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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Larry, Yup... just what I need! Another slippery slope. Methinks Kim and Nick would shoot me out of a rather large cannon. Dan
    2. Hi Charles, Great piece! The red/gold combination really stands out on this one and love the flag at the bottom... just adds that touch of additional color to it. Thanks for sharing this one. Dan
    3. Hi Charles, I deeply appreciate your help on this and all this great additional info. Looks like I really lucked out on this one. Thanks so much! Dan
    4. Hi Ed & Paul, Well, I guess it is what it is... a shame it was ever damaged. I guess it's all in the way one looks at it and from which side of the collecting fence. For me this, along with several other areas I've dabbled in were sidelines and not something I specialized in. To me, from the photos I've seen it looked as though it was just missing the piece with the jewels. And as the holes are there it seemed to me as though it would be an easy repair if one could obtain the proper piece. Sad to say it looks as if it's consigned to be a curiosity and still one of only two Japanese awards I own. Perhaps someday I'll be able to delve a bit deeper into this area of the hobby and build up that portion of my collection a bit. Lord knows I'd certainly love to be able to do just that. But thank you both for all your help. She might be hobbling on one leg but I still love her. Dan
    5. Hi Keith, I don't know if I'd consider it off topic... at least not too far off. It's a very legitimate question regarding reference material for the types of awards we're dealing with here. I wish I could help you but frankly this is one of those areas I've been flying by the skin of my teeth in. I'm not aware of any reproductions in this area but I'm far from being an expert. I know we do have experts here on the forum who I hope will jump in and help out. I don't believe this area of collecting has come into it's own yet. Even in my collecting... I'm mostly into Soviet and DDR but I do collect other Warsaw Pact countries as well... such as Bulgaria and of course Hungary. They're certainly beautiful awards with lovely enamels and well worth building a collection around. Best of luck and hope to see you posting new acquisitions as you begin to get them. And I'm sure one of the other members will have recommendations for you regarding reference materials. Dan
    6. Hi Gordon, Nice one! I do love that eagle as well as the overall coloring. Beautiful! Thanks for posting this one. Dan
    7. Hi Gaffken, Thanks so much for all the help on these. And your theory sounds good to me. But I have seen some similar Russian Federation medals with the eagles, etc. on them but for service in other specific areas, etc. They pop up on Ebay on occassion. Next time I see one I'll either try to get it or failing that I'll save the pics and info and pass it along. In fact if you're intro'd I'd be happy to pass the auction along to you if I'm unable to buy... which more often than not seems to be the case. I guess I'd be termed a "bottom feeder" much of the time... picking up little stuff for cheap when I can't afford the big stuff. But I've also been extremely blessed in finding some really great pieces, some rare and worth a good bit, for fairly cheap prices. Anyhow let me know and I'll be happy to let you know if I see any. Thanks, Dan
    8. Hi Ulster, Oooooh!!!! That's actually the one I'd wanted when I ended up getting the Labor one. I have a reference on Imperial Russian and Soviet awards which was the first ref. I got on the subject. Towards the back they have some pics and descriptions of some Warsaw Pact awards. That's where I fell in love with this one and it's beautiful blue enamel. It's also where I got hooked on the DDR army service medals... the ones with the airman, sailor and soldier pictured on the obverse that come in bronze, silver and gold. They showed the silver version and I fell in love. Now I have several and am always on the lookout for more at a good price. I envy you this one. Hope to find one for my pile one of these days. They seem to pop up on Ebay on occassion. I actually just missed one shortly after I got my labor one... and from the same seller. By the time he listed it I was short again and couldn't go for it. But I know there's one out there with my name on it. Thanks for posting this one! Dan
    9. Hi Eric, Sadly I can't help with the Polish... but I'd certainly love to see the award document as I'm sure would the rest of the membership. Great doc... a shame about the missing pages. Perhaps they were deliberately removed to keep something from being disclosed about this individual? Dan
    10. Hi Ulster, Wow! Very nice indeed! I love the blues and candy apple reds they used on so many of their awards and badges. Really stands out. Hope you'll post the back too. And thanks again for all your help on mine. Can't wait to hear more... excitement, tingle! Dan
    11. Hi Kevin, Actually got it from a Steven Haehnel (berlinbvg) up in Washington State. He has a 229 feedback that's 100% positive so no fears on that account. It was .99 on the bid and .99 shipping but I upped it to Priority Mail with tracking and insurance as I want to take no chances with this one. Keeping my fingers crossed that it gets here before too long. Thanks, Dan
    12. Hi Paul, Yeah... they go up pretty quick, but they are beautiful as are the vast majority of Japanese Orders. Perhaps someday... One can dream. Just out of idle curiosity... if you don't mind me asking, in the condition mine is in, roughly what's it worth? Figuring not much but guess I should know. Thanks, Dan
