Deruelle Posted August 26, 2013 Posted August 26, 2013 Hi everybody, In this topic I have made a lot of research about some Hannovrian medals received by Saxon officiers in XIXth Century. If someone has a medal bar or something to show don't hesitate.
Deruelle Posted August 26, 2013 Author Posted August 26, 2013 (edited) Basse, Julius Wilhelm General d. Inf. (1848-1934) VC1X, le 17 avril 1901, VC1, le 16 mai 1906, VC2, le 17 avril 1901, VRKD, le 28 mars 1871, AGXR, le 26 mars 1907, AC1, le 1er août 1904, AC2, le 15 avril 1898, AO, le 16 avril 1896, ARKD, le 1er octobre 1870, DAK, 1889, BrHLG, le 14 janvier 1905, HEAR2, 1866, MGrG, le 8 juillet 1902, PK1, 1903, EK2, le 19 janvier 1873, Eichenblattspange 25, 1895, PZM, mars 1897, SEHG, le 12 décembre 1906, WKE, 1894, WFGmKr, le 28 mars 1906, WFG, 1905, WFC2, 1898 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Boddien, Georg Albert Rittmeister d. R. a. D (1850-1926) AOXR, le 18 mai 1909, ARKD, le 1er octobre 1870, HEAR2, 1866, EK2, le 19 janvier 1873, Eichenblattspange 25, 1895, PZM, mars 1897, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Brinkmann, Julius Erich Eberhard Oberst (1823-1903 ) SH3, le 27 mars 1871, AC2, le 7 juin 1878, HEAR1, 1866, HWK, 1873, PK2, 1876, EK1, le 19 janvier 1873, Eichenblattspange 25, 1895, WFC2mX, 1871, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Bülow, Hans von Oberst (1836-1896) SH3, le 27 mars 1871, VRKD, le 1er octobre 1870, AC1, le 16 avril 1887, DAK, 1876, GEC, 1885, ÖFJC, 1878, ÖEK2, 1884, PK2, 1882, SEHC2, 1876, HEAR2, 1866, EK2, le 19 janvier 1873, Eichenblattspange 25, 1895, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Decken, Theodor von der Major a. D (1842- VR1, 14 Avril 1900, AC2, le 16 mai 1911, HEAR2, 1866, EK2, le 19 janvier 1873, Eichenblattspange 25, 1895, PZM, mars 1897, HHC, 1908, SEHC2, 1898, WFC2, 1905, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Decken, Eberhardt Wilhelm Benedikt von der Oberst a. D. (1843- DAK, 1886 HEAR2, 1866, PZM, mars 1897, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Ebmeier, Georg William Premier-Lieutenant (1844- LDA2, 1874, HEAR2, 1866, 1866 KDM, 1867, PZM, mars 1897, HLM, 1866. Harling, Maximilian Friedrich Major (1832- SH3, le 29 septembre 1870, HEAR2, 1866, EK2, le 19 janvier 1873, Eichenblattspange 25, 1895, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, PZM, mars 1897 HLM, 1866. Hodenberg, Gottlob Frhr von Oberst (1837- SH3, le 29 septembre 1870, DAK, 1878, HEAR2, 1866, PK3, 1875, EK1, le 19 janvier 1873, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Klenck, Wilhelm Fritz Carl Rittmeister SH3, le 29 septembre 1870, HEAR2, 1866, EK2, le 19 janvier 1873, Eichenblattspange 25, 1895, PZM, mars 1897, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Köring, Ernst Friedrich Gustav Major (1839- DAK, 1881, HEAR2, 1866, EK2, le 19 janvier 1873, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Meyer, Hermann Friedrich Hauptmann HEAR2, 1866, 1866 KDM, 1867, HLM, 1866. Poten, Karl August Wilhelm Major (1845-1905) AC2, le 18 avril 1891, DAK, 1885, HEAR2, 1866, BMVC, 1889, PRA2, le 15 septembre 1896, PK3, 1875, JSch3, le 25 janvier 1895, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Poten, Friedrich Karl Ernst Major z. D. (1837-1914) ARKD, le 1er octobre 1870, HEAR2, 1866, EK2, le 19 janvier 1873, Eichenblattspange 25, 1895, PZM, mars 1897, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Schele, Arnold Ludwig Hauptmann (1849-1922) ARKD, le 1er octobre 1870, HEAR2, 1866, PRA4, 1889, PK4, 1872, EK2, le 19 