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    Ukrainian war medals

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    Hi to all. I want to create a topic about Ukrainian awards for the war with Russia. The war lasts eight years, during which time many medals and various badges were established. I would divide them into several categories - official and unofficial. Official are divided into state and departmental. Unofficial - these are awards of veterans and public organizations, as well as commercial ones that are made for sale to everyone, some units and public organizations used them. My English is not perfect but I will try tell about it. First of all I want to suggest my an article, it on Ukraine but maybe it help to understand our reward system: https://www.ukrmilitary.com/2022/05/voenni-nagorody.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR3qNOhLdvjKDeSY-FNha2zmRiN8KH1yMqsd65xdeGscJzGp1a7X4eRq4PI

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    The first medal of the war was established in the spring 2014, it was Commemorative badge ''For Military Valour'' (За воїнську доблесть). Why medal named ''Commemorative badge''? Because we have bad rewards law this prevents the establishment of the necessary awards, therefore they are created to bypass the law by substituting concepts. Our award system was not ready for war and was developed for the needs of peacetime, nothing has changed in eight years and we still need reform. Commemorative badge ''For Military Valour'' it's award of Defender ministry The commemorative badge "For military valor" is an award of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, it was awarded for a short period until around the end of 2014 or maybe the beginning of 2015. The text on the reverse: "The greatness of the Motherland is in your great deeds."


    1772218330_w640_h640_medal-uchasnik-bojovih (1).jpg

    Commemorative badge For Military Valour.jpg

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    A year later, in 2015, the award of the "South" commander "For the defense of Mariupol" (За оборону Маріуполя) was established.




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    Badge of the Chief of the General Staff "Participant of ATO" (Учасник АТО). ATO is an anti-terrorist operation. Established in the second half of 2015 as a commemorative medal for military personnel.

    Учасник АТО-1.jpg

    Учасник АТО-4.jpg

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    On December 9, 2015, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine established the "Defender of Ukraine" medal. The medal did not last long because its design was unsuccessful and it included elements of Russian weapons - a rifle and a tank. It was replaced by another medal with the same name, but it is also not very popular.

    Захиснику України.-1.jpg

    Захиснику України.-2.jpg

    Захиснику України.-3.jpg

    Захиснику України.-4.jpg


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    The medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Defender of Mariupol" was established in 2015.



    The medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "For participation in the Kharkiv operation" was established in 2016.


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    The medal of the Anti-Terrorist Center under the Security Service of Ukraine "For the Liberation of Donbas" (За визволення Донбасу) was established at the end of 2015.



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    The award of the President of Ukraine "For participation in an anti-terrorist operation" (За участь в антитерористичній операції) was established on February 17, 2016, but the awarding began only in the spring of 2018, and a month later the medal lost its relevance because the anti-terrorist operation was renamed Operation of the United Forces. The medal was awarded for a year and a half, and when Zelenskyi became president, the awards stopped, so many veterans did not receive this medal. The participants of the Operation of the United Forces were not awarded it.



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    Along with the medal "For participation in an anti-terrorist operation", the medal "For humanitarian participation in an anti-terrorist operation" (За гуманітарну участь в антитерористичній операції) was established. This one was not memorable, but meritorious. Basically, this medal was received for volunteering.




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    • 2 weeks later...

    Wow, this is fascinating, thank you. I've been busy adding Ukrainian medals to my website since March but it is quite hard to piece the honours system together. I must go read your article... I'm sure it will help.

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    And of course this is spawning whole new avenues of research... and raising more questions.


    It appears the Commemorative Medal "For Military Valour" was not established officially - no Order of the Ministry of Defence instituting it. It just kind of appeared when some generals started to hand it out. Is this correct? Where does it fit in the order of precedence of Ministry of Defence awards or does it belong after the official ones?


