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    J Temple-West

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    Everything posted by J Temple-West

    1. It may appear that way but the differences in detail between nickel silver (solid or plated) and zinc badges are huge, the nickel silver always being the more highly detailed. This combined with wear can change a badge?s appearance quite considerably. Being unable to blow up Eric?s badge to any degree of clarity, I?ve done a comparison with another zinc example I have on file. I think you?ll agree?an exact match. :cheers:
    2. Stijn, dear friend? Welcome home! It sounds like a good trip was had? a well deserved rest after the publication of the book, I?m sure. Thank you so much for sharing the history of Uffz X. It must have been difficult for him giving you his prized award and I can only think that he reached his decision based on your steadfast character and dedication to history. Bravo Uffz X! This situation with the badge thief is not good!! There must be something we can do to catch this bast#@d. If you have a list of addresses of vet?s, or there?s a vet?s association, perhaps a warning letter with a description of this person? Stijn, when you have a minute, a shot of the reverse of that wonderful badge please.
    3. The workmanship and style is on a par with any of the top end makers, and 'imo' hits all the right buttons. Interestingly, and as a side note... the eagle on the FLL is quite close in design to those produced by Brehmer. So, any minds changed? :cheers:
    4. Hi Eric Thank you for your comments?..I know exactly what you?re saying. I was hoping someone would ask. Having done the measurements (somewhat difficult getting the measurement in the same place on two badges.. even using a digital calliper) they come out well within accepted tolerances. Plated: Weight: 35.8g Wreath height 57.27mm Wreath width. 44.70mm Eagle wingtip to w-tip 39.95mm Swastika width 9.91mm Zinc: Weight: 30.5g Wreath height 57.21mm Wreath width. 44.65mm Eagle wingtip to w-tip 39.90mm Swastika width 9.88mm The block hinges are a match as are the catches, and even the pin's gauge comes out at 1.44mm on both bagdes. The badge shows clearly defined shear marks and has the characteristic FLL problem of fractures associated with the die strike process.
    5. There has been a lot of discussion about whether ?FLL? produced Flak badges only in zinc, or did they also produce early pieces in either nickel silver, plated tombak/buntmetal as per other makers? Having searched every source to see if there has been any comparison work done on the very few buntmetal examples that have turned up over the years, I could only find scepticism. So, dust off your wallets (billfolds)?there is another flak to look out for! I present the superbly detailed ?Friedrich Linden? Flak badge in nickel plated tombak/buntmetal. Having only just received this piece, I?ve taken some obverse/reverse shots and done a comparison using Eric?s (hope you don?t mind E? yours is less worn than mine) zinc example. A careful study shows that the two badges are from the same dies and are an exact match, except for the shape of the hole at the gun base, something that must have changed during the production process. Obverse.
    6. In fact I'd say the catch has been repaired a couple of times. The first (field) repair having a hole drilled through the wreath to house what I suspect to have been a "?" style catch....The second "C" style catch replacement being expertly done by the likes of a jeweller. Repairs aside? A very nice example.
    7. This is not the first time I?ve seen (thinking them to be original) fakes obtained to replace long lost awards. It?s unfortunate, but these things happen.
    8. 1.40ish am... tired...let's just check e-mails before Zzzzzz And what is this!! Awake now!! Nice one!! You've cracked a tough nut there, Eric...Not many of them around. Respect.
    9. Hi Daniel In short, I wouldn't want any of these badges in my collection. The observer... Cast fake of a Juncker 2nd pattern wreath and GWL eagle, with well known fake maker mark "SOG" The pilot... Again, cast fake of a Juncker 2nd pattern wreath and BSW eagle with incorrect Juncker maker mark. B&NL Radio Op's/Air Gunner... In my opinion, a cast copy of an original badge, but a full shot of the reverse, showing the hardware is needed. Air Gunner... I would like to see a shot of the reverse...but again, In my opinion, a cast copy of either a Juncker or Deumer. The Luftwaffe Ground Combat badge has a slight chance of being original, but if the badge is an example of the yet unidentified maker, the catch and pin have been replaced. Better pictures are needed. The Army Flak....Obverse features look very soft. Again, better pictures needed, but I don't hold out much hope. So, only one person's opinion...more to come, I'm sure. :cheers:
    10. Looks like a nice example, Martin... Here's a recent thread that may be of interest to you. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=27682
    11. We could start a ?Picture of the month? competition but with work of this quality.... would the rest of us have a chance of winning? Rich.
    12. I can only agree with Eric. The badge is in wonderful condition, having all its components intact?..something rarely seen on aluminium badges. The case is a first for me too. It?s certainly not a case that?s usually associated with Juncker and I would want to do a little more research before giving it the thumbs-up.
    13. "A-1" is right! Nicest example I've seen.....and great shots of the hardware.
    14. One of my all time favourite blades, Kevin. And in stunning condition! Envy..envy..envy. :cheers:
    15. Wow!! Jan. Superb! You can?t get better than that, brother.... And with the magic word..?Erel? I hope you keep it safely stored away from the dreaded moth.
    16. Karsten I think you've made the right desision. Better to acquire a piece that you're totally happy with, rather one that you'll always wonder about. So, fellow collectors...If one turns up, give Karsten a shout. :cheers:
    17. Not a PB?. But as an example of the collaboration between Juncker/Deumer?here?s the Deumer (Juncker parts/construction and finishing by Deumer) 2nd pattern Ob?s.
    18. Hmmm? If we accept that the hinge barrel was soldered to the wreath then the centre portion ground away to accommodate the pin-barrel, we should see clean lines to the edges of the grind and no solder over the marks made by the grinding tool. A close-up of the pic in post # 8 shows there to be an overlay of solder to the grind marks, and overlapping solder along the edges. So, extra solder applied at the time of construction?.or a later repair? For me? it could go either way.
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