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    1. Getting ready to head back to CA for the next six-seven months. :- (

      1. IrishGunner


        Have you sailed yet? Wishing you smooth seas. I get to stay home instead of going out again. At least for now.

      2. Paul R

        Paul R

        Thanks! We are not going out for a while. I ahve not been around so much because I am working on the ship, taking a few college classes, and working out... that quite literally takes about 20 hours a day. Keeps me out of trouble!

      3. Paul R

        Paul R

        Thanks! We are not going out for a while. I ahve not been around so much because I am working on the ship, taking a few college classes, and working out... that quite literally takes about 20 hours a day. Keeps me out of trouble!

    2. Die gefährlichste aller Weltanschauungen ist die Weltanschauung der Leute, welche die Welt nicht angeschaut haben.

      1. Claudius


        Travel broadens the mind. God knows my wife and I want to travel (vacation) soon.

    3. Pistachios... Need to find a way to type and crack the shells, what a dilemma. I guess I will quit typing!

    4. Happy New Year All! Many blessings ito come!

    5. Happy New Year! I wish you all the best in the year to come!

    6. Planning my first purchases of 2011; books!

    7. I have two ducht red cross medals for sale: Dutch red cross commemmorative medal 1940-1945
      Dutch red cross commemmorative medal 1940- 1945 with bar "INDONESIE 1945-1950" (only 1200 issued) please let me know if you are interested

    8. So far so good,question what is a restricted member?

    9. viewing board index

      1. ase


        I think this website will be very useful,now I have to get acquainted with how this program works.

    10. Will this rain never end? 4 weeks and counting....not a scrap of sunshine in all that time....

    11. Merry Christmas! I wish you all peace and fulfilled "want lists"

    12. Merry Christmas to all on this great forum! I hope that you all receive stockings full of your favorite collectibles.

    13. Its hot, hot and muggy as well. Merry Xmas to all and hopefully New Years bring what you wish.

    14. I am finally home thanks to the efforts of my wife to re-book me through Madrid! 28 years ago today I proposed to her; a great decision on my part! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

      1. Claudius


        Glad to hear you are home safe and sound. Now, get off line with us and spend some quality time with her. ;)

    15. In Madrid now; worked my way out of Prague, away from Frankfurt, to a place where there is no snow. I've been traveling 29 hours and counting. But looks like I might make it home tonight. 5 more hours and a flight to NY; then a 4 hour rental car drive to Washington DC.

      1. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        Travel safely - it will all have been worth it when you are home.

    16. Finally some snow in Maine. We are predicting more on Christmas!!

      1. Show previous comments  1 more
      2. Chris Liontas

        Chris Liontas

        Nice! We haven't had any where I live in Colorado yet. Although the mountains are getting a ton--if you like to Ski, come here this year!

      3. Paul R

        Paul R

        Have you had any snow yet?

    17. Snowing again...it will be a white Christmas after all. :)

      1. IrishGunner


        I'd smile about a white Christmas too if I weren't still fighting my way across the European continent.

      2. Claudius


        no display of inconsideration was intended. I hope you make it home soon.

      3. IrishGunner


        Hey, Claudius - no offense taken! Enjoy the snow! Actually, my tribulations have been mild compared to many. Looks like I'll make it home today.

    18. At least the beer is better here in Prague than in Yerevan.

    19. Two canceled flights from Prague to Frankfurt. Two re-bookings. 14 hours traveling so far and counting. Still in Prague, hoping to get to Madrid tonight; New York tomorrow.


    21. Flight #2 canceled; re-booked, but will get home 24 hours later and have to spend the night in Frankfurt. And I haven't even started the journey yet.

      1. Claudius


        God speed Rick.

    22. Starting to worry if weather will affect my ability to get back to the US on Tuesday. Have to go through Prague and Frankfurt. :-(

      1. IrishGunner


        Forecast is "light snow" :-(

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