    Its design appears to be copied from a 'medal' from an organisation called the Military Intelligence Veterans Foundation, that has a slew of awards it hands out to its membership. According to their website, these should be worn after state and departmental awards. Anyway, they have a 'Medal for Military Valour' which has virtually the same obverse - emblems representing the Marine Corps, aviation, missile forces and artillery, tank troops, mechanized troops, Airborne Forces, and the Navy - just the Ministry of Defence badge has replaced the emblem of the Military Intelligence Veterans Foundation at the top.


    As for the ribbon, this is the same as a private purchase award that is designed to be given to your wife, mother, girlfriend or any other significant female in your life!

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    On 06.08.2022 at 17:23, Megan said:

    І, звісно, це породжує цілі нові шляхи дослідження... і викликає нові запитання.


    Виявляється, пам'ятна медаль "За військову доблесть" офіційно не була заснована - немає наказу Міноборони про її заснування. Це якось з'явилося, коли якісь генерали почали роздавати. Це правильно? Де це місце в порядку старшинства нагород Міноборони чи після офіційних?


    Здається, його дизайн скопійований з «медалі» організації під назвою «Фонд ветеранів військової розвідки», членам якої вручається безліч нагород. Як йдеться на їхньому сайті, такі мають носити після державних і відомчих нагород. Так чи інакше, у них є «Медаль за військову доблесть», яка має практично такий же аверс – емблеми морської піхоти, авіації, ракетних військ і артилерії, танкових військ, механізованих військ, повітряно-десантних військ і військово-морського флоту – тільки значок Міністерства оборони. замінив емблему Фонду ветеранів військової розвідки у верхній частині.


    Що стосується стрічки, то це те саме, що нагорода за приватну покупку, призначену для вручення вашій дружині, матері, дівчині чи будь-якій іншій значущій жінці у вашому житті!

    Yes, you are absolutely right that this medal, its design is copied, as well as the ribbon. This "medal" was established by the Ministry of Defense, officially it is a commemorative badge, not a medal. This was done because for a certain period we did not have a president who could award fighters. The awards of the Ministry of Defense are limited in number, they cannot be awarded more than specified by law, it is about 2000 or 3000, this is not enough for the army that is fighting, so they bypassed the law and established a commemorative badge. The "medal" has a bad design because it was done in a hurry, and the manufacturer reacted badly to it and decided to copy the veteran medal. This manufacturer has done this way many times, so his medals are similar to each other.

    On 06.08.2022 at 19:06, Megan said:

    Далі орієнтуючись на медаль «За оборону Маріуполя», вона також виглядає неофіційною, і її дійсно можна придбати у виробника – компанії «Гарант Партнерс».


    All awards are unofficial, even if they are established by the ministry, only two President's medals are official.

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    "United Forces" badge (нагрудний знак "Об'єднані сили"), established in 2019. The badge is very rare, I only found one image, I think it was awarded for a very short time.


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    Awards of the Commander of the United Forces, the Cossack Cross (Козацький хрест) - has three degrees, which are awarded not necessarily consecutively from the lowest to the highest, and the "For Valour and Loyalty" medal (За звитягу та вірність). The commander did not have the right to set his own insignia, but he did so, so they cannot be considered completely official. These awards were received very often from 2019 to February 24, 2022.
















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    In the latest news I saw President Selensky with a stitched cross upon his t-shirt.

    Could it be the (above mentioned) Cossack Cross?

    Or is it just the cross of the Ukrainian Forces?

    Thanks a lot!



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    5 hours ago, The Prussian said:


    In the latest news I saw President Selensky with a stitched cross upon his t-shirt.

    Could it be the (above mentioned) Cossack Cross?

    Or is it just the cross of the Ukrainian Forces?

    Thanks a lot!



    It's just the emblem of the Ukrainian Force, typical military t-shirt.

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    The Cross of Military Merit (Хрест Бойових Заслуг) was established by President Zelenskyi on May 5, 2022 for personal bravery and outstanding services in leading troops during the war. I would say it's something like US Distinguished Service Cross.