janvier 1873, PZM, mars 1897, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Tschirschnitz, Julius Oswald Oberst (1834-1921) VRKD, le 28 mars 1871, DAK, 1874, HG4, 1866, HEAR2, 1866, BMC, 1878, PK2, 1882, EK2, le 19 janvier 1873, Eichenblattspange 25, 1895, JVAS3 : 1887, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Uslar-Gleichen, Ludolf Frhr von Major (1842- DAK, 1885, HEAR2, 1866, PK3, 1873, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Lexique : SH : St Heinrich V : Verdienst Orden A : Albrecht order LDA : Landwehr Dienstauszeichnung DAK : Dienstauszeichnung Kreuz für Offiziere 1866 KDM : Kriegsdenkmünze 1866 PRA : Preußen Rot Adler Orden PK : Preußen Krone Orden EK : Preußen Eiserne Kreuz PZM : Preußen Zentenial Medaille 1870-1871 KDM: Kriegsdenkmünze 1870-1871 HG4 : Hannoversche Guelphen Order HEA : Hannoversche Ernst August Order HWK : Hannoversche Wilhelm Kreuz HLM : Hannoversche Langensalza Medaille HH : FHohenzollernscher Hausorden BM : Bayerische Verdienst Orden von Heiligen Mickael BMV : Militär Verdienst Orden BrHL : Braunschweing Heinrich des Löwen Orden Jsch : Japan Order des Heiligen Schatzes JVAS : Japan Verdienstorden der aufgehenden Sonne GE : Griechische Erlöser Order SEH : Sachsen Ernestine Hausorden WF : Wurttemberg Friedrich Orden WK : Wurttemberg Krone Orden ÖFJ : Österreich Franz Joseph Orden ÖEK : Österreich Eiserne Krone R : Ritterkreuz : C : Commandeur Kreuz G : GroßKreuz mK : mit Krone KD : Krieg Dekoration XR : Schwertern am Ringe Sources : Königlich Sächsischen Militär Verordnungsblatt, Dresden, Heinrich, 1892-1918. Rangliste der Königlich Sachs. Armee, Dresden, Heinrich, 1866-1918. RICHTER (G.), Der Königlich Sächsische Militär St-Heinrichs-Orden 1736-1918, Frankfurt a/ M., Verlag Weidlich,1964, 752 p. ROTH (E.), Die Verleihungen des Hausordens der Rautenkrone, des Verdienstordens, des Verdienstordens mit Schwertern (bis 1914), sowie der Damenorden des Königreichs Sachsen, Offenbach, Phaleristischer Verlag, 1998, 184 p. ROTH (E.), Die Verleihungen des Kgl. Sächs. Albrechtsordens und des Albrechtsordens mit Schwertern (bis 1914), Offenbach, Phaleristischer Verlag, 1998, 259 p. Christophe Edited August 27, 2013 by Deruelle
Daniel Krause Posted August 26, 2013 Posted August 26, 2013 Hi Christophe, I do more think that a lot of them were actually Hannoveranian Officers. Quite a lot of them did not want to go in Prussian service after their defeat in 1866 so they went to the Saxons. Lots of greetings Daniel
Leutwein Posted August 26, 2013 Posted August 26, 2013 Hello, in my ex-collection I found this nice photo of Ludolf Frhr. von Uslar-Gleichen. Best wishes Karsten
Dave Danner Posted August 26, 2013 Posted August 26, 2013 Bülow, Hans von Oberst (1836-1896) SH3, le 27 mars 1871, VRKD, le 1er octobre 1870, DAK, 1876, GEC, 1885, ÖFJC, 1878, ÖEK2, 1884, PK2, 1882, SEHC2, 1876, HEAR2, 1866, EK2, le 19 janvier 1873, Eichenblattspange 25, 1895, 1866 KDM, 1867, 1870-1871 KDM, 1871, HLM, 1866. Kgl. Sächs. Generalmajor z.D. Hans Gottlob August v. Bülow was born on 23.7.1836 in Göttingen as the son of Kgl. hannov. Rittm. Otto Wilhelm Friedrich Joachim Karl v. Bülow (1795-1872), and died in Schwerin in Mecklenburg on 6.4.1896. According to the 1896 Saxon rank list, he also had the Albert Order, Commander 1st Class. He was an ex-Hannoverian officer, and shows up in the 1867 rank list as a Hauptmann in the Festungs-Artillerie-Regiment with a Patent of 13.3.1867. He was prior to that a Premierlieutenant in the Kgl. hannov. Generalstab. with a date of rank 18.5.1857.
