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    Hello Lew!

    There is nothing special written...


    Lieber Emil!

    Besten Dank für Deine letzte(?) Karte. Ich bin auf einige Tage in Urlaub. Hoffe Dich aber bald wieder in Joht. (probably Johannisthal) zu treffen. Wann ich komme, weiß ich noch nicht genau. Es kommt darauf an, wie mein Urlaub genehmigt wird.

    Auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen verbleibe ich mit herzlichen Grüßen, Dein Eugen

    Düsseldorf den 2.11.15


    Dear Emil!

    Thank you very much for your last card. I am on holiday for a few days. But hope to see you again soon in Joht. (probably Johannisthal) again soon. I don't yet know exactly when I'll be there. It depends on how my holiday is approved.

    I look forward to seeing you again soon with best regards, Eugen

    Düsseldorf 2.11.15

    The card goes to:


    Emil Hasenkamp



    Waldstraße 8 / Guillemot

    A Guillemot lived in Waldstr.8. So Hasenkamp lived as a lodger with Guillemot (he was Kfm. = Kaufmann = salesman)

    Johannisthal was the plaace of the Marine-Landflieger-Abteilung (Naval Land Aircraft Department)


    Hasenkamp died in 1917:




    Edited by The Prussian
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    The Eugen at right is rather certain Eugen Arns who spent nearly the entire War as Marine pilot. I have read his BAMA file. He was back at LFA J-thal at least from early Dec 1915. Eugen Arns was born in Kevelaer not far from Düsseldorf.




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    On 08/01/2024 at 15:04, Soderbaum said:



    The Eugen at right is rather certain Eugen Arns who spent nearly the entire War as Marine pilot. I have read his BAMA file. He was back at LFA J-thal at least from early Dec 1915. Eugen Arns was born in Kevelaer not far from Düsseldorf.




    Hi Gunnar, does it mention anything about his award record?

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    Hi Lew,


    Both his BAMA files were thin, the second Pers 6/226598 had his awards w/o dates:


    LFAbz*, Eis.Halbmond, EKII, vwAbz (he was wounded two times) and later FEK, so no EKI.




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    • 3 weeks later...

    Hello Gents


    I'm struggling with the words before Oskar and his last name:



    I know it's quite hard and more a guess. But who do you think is this lieutenant?



    Kind regrets and thanks.

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    1 hour ago, Bernd_W said:

    Hello Gents


    I'm struggling with the words before Oskar and his last name:



    I know it's quite hard and more a guess. But who do you think is this lieutenant?



    Kind regrets and thanks.



    Vize Feldwebel


    Kind regards



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    Hello Andy,


    Its Wismar, Sturmabteilung Roßbach, after Kapp-Putsch related. Its 21.3.20. The date its mentioned in the Text where it's better to read:



    That's what I thought, because the Sturmabteilung Roßbach participated in the Kapp-Putsch in Wismar. But now looking at the Town's name, it looks more like Wissmar. Also, the second mentioning in the Text:


    The one besides the signature:



    But Wißmar would be in the Gießen area, and the Sturmabteilung Roßbach was in the Mecklenburg and Ruhr area during and after the Kapp-Putsch. Not sure if it's a strange writing or another town. And there is also a Wismar/Wißmar in Pomerania. https://gov.genealogy.net/item/show/WISMA2JO73MO

    The headquarters of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Roßbach in Pomerania was at "Gut Sadow, Kreis Pyritz".

    Pyritz (Pyrzyce) is ~60km away from Wismar/Wißmar (Wyszomierz, West Pomeranian Voivodeship) in Pomerania. Would be a better match compared to the Gießen one. But its strange, its written with ss and not ß, especially when Roßbach is written with the ß:



    It's a Passport, saying he is now a Member of the Sturmabteilung Roßbach.

    My guess would be its Lieutenant Koepke, Roßbachs adjutant. 


    But I wanted an unbiased answer about the name, because my thoughts are biased. See Wismar vs. Wissmar. Thanks, for asking me about the Town, leads to some thought about Wismar being right. 

    If it's not Wismar, I'm not sure about Koepke. Because I think he was present in the Mecklenburg and Ruhr area during this time. Could also be some "Werbeoffizier". It's stamped with a "Briefstempel" from the Sturmabteilung, and the "Briefstempel" is crossed out. But I don't know if they even had regular stamps, especially in this banned and unbanned times.


    Kind regrets


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    • 4 weeks later...

    Hello Gents


    Whats the word before Unteroffizier? Abteilung?




    Kind regrets and thanks.

    Edited by Bernd_W
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    • 1 month later...

    I can´t read it all but it says in short, that with an order of 29th Oct. of 1813 he was (if I understand it correctly) kicked out of the officers corps because of his behaviour in the face of the enemy. maybe during the Völkerschlacht in Leipzig?


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    • 1 month later...

    Hello Gents

    I struggle with these signatures.

    Any help is appreciated. 

    kind regards and thanks.


    Number 1 (The right signature is also the writer of the text.):


    Number 2:


    Number 3:


    Number 4 (two signatures):


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