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    Everything posted by order_of_victory

    1. Christian, Geting back slightly more on topic in my Humble opinion considoring that a Type 1 Triangle costs 24,000usd www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=15943 I cosidor the price reasonable for an intresting medal But please note that Order of the Red Banner of Labour are my soft spot Order of Victory
    2. Thanks MONDVOR, I will try and get a better scan but the medal and doc are in disply case at a museum at present The point that raised is what got me wondering Order of Victory
    3. Gerd, Mine came in massive pile of Misc Docs I bought off Ebay Order of Victory
    4. Christian, Heres an exaple of the cupon book , Unfortunatly I dont know what medal it relates to Order of Victory
    5. I was looking at this the other day, and was ondering is this order book a fake As usual any help appriciated Order of Victory
    6. Wow, I remeber seeing it but never thought about it Thanks Order of Victory
    7. Would it be possible to reaserch this type of medal, presuming he belonged to the Red Army Any help would be appriciated Order of Victory
    8. Dave, In that case I must appologise, If I had known you had owned one (I should o guessed ) I would not have said that Order of Victory
    9. Great info Ed I think it facinating to see these late miltary awards, I never realised a personal courage was awarded for millitray action I presumed it was a civilan award Order of Victory
    10. The thing that suprises me is that you would be willing to pay a lot of money for Afgan Award, but not for a Rare Labour award Or I am just biased towards labour awards Order of Victory
    11. In my view it come down to how badly you want one of the 200 and odd Orders of Glory 1st Class If I had the money I would buy it a heart beat I sure hope my niubers come up tonight Order of Victory
    12. Well Collect Russia has done it again, feast your eyes on this. Order of Victory
    13. I find it intresing that Putin has got rid of most Soviet Symbolism but as I remeber Putins first act in power was to bring back the Soviet National anthem Order of Victory
    14. Its intresting to note that Wild Card's has a curved bar as well Order of Victory
    15. Heres my medal for combat service No14198 Its bit earlier than yours I do apologise for the poor pic Order of Victory
    16. Hi David, I am upto intermidiate in Russian, so can hold quite a god conversation if the person speaks slowly My reading Rssin is coming on I alreadyhave French sorted as spent two years at college in France At least German is mostly the same alphabet as most other European languages Order of Victory
    17. This is a very intresting thread,i wish Ihad known some of this when I started out Very well Said Ed I am curently learning Russian and using awad cards, to practice a) Handwriting b) Numbers A good refference for any one wanting to learn Russian is www.ruslan.co.uk, they have a great range of teaching aids But as Iam starting a DDR collection as well I might have to start learning German as well Order of Victory
    18. Wow they are one the best looking Soviet Orders, I have missed evey one I have tried to buy Lovely pieces Order of Victory
    19. Hi Yes there are IKEA stores in the UK and there is one in Moscow Order of Victory
    20. Hi Its the medal for the Deffence of the Cauasus Medal Order of Victory
    21. Thanks guys for the information regarding German awarde's I guess never relised or thought that there woud be anti NAZI partisans in side Germany I blevie Breznevs Order of Victory was orderded to be destroyed at the mint Order of Victory
    22. I recived an email last night from the Master Reasearcher with good news on the Screwback ORB. The rearsearch has been found and will be wingits way to me soon Still no sighn of the Nevsky or OSH 3rd Class Order of Victory
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