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    Posted (edited)

    :beer: :D

    Bravo Marc!

    Air Marshal Khudyakov

    I additionaly read, and found interesting, that Beria really could not stand him because Khudyakov's father worked for him at the NKVD and knew some of his secrets!

    Also, because of his position, he was often in a difficult position with Stalin. Arrested in 45 on his way to the Japanese Front, and disappeared untill the 50ies when he

    was executed.

    So, wasn't it an easy one, it was? Next question to Marc! :)



    Edited by marcotk
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    Bravo Marc!

    Air Marshal Khudyakov

    I additionaly read, and found interesting, that Beria really could not stand him because Khudyakov's father worked for him at the NKVD and knew some of his secrets!

    Also, because of his position, he was often in a difficult position with Stalin. Arrested in 45 on his way to the Japanese Front, and disappeared untill the 50ies when he

    was executed.

    So, wasn't it an easy one, it was? Next question to Marc! :)



    Thanks Marco :beer:

    It looks like we are too fast for Christophe to keep up with the totals :rolleyes:

    Anyway, here is a reaaaaaaaaaally easy question:

    What was the full name of the 1980 Olympic Games mascot?



    I belive it was Mikhail Potapych Toptygin, called Misha the bear! Designed by Victor Chizikov. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2WewT1jBQQ

    Now, I think he is one of the most famous bear in Russia along with the "Preved Bear"!


    Congratulations Marco, that's definitely him!

    Yes, he's been a local celebrity for a long time, even way before the Moscow Olympics.

    So, your turn once again :cheers:



    I am going to give an easy question as Marc just did! It is a two parter though, to don't be too easy!

    First Part

    It is the thirties, and to prove you are a good member of the party, you are asked this question!

    With an 'i' it drinks up people's money,

    With an 'o' it helps work the land

    And this machine is so strong

    That it destroys the power of the priest

    To be accepted, the winner must provide both the correct answers!!

    Second Part

    The above shows how difficult the relationship between the communist state and the church was in the thirties. Which was the name

    of one organization which clearly depicted this feelings that had over 5 millions members in 1932?

    Best, Good Luck! :cheers:



    Hi all,

    I'll give it a shot. Not sure what "Tractor" is in Russian but that would be my guess to part one. Part two I'd say: The League of the Militant Godless

    The League of the Militant Godless was founded in 1925 as part of the Soviet authorities? attack on religion. At its height in 1932 it had about five million members, before it was eventually disbanded in 1942. Originally its activities included vandalism and the destruction of church property, like smashing church windows and desecrating cemeteries, done more out of its members? hatred for religion rather than any attempt to spread atheism. Over time it became more sophisticated in its approach, organising meetings in the villages to promote its atheist message. It also organised anti-religious lectures, and published anti-religious books, magazines and journals. These included works of popular science written to show how science had disproved religion. These included quizzes, which presented the approved answers to criticism of Communism as well as attacking religion.

    Dan :cheers:



    It looks like we are too fast for Christophe to keep up with the totals :rolleyes:




    I like this, when the Quiz is live and running !!!! :jumping::jumping::jumping::jumping::jumping:

    I normally plan to update the stats only once a month, but I can also speed this if the Quiz is really active!! :rolleyes:



    Posted (edited)

    Grea Dan!

    Part 2 is super correct, but you miss half of part 1!! traktor is one answer.. but it could also be? Hint: it is very similar!


    Hi all,

    I'll give it a shot. Not sure what "Tractor" is in Russian but that would be my guess to part one. Part two I'd say: The League of the Militant Godless

    The League of the Militant Godless was founded in 1925 as part of the Soviet authorities' attack on religion. At its height in 1932 it had about five million members, before it was eventually disbanded in 1942. Originally its activities included vandalism and the destruction of church property, like smashing church windows and desecrating cemeteries, done more out of its members' hatred for religion rather than any attempt to spread atheism. Over time it became more sophisticated in its approach, organising meetings in the villages to promote its atheist message. It also organised anti-religious lectures, and published anti-religious books, magazines and journals. These included works of popular science written to show how science had disproved religion. These included quizzes, which presented the approved answers to criticism of Communism as well as attacking religion.

