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    Hi Robert...

    ...a simple design...but still a nice tinnie to own with its bold central hakenkreuz...thanks for posting...

    ...and now....

    ...another SA....with what looks like a landmark building from Ansbach...and nice use of the hakenkreuz as the sun...

    ..."Aufmarsch Der SA Standarte 19 Ansbach 1934"

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    I would have replied sooner...but I was distracted by a 17 month old bundle of snot and poo :rolleyes: ....needless to say we love him anyway!

    ...moving swiftly onwards...

    ....a great selection of very well presented tinnies that you have posted...even though there's no SA (at the moment :-) ...I do like the NSDAP 'Deutschland ist Erwacht!' tinnie....

    ...I usually stick with SA myself...simply from a cost point of view..there's far too much out there! ...I've ended up ignoring very fine looking tinnies because they weren't SA....

    ...just aquired this item...a Meissen made disc...not shown in Tieste....but here's the conundrum...there are plenty of porcellan Meissen disc's shown in the Tieste books, most featuring a metal three-pronged clasp on the reverse of the disc, not actually fixed onto the disc...the ends of the prongs are bent around the rim of the disc...

    ...my disc is approx 50mm in diameter...but I don't know for sure if it ever had a clasp attached...or was it just handed out as a table medal type of thing.....???

    ...either way, it bears the SA emblem which makes it an ideal item in my mind !

    "SA Gruppenaufmarsch, Dresden, 24./25.III.1934"


    Been there, done it, many moons ago thank goodness.

    As to the badge/plaque...either way mate, a very nice piece, one I would have bought.



    Had a load of tinnies to download but my computer locked up, and in re-booting, lost all the pics, so back to the scanner. Ho hum.

    • 2 weeks later...

    ...and we're off again!

    ...another SA tinnie (surprise, surprise!)....

    ...it shows a bit of wear to the front side, but this all adds to its character...

    ...a nice combination of shield design with a SA dagger handle protruding from the top...

    "SA Brigade 54 Marschiert! Freiburg i. BR. 22.-23.Aug.1936"


    ...back again!

    ...a gold washed tinnie...I believe there is also a silver finished version as well...

    "SA Wettkampftage Gruppe Westmark 2.3. 7. 1938 Koblenz"


    I wish I had time to read through this thread proper instead of the occasional peek at the last page, Claymore the Meissen SA item you have shown, does it have gold paint around the rim? it looks plain, which would interesting if it were. Please see naff pic attached.

    Thanks for sharing.


    p.s that Sa Freiburg badge would be better off with me. :rolleyes:


    Hello Colin,

    With regards to that SA Meissen disc...there is no gold paint on it...your's is the first example I've seen with gold paint...I've seen two or three identical disc's to the one I have, all without paint....

    I still haven't worked out if it is technically a 'tinnie' as such...I did note that Tieste does feature similar item's in his books (but not my two examples), ....the fact it bears the SA emblem made it a 'must have' item....

    ...always interested in badges with the SA runic roundel :-)

    ...as for the Freiburg badge...yes, a nice piece!

    ...here's another SA Meissen disc...

    "Standarte 416 Vereidigung 1934"

    • 2 weeks later...

    Hi Pete...

    ...nice to see SA tinnies from someone else :-)

    ...the first SA tinnie that you posted is identical to one I posted a few pages back...except mine is made of 'Lederplastik'....according to Tieste, there are three versions :-

    1. Red 'Lederplastik' 2. Green 'Lederplastik' 3. Metal

    ...I wonder what the significance of the different colours / materials were meant to represent....?

    ...as for your second SA tinnie....nice 1939 image of a SA-mann throwing a stick-grenade....

    ...which is an excuse to post another new SA tinnie of my own....made in grey plastic...and for the same year, 1939...

    ...I do like the crisp detail found on plastic tinnies... :-)

    ...the manufacturer details on the reverse are 'Walgo Kierspe-BHF i/W M9/20' ....I believe the lettering 'i/W' stands for 'im Weste'...

    ...the company Walgo is still going strong in Kierspe...


    "S-A-Gruppe Kurpfalz, Gruppen-Wettkampftage 1939'


    ...is it okay to keep posting SA tinnies ????? :rolleyes:

    ..okay then :)

    ...a nice silver SA tinnie....

    "Wettkampftage der SA Gruppe Niedersachsen 6.-8.Sept. 1935 Hannover"


    ..got a few particularly striking looking SA tinnies on the way to me just now....one of which is a real beauty...will post it when it arrives...


    Good news (for me) my computer literate son managed to find a program that rescued all my stuff from my fried drive.

    Keep watching this space....

    ...............be afraid, be very afraid....

    Luv to all,



    ...ever felt like you had the spirit of Tigger within ?? ...that you needed to bounce around happily...???

    ...feeling that way just now.... :jumping:

    ...(Jackanory time)....

    ...Question: 'What was it that made you collect this particular kind of militaria, i.e, SA tinnies?'

    ...Answer: I remember looking at this 'tinnie' thread back in January '07....and spied quite a few outstanding looking tinnies....until that moment I hadn't bought any SA tinnies.....and then I saw one particular SA tinnie posted by 'Ralph A' (on page 28 of this thread)....

    ...needless to say, I found it to be one of the best looking SA tinnies that I had ever seen, and that one tinnie convinced me to begin collecting that very day...but at that moment, I did think to myself that such a tinnie would surely be very rare, very expensive, and I would never see the like of it again...

    ...(nervous cough)...

    ...I found one just like.....

    ...and here it is....

    ...the very SA tinnie that made me start collecting SA tinnies...

    ...(drum roll)...


    "SA Brigade 34, Chemnitz, 1935"

    ...could it possibly be in any better condition ??? ..I don't think so !!!



    I remember going green when I saw Ralphs, now I look in the mirror and see that same shade...



    I have been collecting sa and hj tinnies for quite a few years and never seen one

    apart from in Tieste book is it rare was it expensive? if it was on a dealers table

    in the UK i would think priced between ?60-?80 may be more can you show us a

    pic of the back


    Hi Pete,

    Sorry for that...but it is rather good isn't it.... :rolleyes:

    ...who knows....maybe that will be my crowning glory....(what do you think ???)


    ...a friend of mine asked an interesting question...

    ...I'm sure we've all seen examples of printed NSDAP party programmes...the most common being those that show the N?rnberg rallies for instance...i.e, what events will take place and when...

    ...but has anyone seen programmes that show events that make up a local 'Sportkampftage-treffen'....

    ...the SA tinnie above is for an event held in Chemnitz in 1935 for Brigade 34...did they have a printed programme for example that listed the sporting and ideological events for that particular meeting ??

    ...can these tinnies be backed up with paperwork ???


    Very nice i have one of these marked on the reverse Wernstein Jena bottom edge

    is your example marked ? I can't post pics because i don't know how to its witchcraft

    to me. But i will ask a mate round to help me one question do you need a really good

    digital camera or can it be done with a cheap one?

    All the best


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