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    1. I'm still alive; just taking a break from collection and focusing on some other things.

    2. Download free militaria images from my albums at http://picasaweb.google.com/booker1942?feat=email (Booker's Free Web Library) Over 1,000 albums and everything is for you free!

    3. Please send me your e-mail I have 2 very nice red stars for sale. My email is olezha11@aol.com

    4. Hello Elmar,
      thx for showing the fantastic pics.
      May i ask you where the group ll be auctioned? Or do you want to keep it for you?

    5. Happy Anniversary to my wife. And although she will never visit this site and read this I do love her and I promise not to spend our retirement money on medals.

      1. Show previous comments  1 more
      2. Claudius
      3. JimZ


        In the long run, retirement money on medals will probably prove to be a better investment than a pension fund!!! You mark my words!! However its parting with them that will be the problem!!! Happy anniversary!

      4. Claudius


        Oh, I think you are right JimZ, but convincing the wife is the hard part. Besides, it's not a lot of money in the retirement account.

    6. Hi Oleg,
      Thanks for your note. We have researched this award extensively and found that only about 45 5th awards were issued. The ones that have been available on the open market have sold for between $30,000 and $60,000. We are contacting Sothebys about a possible sale through them unless in the meantime someone offers us closer to it's actual value. Thanks again for your interest.

    7. Hi Oleg,
      Yes, the Red Banner is for sale. If you are interested, please make me an offer.
      Thanks, Dave (Shadow)

    8. Sa traiesti, colega! Te urmaresc de vreo 3 ani pe transylvanian forum, iti port un deosebit respect, si nu pot numara de cate mii de ori te-am invidiat ca un copil pentru colectiile tale, sau de cate ori mi-am imaginat ca putem vorbi live.:) Probabil voi reusi intr-o zi. Respect, UnkleTitus

    9. Hi,
      Are you interested in selling your Red banner #5 award?

    10. Happy Victory Day!

    11. looking for a 2-3place german WW2 or combined WW1 and WW2 medals, under $100, any offers please PM..

    12. Thank You Mervyn. I have spent quite some time and have downloaded all the tipstaves and truncheons you have posted.

    13. Selwyn - welcome to the Forum. I think you and your eldest, Daniel will enjoy the different posts.

    14. Just noticed the "Forum Led By Kevin In Deva" next to the Socialist Republic of Romania, many thanks for the nice surprise Gents!

      1. Claudius


        Congratulations Kevin -you deserve it!

    15. The USA always gets their man!!!

    16. Congratulations Prince William and Kate on your nuptials.

    17. hi,not for sale,thanks.adam

    18. ANZAC Day 2011 - another successful march by my son in his cadet unit in the local parade at Sandgate! I'm one proud father!!

    19. oleg

      Are you planning to sell your order of Lenin? Let me know.

    20. The invasion of Gallipoli started around 03.30 of April 25, 1915, 96 years ago tonight and continued until January 9, 1916, when the last troops of the defeated French and British left the peninsula. App. 250.000 Turks and invading forces died or wounded in this campaign. From this war 3 nations and countries was born: Turkey, Australia and New Zealand. I sincerely give my sympaties and sorrow to all fallen. As Mustafa Kemal Ataturk said for ANZAC’s: Those heroes that shed their bloo...

      1. Show previous comments  1 more
      2. demir


        You the mothers
        who sent their sons from far away countries
        wipe away your tears.
        Your sons are now living in our bosom
        and are in peace.
        Having lost their lives on this land they have
        become our sons as well

      3. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        We forget the past sacrifices so quickly. A nice post that will make people think. Mervyn

      4. PKeating


        My grandfather was at Gallipoli or Gelibolu as you call it in Turkish. He always said the Turks were very good soldiers and very good people. This I have learned for myself. The memorial is very, very moving and Ataturk and his generation had much to teach human beings about forgiveness and reconciliation.

    21. Hi Owain, I've been reading your posts and they are most enjoyable. Thanks for sending me the info. I'll write more later... John Liffiton

    22. Happy Easter!

      1. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        And to you and your Family Claudius. For most people Easter has lost it's original meaning - however, I still think it is a time for reflection.
        Best wishes Mervyn

      2. Claudius


        Thank you Mervyn. I hope you and yours had a great Easter as well. For me, Easter and the Christmas have become a time for renewal as my children begin to comprehend the meaning behind the candy, presents and celebrations.

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