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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Have you read Alexander Fasse's dissertation? Im Zeichen des Tankdrachen. Die Kriegf?hrung an der Westfront 1916-1918 im Spannungsverh?ltnis zwischen Einsatz eines neuartigen Kriegsmittels der Alliierten und deutschen Bem?hungen um seine Bek?mpfung The best on the subject You can find an online version here: http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/dissertationen/fa...HTML/front.html A PDF version is available here: http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/dissertationen/fa...1/PDF/fasse.pdf Hardy
    2. If Jan Arne inspected it in-hand, I would trust his statement - it must be the pictures :cheers:
    3. I believe this is a bronze CCC with the bronze wash almost gone. - nice find
    4. The same officer http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2009/post-1062-1241557973.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2009/post-1062-1241558003.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2009/post-1062-1241558025.jpg
    5. Someone pointed me to Generalleutnant (later General der Artillerie) Max Pfeffer It does look like him The entire photo:
    6. 2. Battr. (Batterie) - could as well read 2. Batl. (Bataillon) Leutnant Klemm Leutnant Gersau Offizier-Stellvertreter Hohmann Februar 1918
    7. I don't think that there is a "usual configuration" for females Here is a picture of Hanna Reitsch
    8. :jumping: Hungarian Parliamentary Almanac 1884 to 1949 http://www.ogyk.hu/e-konyvt/mpgy/alm/almanach.html
    9. All I could find on him: "HARDEGG Dominik, Graf geb. 24.10.1846, Wien gest. 20.6.1924, Wien Gutsbesitzer, besonders mit Pferdezucht befasst. Hatte bereits 1878, 1883 und 1884 vergeblich im Landgemeindenwahlkreis Gro? Enzersdorf kandidiert, bevor er vom Gro?grundbesitz gew?hlt wurde. Bei der Reichsratswahl 1891 wurde er von Garnhaft (s.d.) geschlagen. Im Herrenhaus schloss er sich der Mittelpartei an."
    10. The writing could read Hyrtl (spelled wrong) Was he a Husar? No - not him - too old - Born in 1810
    11. Your document is not original. The 67. Infanterie-Division did not exist in the Wehrmacht, neither did exist a Infanterie-Rergiment 201. There was a Feldrekruten-Infanterie-Regiment 201 but it was created in June 1940 and not attached to the imaginary 67. ID. http://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Gliede...ungFeldrekr.htm The date is wrong - German dates are never written in this way Stamp is fake as well Sorry
    12. I think it reads: Graf J Hadik could it be futaki gr?f Hadik J?nos the man who served as prime minister of Hungary for almost three days at the end of World War I ? born: 23 November 1863 Died: 10 December 1933 I believe he served from 1884 as an Officer in a Husaren Regiment
    13. Can you post a larger scan (more pixels) of the name, I think it's .....
    14. The Generalmajor is addressed as "Herr General" all the other Generals are addressed as "Euer Exzellenz".
    15. Yes it is true, and for the other states as well. It is written in the Lehrbuch f?r den Infanteristen how a General officer is to be addressed, when I get home I will make a scan
    16. That is good news - but please make a guarantee of originality, condition of your purchase Entry at the Volksbund Q3699492 Nachname: Peters Vorname: Kurt Dienstgrad: Geburtsdatum: 13.12.1908 Geburtsort: Todes-/Vermisstendatum: 01.12.1941 Todes-/Vermisstenort: Mittelabschnitt Nach den uns vorliegenden Informationen ist die o. g. Person seit 01.12.1941 vermi?t.
    17. You have such a great collection of rare and original documents, nothing would make me more happy then to find out that my concerns with this particular document were unnecessary.
    18. Yes, but most of the "muddle" regarding the spelling of Kurt/d was created after the war, when the two Kurt Peters name spelling was mixed in publications.
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