newfound friend Peter Czink. Please go here to learn more: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2407...mp;#entry228110 I feel that those of us who collect Hungarian militaria from this period or have any interest in this subject would do well to purchase this book. I've been reading my copy and I truly hate having to put it down for even a moment. And I feel that along with gaining further knowledge about the 1956 Hungarian Revolution I've also gained a valuable reference for militaria and relics of the period. I highly recommend this book and for the price you simply cannot beat it in my opinion... especially with even small references going for such big prices nowadays. And if you already have a copy please consider buying one or more as gift for those who would appreciate it or who you'd like to introduce to the subject. This is a way to not only learn more, add to our reference libraries but also help out an organization that is working hard to raise awareness of Hungarian history, the history of the 1956 Revolution as well as running a museum and helping out the Hungarian community in Canada. Talk about getting alot of bang for your buck! For the price of the average small badge or common medal you can do alot of good for yourself and others. And I'll say again as I did in the sales section... I'm not profiting from the sale of these books. I'm simply trying to help out with the sale of same. And I strongly feel that each of you who buy a copy will truly enjoy reading and owning them. Many thanks! Dan
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