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    Oooh... that's a better image than I found  of the Cross of Military Merit (well, in excuse it was on 7 May that I found the one that's now on my site!).


    Here is the text of Decree of the President of Ukraine of 5 May 2022 № 314/2022 "On the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit"- please excuse inexpert translation, still working on Ukrainian :)



    About the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit"

    In order to honour the defenders of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, in accordance with paragraph 25 of the first part of Article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine, Articles 4 and 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On State Awards of Ukraine"


    1. To establish the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit".


    2. To approve the following:

    Regulations on the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit";

    Drawing of the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit";

    Drawing of the sample Diploma form for the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit".

    3. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine together with the State Administration of Ukraine with the participation of the National Bank of Ukraine to ensure the production of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit", re-award badges, forms of diplomas and cases to them and decide in the prescribed manner on financial support.

    4. This Decree shall enter into force on the day of its publication.

    President of Ukraine V. ZELENSKY

    May 5, 2022


    By decree of the President of Ukraine

    of 5 May 2022 №314 / 2022


    POSITION on the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit"

    1. The award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit" (hereinafter - the Cross of Military Merit) is established to honor servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, for:

    -    outstanding personal courage and bravery or outstanding heroic deed during the performance of a combat mission in conditions of danger to life and direct confrontation with the enemy;

    -    outstanding achievements in the management of troops (forces) during military (combat) operations.

    2. Citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons may be awarded the Cross of Military Merit.

    3. Rewarding of the Cross of Military Merit is carried out by the decree of the President of Ukraine.

    4. The same person may be awarded the Cross of Military Merit no more than three times.

    5. Rewarding of the Cross of Military Merit may be carried out posthumously.

    6. Submission to the awarding of the Cross of Military Merit and its presentation shall be made in accordance with the Procedure for Submission to the Awarding and Presentation of State Awards of Ukraine, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of February 19, 2003 № 138/2003. In case of submission to the award for the second and third time in the award letter, a corresponding note is made.

    7. A person awarded the Cross of Military Merit for the first time shall be presented with a cross in a case and a diploma of the established standard.

    A person awarded the Cross of Military Merit for the second time is awarded a second award badge for placement on the cross ribbon, a second award badge for placement on the cross bar in a case, as well as a diploma of the established pattern.

    The person awarded the Cross of Military Merit for the third time is awarded a badge of award for the third time for placement on the ribbon of the cross, a badge of award for the third time for placement on the cross bar in the case, as well as a diploma.

    In the case of awarding for the second and third time in the diploma below the name of the award is indicated respectively: "(Silver oak branch)" and "(Golden oak branch)".

    8. The Cross of Military Merit is made of silver with gilding and has the form of a straight equilateral cross, the ends of which end in pentagons, superimposed on the crossed swords with the points pointed upwards. The rays of the cross are faceted. In the centre of the cross is a diamond covered with translucent blue enamel, which contains the image of the Sign of the Princely State of Vladimir the Great.

    All images are embossed.

    The size of the cross is 40 mm.

    The reverse side of the cross is flat, with an engraved number.

    With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the cross is connected with a ribbon stretched through the ring and folded in half with the corners bent near the ring. On the reverse side of the tape at the top - a device for fixing the ends of the tape and attaching to clothing.

    Silk moire cross ribbon with longitudinal stripes: golden colour 3 mm wide, blue - 11 mm, yellow - 11 mm, blue - 3 mm.

    The award badge for the second time on the ribbon is made of silver and is a relief image of an oak branch. On the reverse side of the branch - a bracket for attaching to the tape.

    The award badge for the second time for placement on a lath is made of silver and is a quadrangular star with dihedral rays 10 mm in size. On the reverse side of the star - a bracket for mounting to the bar.

    The award badge for the third time for placement on the ribbon is made of silver with gilding and is a relief image of an oak branch. On the reverse side of the branch - a bracket for attaching to the tape.

