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    Everything posted by order_of_victory

    1. Welcome PAB The seriel number looks ok to me, most GPW awards have that style of serile number Order of VIctory
    2. Well I just bought i because I like the style of it On the other forum it mentions no damaged emamle, but for some reason it does not look like enamle on the back I will let you know more when I get it Talking of Che I have I enamled wall sign of him facing me as I type this and I have Che curtian covering my framed Soviet Posters Order of Victory
    3. I just could not resist this off ebay, I dont have clude what it si or wheather it is genuine but looks rather nice here are some pics Order of Victory
    4. Hi Soviet, The first ones seems cheap, depending on postage The second one I have never seen before, it looks intresting If any one has any more info on that I would love to know more Order of Victory
    5. From the pic, Breznev seems to be hero three times and Hero of Labour. I though Stalin just had the Hero of Socialist Labour No 1 Order of Victory
    6. Gerd, Very nice idea If had the space to display my Orders like that I would certanly place order Order of Victory
    7. Woops Doc, I meant ORBL, I was not contrasting, I still cant belive how much its worth Order of Victory
    8. Sorry, let me just get this straight then, a ORB with '0' at the start of the seriel number is worth more than standard one Order of Victory
    9. Wow, what a collection And I love the armoured car Order of Victory
    10. QUOTE(Ed_Haynes @ Nov 25 2006, 07:50 ) And I am not sure that ODM are the place to start. In any case, Tsar Putin and his minions will have more pressing matters to worry about, I suspect. Well I think Putin and his minions are busy murdering ex KGB members in London at the mo Order of Victory
    11. Hers mine Order of Red Banner of Labour bought for $20 off ebay on 26 Jan 2004 from Newcastle upon Tyne in England off EBAY. I bought it because I ghtought the Hammer and Sickel were cool ths started a slippery slope BTW not only was it my first Soviet ODM but it was the first thing I bought out of my first wage packet Order of Victory
    12. Does this mean Soviet Order will soon be sold with the seriel numbers removed Order of Victory
    13. Hi Jon M Glad you like it Its not, as heavy as it looks, its a bit heavyer than a large hard backed book Order of Victory
    14. We seem to touch on this topic ervery few months, and every time predictions seems dire, but nothing has yet to come of it I personaly think Sotherbys are bowing to pressure from the Russian State, but I cant see prices going down I can see them going up as there will be fewer available and less places to buy them. Well I am just going to barraked the doors, just in case that Helicopter going over head is the Spetznaz coming to get back my medals Order of Victory
    15. Soviet, I have ten requestes for research for my awards, I tend to put a few in month, one is the post to me And two medals in my colletion with research. Personaly at the moment I am in position were cant afford much new stuff because I require only rare pieces so I am catching up on Research and DOC's for my medals. Order of Victory
    16. Sorry Gerd your joke must have got lost in translation My first one has been 5 weeks so far Usually postage from Russia only takes a few days Order of Victory
    17. Once the web sites up and running will it mean that postage is any quicker BTW Gerd, what guy from yesterday Order of Victory
    18. I must hold my hand up to buying a set of documetns of selar who did not relise the seril numbered medals went with the particular doc and did not relise that the documents were in the box until some weeks after the auction So what I am trying to say here is that some times sellars dont relise what they are selling if its not htere particular field Order of Victory
    19. Once again very nice Ed I dont think Collect Russia does straight swaps But if you want I will swap with you ..................... Order of Victory
    20. Thanks Ed Glad somebody else like these Now Collect Russia has that one up for sale I must get my dodgy one to PMD just to make sure Order of Victroy
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