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    Hi everybody

    I received these photos last week. Interesting photos of officer with Saxe Weimar SVK (62) mit X and SF3bX (692). With Krause Lundstr?m's book about Saxe Weimar, I find only 7 names

    F?chsel, J?ger, Kallenbach, Oberl?nder, Schulz, Thedy, Trautwein.


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    Weimar, August 1914, vorm Ausr?cken ins Feld


    Walther Poser, Architekt ------- Max Stark, Lehrer

    Thats him in post 5 and 6?

    Thats a prewar uberrock. wouldn't that be really unusual.

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    Hi everybody,

    Like you know I try to reunite a lot of items from Thuringian States. I hope that one day with all photos and items I can write one article about those States. Of course Neal o'Connor has done it in english but I want to make one in French, of course, or in German. This is why I buy all photos and items I can find :rolleyes:

    I'm still looking for very good photos and items, so if someone has something to sell or trade don't hesitate to pm me. Thanks



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