    The badge of award for the third time for placement on a lath is made of silver with gilding and is a quadrangular star with dihedral rays in the size of 10 mm. On the reverse side of the star - a bracket for attaching to the tape (straps).

    The award badge for the second (third) time is placed in the center of the ribbon (bar).

    The bar of the Cross of Military Merit is a rectangular metal plate covered appropriate tape. The size of a lath: height - 12 mm, width - 28 mm.

    Miniature of the Cross of Military Merit - a reduced image of the cross without a ribbon measuring 17 mm. The miniature is made of yellow metal. On the reverse side of the miniature - a needle and collet clamp for attachment to clothing.

    9. The Cross of Military Merit is worn on the chest on the left in front of all other awards. If the awarded Order of the Golden Star and / or the Order of the State of the Hero of Ukraine has the Cross of Military Merit, it is placed below them.

    In case of awarding for the second and third time, the winner places a corresponding sign on the ribbon.

    Instead of a cross, the winner can wear a strap (on uniform) or a miniature (on civilian clothes). The cross strap is worn on the chest on the left and, if the recipient has a strap, other awards are placed in front of them. In case of awarding for the second and third time, only one bar of the cross with the corresponding sign is worn. The miniature is worn on the chest on the left.

    Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine A.YERMAK


    By decree of the President of Ukraine

    of 5 May 2022 №314 / 2022




    Polite request: Please limit conversation to Ukrainian Orders, Decorations and Medals. This is not the place to discuss the current war between Ukraine and Russia.

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    4 hours ago, Megan said:

    Oooh... that's a better image than I found  of the Cross of Military Merit (well, in excuse it was on 7 May that I found the one that's now on my site!).


    Here is the text of Decree of the President of Ukraine of 5 May 2022 № 314/2022 "On the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit"- please excuse inexpert translation, still working on Ukrainian :)




    About the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit"


    In order to honour the defenders of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, in accordance with paragraph 25 of the first part of Article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine, Articles 4 and 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On State Awards of Ukraine"




    1. To establish the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit".




    2. To approve the following:


    Regulations on the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit";


    Drawing of the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit";


    Drawing of the sample Diploma form for the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit".


    3. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine together with the State Administration of Ukraine with the participation of the National Bank of Ukraine to ensure the production of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit", re-award badges, forms of diplomas and cases to them and decide in the prescribed manner on financial support.


    4. This Decree shall enter into force on the day of its publication.


    President of Ukraine V. ZELENSKY


    May 5, 2022




    By decree of the President of Ukraine


    of 5 May 2022 №314 / 2022




    POSITION on the award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit"


    1. The award of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Military Merit" (hereinafter - the Cross of Military Merit) is established to honor servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, for:


    -    outstanding personal courage and bravery or outstanding heroic deed during the performance of a combat mission in conditions of danger to life and direct confrontation with the enemy;


    -    outstanding achievements in the management of troops (forces) during military (combat) operations.


    2. Citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons may be awarded the Cross of Military Merit.


    3. Rewarding of the Cross of Military Merit is carried out by the decree of the President of Ukraine.


    4. The same person may be awarded the Cross of Military Merit no more than three times.


    5. Rewarding of the Cross of Military Merit may be carried out posthumously.


    6. Submission to the awarding of the Cross of Military Merit and its presentation shall be made in accordance with the Procedure for Submission to the Awarding and Presentation of State Awards of Ukraine, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of February 19, 2003 № 138/2003. In case of submission to the award for the second and third time in the award letter, a corresponding note is made.


    7. A person awarded the Cross of Military Merit for the first time shall be presented with a cross in a case and a diploma of the established standard.


    A person awarded the Cross of Military Merit for the second time is awarded a second award badge for placement on the cross ribbon, a second award badge for placement on the cross bar in a case, as well as a diploma of the established pattern.


    The person awarded the Cross of Military Merit for the third time is awarded a badge of award for the third time for placement on the ribbon of the cross, a badge of award for the third time for placement on the cross bar in the case, as well as a diploma.