    Dan :cheers:

    Edited by marcotk

    Grea Dan!

    Part 2 is super correct, but you miss half of part 1!! traktor is one answer.. but it could also be? Hint: it is very similar!


    How about a Combine? :unsure:

    Dan :cheers:

    Posted (edited)

    Read the "clues" carefully,

    with 'o' it helps working the land... traktor

    With an 'i' it drinks up people's money, ....?

    This has 2 answers, from which one is traktor already! What is the other one?

    :cheers: :cheers:

    Edited by marcotk

    Read the "clues" carefully,

    with 'o' it helps working the land... traktor

    With an 'i' it drinks up people's money, ....?

    This has 2 answers, from which one is traktor already! What is the other one?


    Tractor Driver? :unsure:

    Dan :cheers:


    Marco is referring to the "traktir", the russian pub...

    Dan, in my opinion, you are the winner. Let's wait for Marco's judgement !!! :rolleyes:




    Many thanks! :jumping: As things are moving along and I have to hit the bed :sleep: I'd like to pass the honor of the next question on to Christophe if he'd care to accept. :beer:

    Dan :cheers: :Cat-Scratch:

    Posted (edited)

    Hi Dan,

    I accept with pleasure. :beer:

    As I am myself between two sessions of work, I will propose an easy one, not having time enough to look for a cryptic one... :rolleyes:

    Question #211 :

    Look at the following photo :

    1. What are the buildings on the left and the right ?

    Please, name the two buildings.

    2. Who is the photographer who took this pic ?


    The first Forum Member to answer correctly both questions is the winner.

    Good hunt and good luck !! :rolleyes:



    Pic : Foto Soyuz

    Edited by Christophe

    Question #211 :

    Look at the following photo :

    1. What are the buildings on the left and the right ?

    Please, name the two buildings.

    2. Who is the photographer who took this pic ?


    The first Forum Member to answer correctly both questions is the winner.

    Good hunt and good luck !! :rolleyes:




    I believe that the building on the right is the Hotel Moskva, and the one on the left is the State Duma.

    Now as to the photographer, could it be Khaldei?



    Perfect answers, Marc !!!! :jumping::jumping::jumping: Congratulations, you're the winner !!! :beer:

    The photograph is Evgueny Khaldei, and the pic has been taken in 1950.

    Your turn, now... :cheers:




    Perfect answers, Marc !!!! :jumping::jumping::jumping: Congratulations, you're the winner !!! :beer:

    The photograph is Evgueny Khaldei, and the pic has been taken in 1950.

    Your turn, now... :cheers:




    Thanks for that. I must say it is somewhat sad that the local authorities decided to destroy that "Soviet Cathedral", it was quite unique, and definitely an icon of times past; on the other hand, the open perspective from Teatralnaya Ploschad to Okhotniy Ryad will be something special. I just hope that, somehow, someone saved parts of the inside decorum.

    Right, back to our topic. Let me sleep on it, and I'll come up with an easy question tomorrow.



    Hi Marc,

    In fact they are rebuilding the Moskva. And they are supposed to rebuild it identically (? l'identique), but I don't know how the inside will be, as the rebuilding might only concern the envelope, the outside... I have pics of the outside, as I usually stay in the Metropol when in Moscow. I'll post a few of them if you want.




    Hi Marc,

    In fact they are rebuilding the Moskva. And they are supposed to rebuild it identically (? l'identique), but I don't know how the inside will be, as the rebuilding might only concern the envelope, the outside... I have pics of the outside, as I usually stay in the Metropol when in Moscow. I'll post a few of them if you want.




    That is interesting! And where are they rebuilding it?



    In many news footage, you can see it... hidden by huge advertising panels.



    I have even seen it live :rolleyes:

    I am afraid that your information might be erroneous. They are currently taking it down. They decided not to blow up the building as it is too close to many other important ones, and instead to take it apart brick by brick from the top. It should take another couple of years to clear the site.


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