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    Everything posted by kapten_windu

    1. September 18th 2011 is my 1 year on GMIC, this is a great forum!! :D

    2. wow, it's very high !! :speechless1:
    3. sorry, all of them are bad.. you can see more on ebay..
    4. looks like membership of Barongsai association see the chinese mythical creature on the observe.. http://www.google.co.id/imgres?q=barongsai&um=1&hl=id&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1280&bih=861&tbm=isch&tbnid=AA6bx1GvhqtNzM:&imgrefurl=http://retnodamayanthi.wordpress.com/2008/03/19/barongsai/&docid=PwRB_Wq-TLhZ_M&w=1536&h=1152&ei=fyJzTuHELIX5mAX7pLSFDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=810&page=1&tbnh=145&tbnw=223&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0&tx=123&ty=78
    5. Yes, it looks like jewelry for drama costums..
    6. This is called Bintang Swa Bhuana Paksa, there are 3 classes of this star: 1. Utama (like above) 2. Pratama 3. Nararya It's given to people who contributed to Indonesian Airforce or a member of Indonesian airforce with at least 25 years of service..
    7. this phrase showing a kind of prosperity&happiness, so IMHO i think this also for people who contributed in development of the country
    8. dewan majlis: maybe a kind of parliament lapau: as long as i know it means traditional restaurant in Minang language.. :whistle:
    9. JPL, out of topic, do you have complete picture of all class of Order of Canada?
    10. Very interesting! a member here use the reverse picture of this version for his avatar.. windu
    11. Hi Uwe, i miss reading the phrase 'post war' on you comment.. And also i don't have enough knowledge about the versions of KvK1 and this is the 1st time i see this version.. Windu
    12. Both are for 80th Javanese year Jubilee of Pakoe Boewono XII It's stated: Pakoe Boewono XII 80 -> his age in Javanese year 2002 -> year of that moment (in AD) 1855-1935 ->Javanese years from his born to that moment
    13. try to put a paper between the core and the frame, mostly there's enough space between the core and frame to put a paper.. windu
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