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    After a couple of tries and spending more time on it to decipher some of the text than i am willing to admit i would appreciate any input on helping me to fill in the blanks. Translation is not the problem just a few words that escape me, the fact a lot of words are faded isn't helping either.





    Its Grüße dich Gott, which is a long form for Grüß Gott, but I have to admit, I never heard of this, but wiki provided the answer:

    Grüß Gott ist eine Verkürzung aus grüß[e] dich Gott, 



    Sturmbatterie seems to have been a WW1 word: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Kriegspressequartier_Alben_1914-1918_(Ausbildung)#/media/File:Sturmbatterie_bim_Angriff_(BildID_15651521).jpg


    Sturmbatterie wenn uns der


    For the other words I have no glue, sorry.



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