    13. Hi Pat, Everything I ever needed to know in life I learned from Star Trek: [attachmentid=55785] Cogley: You Kirk? Kirk: Yes. What is all this? STC: I figure we'll be spending some time together, so I moved in. I hope I'm not crowding you. What's the matter? Don't you like books? JTK: Oh, I like them fine, but a computer takes less space. STC:[scoffs] A computer, huh? I got one of these in my office. Contains all the precedents, a synthesis of all the great legal decisions written throughout time. I never use it. JTK: Why not? STC: I've got my own system. Books, young man, books. Thousands of them. If time wasn't so important, I'd show you something-- my library. Thousands of books. JTK: What would be the point? STC: This is where the law is, not in that homogenized, pasteurized, synthesized-- Do you want to know the law, the ancient concepts in their own language, Learn the intent of the men who wrote them, from Moses to the tribunal of Alpha 3? Books! JTK: You have to be either an obsessive crackpot who's escaped from his keeper or Samuel T. Cogley, attorney-at-law. STC: Right on both counts. From the episode Court Martial - Star Trek The Original Series (TOS) C. Paramount Studios. And the back of mine is a perfect example of the hinge and catch moulded in the same pot medal. UGGGGG! Dan
    14. Hi Pat, Don't feel too bad on that one (except for the $$'s) as I could see where a newbie would indeed be fooled to a degree by that one. The ones that should scream fake are the ones like a few I've posted with the pin base and the catch all moulded from the same material as the badge. One great clump of pot metal with a pin sticking out the back. Those shouldn't fool anyone. But that's why it's sooooo important to get references or at least study them at the library before buying anything. And nowadays at least there's the web... we didn't even have that when I started. And that would have been a huge help. Glad to see so many folks are making use of it as it's certainly a terrific tool if used properly and wisely. But you've definitely come a long way. Hate to sound corny or anything but I'm proud of you, as I'm sure are many of our members who have been following your posts. We were downright worried about you to start with but you've learned in metes and bounds and have definitely leaped in the right direction. Plus you didn't get discouraged and give up. You stuck with it and now have a collection you can be proud of. And as I've said there are uses for the fakes and copies... both in the way of education and in, shall we say, fooling anyone who should pay you an unannounced and unwelcome visit to relieve you of your goodies. Keep up the good work. Dan
    15. Hi Pat, Wow, you make me want to go jump the train and head right up. Wish I had the $$'s right now. But hopefully before too terribly long. Sounds like we'd have a fantastic time and perhaps come home with lots of goodies... which I hope I wouldn't have to pay through the nose for at the border! Dan
    16. Hi Paul, Many thanks for the info on this one. I too hate seeing it this way and would love to get it repaired. Who knows... my son hopes to travel to Japan some day. Perhaps he'd be able to take it with him and get it worked on at some point. No idea how it happened. As you can see two of the rods that attach the missing piece are still in their respective holes in the medal. I actually got this in a large trade for Soviet and DDR awards I wanted... traded some extras in my Third Reich collection. This was the only Japanese piece he had and I insisted it be included in the deal. I figure even broken pieces need love too. And as I say I'm a pushover for underdogs. Even broken I think it's a beautiful piece. It's one series I think I could get hooked on... especially the higher levels of the Order... but have a feeling they're way out of my price range. Thanks again, Dan
    17. Hi Paul, Many thanks for all this additional info. Hate to say it but I don't have your book. I have the U.S. government publication on Japanese forces from WWII, a book on Japanese armies again mostly on WWII and a few generalized books on awards some of which cover those of Japan. But that's about it. I'd love to learn more and hope to add more medals to my collection at some point. But most likely it'll have to wait for a few other projects before I can concentrate on a new area. Thanks much, Dan
    18. Hi Ed, Thanks so much for that! It's small but to me it's a huge find. I only hope I'm able to dig up more info on it. I've seen some other pins advertised as Stasi ID pins but have nothing to confirm it. At least this one is documented in that book and the author is considered "the" authority on Spy tech. Plus... I just think it's like ultra cool! Kinda like secret decoder or whistle rings and such. Again thanks so much for your kind words. Really makes me feel good. Dan
    19. Mucho thanks! I've never regretted buying it. Wasn't much either... I think about $5 or $7 dollars if I remember correctly. Just couldn't pass it up. The seller had it misidentified and somehow it fell through the cracks... needless to say I'm very glad it did. Just hope I'm able to learn more about it someday. Dan
    20. Dave, terrific videos! Thanks so much for posting the link. Great stuff! Paul, you'll absolutely love these once you get them working. Dan
    21. Hi Paul, Sometimes it depends on what browser you're using. I generally use Opera but at times it won't load things and I then go to Internet Explorer and it works without a hitch. Also at times it depends on if you have the proper codecs for what you are trying to view. Only other thing is sometimes it depends on what viewer you have set as your default as at times vids won't play on one but will on another and you often have to pick and choose or might even have to download another viewer. Hope this helps and that you're able to get them working. If not, give me a shout on PM and if either Kim or Nick are home and available and you can give us a ring I'll put you on with them and they can help you figure it out. They are my resident computer guru's. Or if you are on Internet Messenger, either Yahoo or MSN we could do it that way. Either way happy to help if I/we can. Dan
    22. [attachmentid=55746] I'll keep my fingers crossed that these are easier to read. Did my best. Thanks, Dan
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