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    I don't know much about these medals, so I will only post them (pics are taken from a few eBay auctions).

    1993 Medal (eBay item number: 200089231923)


    On the reverse, in cyrillic: For the honourable cross and the golden freedom - Republika Srpska 1993

    1993 Medal "Hero Milan Tepic" (eBay item number 200089232082)


    On the reverse, in cyrillic: Glory, that is the dreadfull sun of the martyr - Republika Srpska 1993

    That is the final verse of a poem by Jovan Ducic, Himna pobednika (Hymn of the winners), a Serbian poet of the late XIX, early XX century.

    1993 Bravery Medal "Gavrilo Princip" (eBay item number: 200089232146)


    On the reverse, in cyrillic: For bravery - Republika Srpska 1993



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    Dear Filip,

    many thanks for posting these beauties :cheers: .

    The early date of 1993 and the Austrian-style ribbon is interesting :jumping: .

    Maybe we might find some more RS-Orders & Medals :unsure: ?

    Best regards :beer:



    Hello Filip

    the first medal you stated is correctly called "Medalja zasluga za narod", translated "Medal for merits towards the people"

    It's awarded in one class for merits achieved during fight against the enemy, for liberation of country and achievents in aprovment and building of the Republika Srpska. (taken and liberately translated from the institution document). Institution date is 25.april 1993.

    The medal is awarded to all army personel up to a grade of captain and civilians which aply to the other awarding criteria.

    On the avers of the medal is a fragment of the famous picture of Paja Jovanovic "Takovo uprising" showing the oberknez Milos Obrenovic as the leader of the uprising a monk as the representative of the serbin orthodox church and a farmer as the representative of the people. Milos holds in his hand a flag and is cerning his forces and will to protect the people.

    The other medals will follow shortly as I find a time window to write it down.

    Best regards


    I don't know much about these medals, so I will only post them (pics are taken from a few eBay auctions).

    1993 Medal (eBay item number: 200089231923)


    On the reverse, in cyrillic: For the honourable cross and the golden freedom - Republika Srpska 1993

    1993 Medal "Hero Milan Tepic" (eBay item number 200089232082)


    On the reverse, in cyrillic: Glory, that is the dreadfull sun of the martyr - Republika Srpska 1993

    That is the final verse of a poem by Jovan Ducic, Himna pobednika (Hymn of the winners), a Serbian poet of the late XIX, early XX century.

    1993 Bravery Medal "Gavrilo Princip" (eBay item number: 200089232146)


    On the reverse, in cyrillic: For bravery - Republika Srpska 1993




    As far as I know the production has been stopped, maybe that some of the stock items have been awarded since.


    Re these medals still current - given that Srpska is a part of BiH?


    Dear Antonio,

    many thanks for the perfect ribbon sheet :cheers: .

    So, RS still issues orders & medals :D .

    Your links don't work :( .

    Is there a possibility to see the full decorations of the ribbons :love::unsure: ?

    Best regards :beer:


    • 6 years later...

    Medal of Military Merit.

    Medal of Military Merit has one class, which is awarded to members of the armed forces of the Republic of Serbian enthusiasm in the execution of duties or the suitability of the military and senior properties.Medal of Military Merit can be characterized and civil faces for exemplary performance and significant contribution to the country.
    The inscription on the medal reads: "(Showing four steels), For Military Merit, Serbian Republic".

    Posted (edited)

    Greetings Ilja and thank you for reviving this topic, I've been meaning to start a new topic on decorations of Republic of Srpska for some time, this is an excellent "excuse".

    In 1993 Republic of Srpska introduced the following orders:

    01. Order of Republic of Srpska (Орден Републике Српске)

    02. Order of Nemanjić (Орден Немањића)

    03. Karageorge Star (Карађорђева звијезда)

    04. Order of Miloš Obilić (Орден Милоша Обилића)

    05. Order of Njegoš (Орден Његоша)

    06. Charity Cross (Крст милосрђа)


    01. Medal of Petar Mrkonjić (Медаља Петра Мркоњића)

    02. Medal of Milan Tepić (Медаља Милана Тепића)

    03. Medal for Merits Towards the People (Медаља заслуга за народ)

    04. Medal for Bravery - Gavrilo Princip medal (Медаља за храброст - Медаља Гаврила Принципа)

    05. Medal for Military Merits (Медаља за војне заслуге)

    06. Medal for Military Virtues (Медаља за војничке врлине)

    I believe that three more orders were instituted later but I was not able to determine when exactly. Those are:

    01. Order of the Flag of Republic of Srpska (Орден заставе Републике Српске)

    02. Order of St. Petar Zimonjić (Орден светог Петра Зимоњића)

    03. Order of Honor (Орден части)

    Edited by paja

    01. Order of Republic of Srpska is the highest order of Republic of Srpska. There are two variants, on a chain and on a sash.

    A) The one on the chain is awarded to Heads of States, most prominent individuals for outstanding deeds and merits and to individuals and institutions who have contributed significantly to the creation of Republic of Srpska.

    Metropolitan Amfilohije receiving the order in the name of Serbian Patriarch Pavle from the hands of president Rajko Kuzmanović.

    B) The one on the sash is awarded to prominent individuals for merits in development of international cooperation and for contribution to the state.

    President Milorad Dodik awarding (now former) President of Serbia Boris Tadić and Military Medical Academy (Order received by General Marijan Novaković).


    Posted (edited)

    02. Order of Nemanjić, single class, is awarded to units and members of the Armed Forces of Republic of Srpska for outstanding heroic deeds during combat. Exceptionally it can be awarded to civilians for special contribution in organizing and leading the defense of Serbian people and the state. The order consists of badge worn around the neck and a breast star.


    Edited by paja
    Posted (edited)

    03. Karageorge Star, three classes, is a military decoration awarded for outstanding achievements in commanding and leading units of Armed Forces of Republic of Srpska during combat. Exceptionally it can be awarded during peacetime for outstanding merits in leading and organizing armed forces.

    First, second and third class.


    Lieutenant General Novica Simić (1948-2012), former Chief of the General Staff of Army of Republic of Srpska wearing the breast star of the first class order.

    Edited by paja

    04. Order of Miloš Obilić, single class, is awarded to all members of Armed Forces of Republic of Srpska regardless of rank for bravery expressed during combat and for heroic deeds. During peacetime it can be awarded only on exceptional occasions.


    Air Force General Đuro Beronja wearing the order.

    Posted (edited)

    Order of Njegoš, three classes, is awarded to individuals, companies, institutions and other organizations for outstanding achievements and merits in economy, science, culture and in development and overall progress of Republic of Srpska.

    First, second and third class.


    First class awarded to Winery Vukoje (http://www.podrum-vukoje.com/ba/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46:orden-njegoa-i-reda&catid=5:vijesti&Itemid=20)


    First class awarded to Faculty of Economics of the Banja Luka University.

    First class, second class breast star and third class order awarded to Boksit company (http://www.ad-boksit.com/o_nama/priznanja.php)


    Third class awarded to Dujaković Zoran (http://www.zoran-dujakovic.com/dodjela-odlikovanja/).


    Edited by paja

    06. Charity cross, single class, is awarded to collectives and individuals for courage and sacrifice shown while taking care of sick and wounded during combat. During peacetime it can be awarded only on exceptional occasions.

    My images from the topic dedicated to this order (http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/55786-republic-of-srpska-charity-cross/).



    Believe that Republic of Srpska decorations were designed mainly by a distinguished gentleman from Beograd

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