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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi all, I'm posting this for Nick (Obergefreiter). He'd like comments on this one. I've seen it and it looks good but if anything we both feel it just looks perhaps too minty. But we're hoping it's okay.
    2. Hi Kev, Would love to see some pics if possible. both sides in scabbard, then both sides of the dagger itself out of the scabbard to show the blade plus any other details you think should be done in closeup. Many thanks! Dan
    3. No problem. It's a beautiful bar nonetheless. Thanks for trying! Dan
    4. Very nice patina and overall a great piece! Again congrats on some great last day finds! Here's hoping you'll have as much luck on things at your next posting. Dan
    5. Rick... I love it! First I've seen! Can you post a pic of the reverse? Always a good idea when posting ribbon bars... and well... just about anything. Great find! Congrats! Dan
    6. A Gentleman and a Scholar and a credit to the hobby.

    7. Excellent documentary on Youtube. Although mostly about allied aircraft some German are mentioned as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTpAXE4WIJM Dan
    8. Excellent documentary on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTpAXE4WIJM Dan
    9. And this set which seems much cruder and less detailed... plus does not seem to have the prongs on the back for attachment to the OGPW. Just would be interested to know what is available out there and for roughly how much. Dan
    10. Hi all, Just got to wondering about something due to my latest acquisition. How hard is it to find replacement Hammer & Sickle devices for OGPW that are missing them? And are they only available in brass or can original or remake gold ones be found? What are the price ranges you've seen for those in gold (if any) and those in brass or other materials? It's the kind of thing that until you need one you really don't think much about it. But suddenly it becomes very important. I myself have only seen the following examples. The first set is the best one of the two in my opinion... much more detailed and close to the originals:
    11. He put some TLC into it and now the inner beauty begins to show itself more clearly... And finally the reverse. I concentrated so much on the obverse when I saw it that I didn't even realize that it's a starback... my first, one and only! I have a replacement H&S coming as well so once that's in place I'll add another shot showing it in all it's glory. And a note for all those out there who tend to lean towards the "leave it alone" school of thought... I feel that the last owners cleaning was carefully and lovingly done and did NOTHING to harm but only improve on the look of this order and he did not go overboard or make it look "brand new", etc. It still has the look of it's age but no longer looks like "something you'd pick up on your shoe in a gutter on a hot summer day" (if you know what war movie that quote is from... "you win a cookie" (can you guess which one that is from... you'll win two cookies!). And as for me adding the H&S... it will be done so it can, if required, be removed down the road with no damage to the Order whatsoever. Nothing permanent! So hope this satisfies those who feel such things should be left alone. But for the history this represents and the hard times it's seen, much of it perhaps in battle, I think it's well worth bringing it back to some semblance of it's original appearance. The enamel will be left as is... that damage was earned honorably I'm sure and I have no intention of changing that. Anyhow... just felt that needed to be said. Stay tuned for the finished pic. Dan
    12. And this lil' fellow who's seen some action over the years. It's researched so here's the full thread on it: http://gmic.co.uk/in...showtopic=46901 Here's the before shot: This is how the previous owner got it. Covered in glue, gawdawful deep red enamel paint or something... just YUCK!
    13. Don't know why I never posted this one here except in the group shot. But I just redid the pics using scans instead of my digital camera of years ago.
    14. Posted this a long while back but only had my digital camera at the time. Here's are scans: Dan
    15. Many thanks for the extra info guys... I deeply appreciate! The more I learn the more excited I'm getting! Once I have the $$'s I'll definitely have to get this translated and put in for the bio if there is one. I'm praying there will be pics and especially that I may continue to be lucky and that he'll actually be wearing his awards in the pic including this one. That would be the absolute icing on the cake, to me at least as it's been a long standing dream of mine. Here's hoping! Stay tuned! This lil' fellow seems to keep coming up with more surprises. Dan
    16. Rick, many many thanks for the additional info! I just keep discovering more on this. I just LOVE OGPW's!!!! Dan
    17. Stuart, sorry bout that! I actually didn't read about it... just saw the pic matching the unit and grabbed it. I see now it's painted black. Sure looked like leather when I first spotted it. But hoping it gave at least the basic idea. But glad you like the site. Dan
    18. Check out a movie called "One Of Our Aircraft Is Missing", a British film from 1942 as it includes one of these German rescue buoy's. Dan
    19. Stuart, that is one AWESOME helmet. Bet a requirement to join up with them was you had to like pretzels. But seriously... these are not just helmets but works of art. I did run across many examples of the metal helmets you spoke of but the only one I could find in the leather was the one I posted. Congrats on a fantastic example! Dan
    20. Does this help? From Worthpoint. Go here for more info/pics: http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/british-victorian-yeomanry-helmet-dloy-1865 Dan
    21. Many thanks for the additional info my friend! But one thing... you forget... most Soviet SN'd awards "can talk" through research. I'm also considering seeing if any bio (hopefully with pics) can be found as I'm hoping against hope since he was a Lt. Col. that there's a chance there are pictures to be had. I feel it always gives a much more personal side to things when we have the picture of the original recipient and it's something I always hope for. Will keep everyone posted as this progresses. Dan
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