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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Tony

    1. Brian, I actually have grade 000 wool, not grade 00 as I first thought. I used that with WD 40 (similar to 3 in 1) instead of buying some 0000 grade and am quite happy with the result. I know I won’t remove the heavier rusted parts of the helmet with such a fine grade and I didn’t really spend more than about 45 minutes rubbing away however, as I’ve already said, I’m happy with the result. Unfortunately my photographic skills aren’t what they used to be. One photo shows the difference between one half rubbed down and the other yet to be done and the others are show how it looks at the moment. Aurora, All though I’ve already gone over the helmet with a low grade wire wool I’d still be more than interested in hearing your suggestion. Tony
    2. Thanks for the replies. After looking at the link I should probably leave it as be but, and there's always a but, as I only paid A$10 for it I'm going to try a little 00 grade wire wool with oil on a spot somewhere where it doesn't really notice. I did try aluminium foil with oil on my old 1950s push bike, it came up ok but not brilliant. I'll post a pic of the result when I have the time to do it. Tony
    3. I don't think the SWB records for New Zealand exist apart from the first 100 or so badges issued. Don't quote me though as I can't remember where I read or heard that. The link above is for 27608 Pte. J S Sutherland, I don't think the Kiwi SWB issue number was the same as the soldier's service number. Tony
    4. Hello, Does anyone have an idea of how to remove the darker patches of rust on this helmet without making it look as though it’s been rubbed down with sandpaper? I was thinking either a low grade wire wool or aluminium foil with some WD40, has anyone tried these methods? A good 50% of the original blue colour is still present and the helmet is more solid than it looks. I don't want to do a complete restoration, I'd just like to clean it up a bit. Tony
    5. Hello Jerry and welcome to the forum. Yes spot on, here are all the states: NX1234 for New South Wales VX1234 for Victoria QX1234 for Queensland SX1234 for South Australia WX1234 for Western Australia TX1234 for Tasmania Is this him? http://naa12.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/DetailsReports/ItemDetail.aspx?Barcode=6227300 Tony
    6. This doesn't add to the post, but Gilbert, I'm very pleased to see you're still posting. Babies??? You have been busy. Tony
    7. My mother-in-law recently threw everything out, she needed room and couldn't wait for me to get there 2 months later. The items were mainly documents, souvenirs and photos from both world wars. None of it was US related but it's an example of why these items are found in rubbish bins and skips. Tony
    8. Hello, Is the flower worn for Remembrance Day or is the badge a one off issued to or bought by the military or members of the public? Can you post a photo? Tony
    9. Great RA group in post 5 with plenty of wounded stripes to be seen. Please show more if you have them. Tony
    10. I've used a modern ish Browning (1950s), nothing but problems and a pre 39 P08 which sat nicely in the hand and worked properly even though the wooden grips were loose. Going by that it'll be the P08 but I'm sure there must have been far better pistols in WWII. Tony
    11. I was once told if it was possible to easily bend the badge then it's more than likely a fake. Your one does looks good. Tony
    12. Yes Glenn, I bought the book a good 6 years ago. A great read. tony
    13. A great trio with so much research potential. This is hijacking your thread Glenn but if you're interested have a look here for the diary http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/1340-a-1st-july-somme-casualty/page__hl__dore Tony
    14. Try Audrey at rhino.research@icon.co.za for research. She has carried out research for me, I think it took just a few days, 5 maybe, from first contact to receiving the research by email. Tony
    15. I used to go there on the nearest weekend to 1st July and again whenever I had the time, can't wait until I get the chance to go again. I have a personal diary to a man killed 1.7.16 which I imagine was taken from his body by Germans as he was officially missing. I bought it at a German flea market years ago, he wasn't a Londoner, he was a Robin Hood but they'd have all experienced the same. A nice pair or trio to the 15th, 16th and 28th are at the top of my shopping list since I started collecting London Regt. casualties. Tony
    16. I bought a WWI medal pair to a member of the AIF, included was his honourable discharge certificate (laminated ) and a photo of him with a group of AIF, all wounded. When it arrived the discharge certificate had been sent folded to a quarter of its size and to my horror the photo postcard had also been laminated. On another occasion an award certificate for the Iron Cross 2nd class arrived, it was in an envelope the exact same size; a snug fit. The envelope must have been covered in half a roll of sellotape making opening it a very long task. I eventually got in there but tore the certificate in doing so. Tony
    17. Yes, a very interesting find. I've been to the area dozens of times and have never seen anything other than the usual debris churned up by ploughs. Would the chalk in the ground preserve leather better than clay? Anything from the Civil Service Rifles is interesting, I'm particularly interested in the 22nd London Regt. but will normally be more than interested in all London battalions from the 8th onwards. Tony
    18. That would be a group for me too. Perhaps he was just very lucky to have survived up until Oct. 1918. I have a book which says awards gazetted 13th Novemver 1918 (you may already know this) were for actions in July and August. Please post any research you find. Tony
    19. That's correct, many couldn't be bothered. Apart from that only the next of kin of those killed automatically received the C & R. Tony
    20. Nice find. I remember doing recognition slides and always had trouble knowing which tank was which. Tony
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