    In the case of awarding for the second and third time in the diploma below the name of the award is indicated respectively: "(Silver oak branch)" and "(Golden oak branch)".


    8. The Cross of Military Merit is made of silver with gilding and has the form of a straight equilateral cross, the ends of which end in pentagons, superimposed on the crossed swords with the points pointed upwards. The rays of the cross are faceted. In the centre of the cross is a diamond covered with translucent blue enamel, which contains the image of the Sign of the Princely State of Vladimir the Great.


    All images are embossed.


    The size of the cross is 40 mm.


    The reverse side of the cross is flat, with an engraved number.


    With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the cross is connected with a ribbon stretched through the ring and folded in half with the corners bent near the ring. On the reverse side of the tape at the top - a device for fixing the ends of the tape and attaching to clothing.


    Silk moire cross ribbon with longitudinal stripes: golden colour 3 mm wide, blue - 11 mm, yellow - 11 mm, blue - 3 mm.


    The award badge for the second time on the ribbon is made of silver and is a relief image of an oak branch. On the reverse side of the branch - a bracket for attaching to the tape.


    The award badge for the second time for placement on a lath is made of silver and is a quadrangular star with dihedral rays 10 mm in size. On the reverse side of the star - a bracket for mounting to the bar.


    The award badge for the third time for placement on the ribbon is made of silver with gilding and is a relief image of an oak branch. On the reverse side of the branch - a bracket for attaching to the tape.


    The badge of award for the third time for placement on a lath is made of silver with gilding and is a quadrangular star with dihedral rays in the size of 10 mm. On the reverse side of the star - a bracket for attaching to the tape (straps).


    The award badge for the second (third) time is placed in the center of the ribbon (bar).


    The bar of the Cross of Military Merit is a rectangular metal plate covered appropriate tape. The size of a lath: height - 12 mm, width - 28 mm.


    Miniature of the Cross of Military Merit - a reduced image of the cross without a ribbon measuring 17 mm. The miniature is made of yellow metal. On the reverse side of the miniature - a needle and collet clamp for attachment to clothing.


    9. The Cross of Military Merit is worn on the chest on the left in front of all other awards. If the awarded Order of the Golden Star and / or the Order of the State of the Hero of Ukraine has the Cross of Military Merit, it is placed below them.


    In case of awarding for the second and third time, the winner places a corresponding sign on the ribbon.


    Instead of a cross, the winner can wear a strap (on uniform) or a miniature (on civilian clothes). The cross strap is worn on the chest on the left and, if the recipient has a strap, other awards are placed in front of them. In case of awarding for the second and third time, only one bar of the cross with the corresponding sign is worn. The miniature is worn on the chest on the left.


    Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine A.YERMAK




    By decree of the President of Ukraine


    of 5 May 2022 №314 / 2022







    Polite request: Please limit conversation to Ukrainian Orders, Decorations and Medals. This is not the place to discuss the current war between Ukraine and Russia.

    Nice work 

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    On August 5, 2022, the medal "For the Defense of Ukraine" was established by President Zelensky. The medal has two versions - yellow for military, police, firemen, etc., silver for civilians. This medal something like UK The Defence Medal.



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    A State award, yes? Where does it go in the order of precedence? Is the Presidential Decree anywhere to be found?


    ... stops asking questions, translates name of award into Ukrainian and promptly finds the Ukrainian Wikipedia page.


    Yes, state award. Goes after the 2014 awards for anti-terrorist operations.

    And here is the decree: https://www.president.gov.ua/documents/5592022-43549?_x_tr_sl=uk&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc


    Not had time to translate yet and I am teaching in about half an hour!


    Best lunch hour ever!!!

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    Presidential Decree No. 310/2022 About Honorary Distinction "For Courage and Bravery" (Streamer or tie for banner?



    Presidential Decree No. 314/2022 About the honors of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Combat Merit"


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