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    PR Bulgaria awards

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    • 3 months later...

    Just in - nice intermediate version.

    Hi Bob,

    "Very" nice!!!! :love::love::jumping::jumping: Would love to have one... but have to wait until I'm through the land of winter heating bills first and back in the balmy spring... at the very least.

    Thanks for sharing. :beer:


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    • 5 months later...

    Hi all,

    Haven't been able to add anything to my Bulgarian collection for quite some time. But thanks to Vic (Order of Victory) I've now managed to acquire the 1st and 2nd class I've needed to finish off my set. My 3rd class is pictured on Post #30.

    Here's an example pic from the seller... not sure if these are exactly the ones I'm getting but they'll be nearly identical. Once they arrive I'll do up and post my own scans:

    Again keep in mind I already have the 3rd class... just pictured these to show the set all together.

    And a closeup of the 1st class:

    Thanks Vic... couldn't have done it without you my friend! :jumping::jumping::beer: I just can't say how happy I am to finally be able to put this set to bed after about three years of waiting.

    Dan :cheers:

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    Hi all,

    I just had a thought... would a holder of all three classes of the Bulgarian Order of Labor Glory be considered a Cavalier of such as in the Soviet system? And would there have been similar benefits as with the Soviet awards?

    Thanks, :beer:

    Dan :cheers:

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    Hi all,

    Again thanks to Vic (Order of Victory) I have some more new additions to my Bulgarian collection... all three classes of the Order of Mothers Glory:

    Now all I need are the Medals For Maternity 1st and 2nd class and the Bulgarian Order of Mother Heroine... that last being way down the road if at all due to rarety and price.

    Dan :cheers:

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    • 2 weeks later...

    As always Dan happy to help :beer:

    There are some nice oieces on the thread, oh no I am going to be sucked in to Bulgarian now :unsure::banger:

    Order of Victory

    Hi Vic,

    You need to get with our newest friend that you got the above worked out with and grab some of his stuff. The ones above and the Orders of Cirillus and Methodium were at super prices as advised!!!! :jumping::jumping: As soon as you can you should really consider them. And of course depending on if that Labor 3rd is in the package... you'll be well on your way! :beer:

    Dan :cheers:

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    • 4 weeks later...

    Hi all,

    My Bulgarian package has finally arrived. Here are new scans of my latest additions. First some family shots of my complete set of the Order of Labor Glory:

    It's nice as they've matched the colors of the rings to the medals. Looks great that way. :love:

    Edited by Hauptman
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    • 4 weeks later...

    Hi Bob,

    "Very" nice!!!! :love::love::jumping::jumping: Would love to have one... but have to wait until I'm through the land of winter heating bills first and back in the balmy spring... at the very least.

    Thanks for sharing. :beer:


    there's one available on sammler-cabinett.de right now

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    Hi Bob,

    Many thanks! :beer: Still going to be a while budget wise before I can jump on one. ;)

    Dan :cheers:

    That's what I thought as well when I wanted to buy my second Mongolian Sukh Baatar... but prices were going up higher quicker than I could save so in end I jumped in. I'm afraid that same thing is happening with this specific Bulgarian item.

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    That's what I thought as well when I wanted to buy my second Mongolian Sukh Baatar... but prices were going up higher quicker than I could save so in end I jumped in. I'm afraid that same thing is happening with this specific Bulgarian item.

    Oh I know... it's a race against time with some of this stuff. I'm hoping within the next couple of months that things will change drastically for the better $$ wise and I'll be able to seriously dive on on several things such as the GD and get them while the gettin' is good. :beer:

    Dan :cheers:

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    You have used a word here I don't entirely understand.



    Well Ed... "budget"... beg, borrow or at times... spend all that's in the account and then run for the couch and chair cushions, loose change in the drawers, in or under car seats... etc. And then if need be offer partial or full trades, first born male child or just about anything that's not welded down if it'll help make the deal for one more "precious" to add to the pile.

    But hey... it keeps me off the streets. :lol:

    Dan :cheers:

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    Hey, freshly drawn plasma now sells at . . . let me run off and go see . . . (hi Dave!) . . . .

    Now that's one I've not done yet... for some reason I just never thought about it. Let me know what the going rate is as you never know when it might come in handy. :rolleyes::P

    Dan :cheers:

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    • 1 year later...

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