Deruelle Posted August 26, 2013 Author Posted August 26, 2013 Thanks all for your information. Very nice picture you had Karsten ! too bad that this one is not in my collection. Dave, I fix the part of von Bülow. He received the AC1 on 16 April 1887. Christophe
Dave Danner Posted August 26, 2013 Posted August 26, 2013 Of the others, most appear to be Hannoverians. I don't see Friedrich Karl Ernst Poten, but there were at least three other Potens in the Hannoverian Army in 1866, not including Karl August Wilhelm, who went into the Prussian Army (UR 5, DR 16, HR 4), so it's likely he was also Hannoverian. There are too many Meyers to sort. For the others, here are their last Hannoverian Stellungen and where they went in the Saxon Army. Basse, Julius Wilhelm General d. Inf. (1848-1934) • 9.7.66 SecLt., Kgl. hannov. Leib-Regt. • Kgl. sächs. 8.Inf.-Regt. Boddien, Georg Albert Rittmeister d. R. a. D (1850- • 12.8.66 SecLt., Kgl. hannov. Garde-Regt. • Kgl. sächs. 1.Ulan.-Regt. Brinkmann, Julius Erich Eberhard Oberst (1823-1903 ) • Brinckmann • 13.6.59 Hptm., Kgl. hannov. 5.Inf.-Regt. • Kgl. sächs. 4.Inf.-Regt. Decken, Theodor von der Major a. D (1842- • 18.6.66 PremLt, Kgl. hannov. Garde-Husaren-Regt. • Kgl. sächs. 1.Ulan.-Regt. Decken, Eberhardt Wilhelm Benedikt von der Oberst a. D. (1843- • 26.6.66 PremLt., Kgl. hannov. Garde-Regt. • Kgl. sächs. 8.Inf.-Regt. Ebmeier, Georg William Premier-Lieutenant (1844- • 19.5.65 SecLt, Kgl. hannov. Art.-Brig. • Kgl. sächs. Feldart.-Regt. Harling, Maximilian Friedrich Major (1832- • 16.10.56 PremLt, Kgl. hannov. Art.-Brig. • Rittm., Kgl. sächs. 3.Reit.-Regt. Hodenberg, Gottlob Frhr von Oberst (1837- • 9.5.59 Kgl. hannov. PremLt.i.G. • Kgl. sächs. 2.Gren.-Regt. Klenck, Wilhelm Fritz Carl Rittmeister • 9.5.61 PremLt., Kgl. hannov. Königin-Hus.-Regt. • Kgl. sächs. 2.Reit.-Regt. Köring, Ernst Friedrich Gustav Major (1839- • 17.6.60 SecLt., Kgl. hannov. 3.Inf.-Regt. • PremLt., Kgl. sächs. 5.Inf.-Regt. Poten, Karl August Wilhelm Major (1845-1905) • 17.11.64 SecLt., Kgl. hannov. Regt. Hzg. v. Cambridge Dragoner • Kgl. sächs. 1.Reit.-Regt. Schele, Arnold Ludwig Hauptmann • Freiherr v. Schele (5.7.1849-21.8.1922) ( • 2.8.66 SecLt., Kgl. hannov. Garde-Regt. • Kgl. sächs. 2.Gren.-Regt. Tschirschnitz, Julius Oswald Oberst (1834-1921) • 28.5.64 Kgl. hannov. Hptm.i.G. • Kgl. sächs. Leib-Gren.-Regt. Uslar-Gleichen, Ludolf Frhr von Major (1842- • 21.5.66 PremLt., Kgl. hannov. 1.Jäg.-Btl. • Kgl. sächs. 1.Jäg.-Btl.
Guest Rick Research Posted August 26, 2013 Posted August 26, 2013 Carl Groschupf--
Dave Danner Posted August 26, 2013 Posted August 26, 2013 71 Hannoverian officers went into the Saxon Army. 456 went into the Prussian Army, 7 to Braunschweig, 5 to Mecklenburg, and 3 to Austria.
Deruelle Posted August 27, 2013 Author Posted August 27, 2013 Thanks Dave for the informations. I have found additional date od death in the following book : Das Kgl. Sachs 2 Ulanen regiment Nr. 18 (1892-1918). I have found the death date of Boddien (1926) and Poten (1914). About the awards of von Schele, I have found the PRA4 on 1889. Like you said Dave, only 71 Hannovrian officiers went to Saxe and only 14 received the HEAR. I hope, one day, finding more photos of these brave men. Christophe
IR 134 Posted November 20, 2015 Posted November 20, 2015 (edited) On 27.8.2013, 00:05:54, Dave Danner said: Hodenberg, Gottlob Frhr von Oberst (1837- • 9.5.59 Kgl. hannov. PremLt.i.G. • Kgl. sächs. 2.Gren.-Regt. He died 1903. Attached his entry from Verlohren On 26.8.2013, 20:57:04, Deruelle said: Basse, Julius Wilhelm General d. Inf. (1848-1934) This picture of him was sold a couple of years ago on ebay. Gruß Stefan Edited November 20, 2015 by IR 134
Wild Card Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 Gentlemen, In the event that the image associated with post ID8, above, no longer comes through on your computer, here it is. Best wishes, Wild Card 0.1000304.tif
Deruelle Posted November 22, 2015 Author Posted November 22, 2015 What a beauty Wild Card. Have you put a name on this medal bar ? Congrats and thanks for sharing it with us. Christophe
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