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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Saw this nice photo of a Reichswehr General wearing his imperial medal bar - thought I share, perhaps one of you owns his bar.
    2. The first set of boards has W?rttemberg coat of arms and Bavarian colors. Hardy
    3. Chip, I don't have the back of this board - but there are two more sets from the same Hauptmann . the back and these with numbers removed and white second underlay. Hardy
    4. Charles, backed yellow. Leutnant originally from Infanterie-Regiment Prinz Carl (4. Gro?herzoglich Hessisches) Nr. 118, transferred to the Reserve Infanterie-Regiment 224 The RIR224 belonged to the 48th Reserve-Division. The 48 RD was a mixed Division formed from recruits from Thuringa, Alsace and Hesse and remained in theory a Hessian Division. Hardy
    5. The straps are for: Heeres-Unteroffiziersschule Potsdam-Eiche (Infantry NCO School in Potsdam near Berlin ). Very nice! The tab is for Kavallerie. Regards, Hardy
    6. Hi Dan: it means Kirov. Remembering the slained Bolshevik Revolutionary Sergei Kirov (Сергей Миронович Киров). See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergey_Kirov Regards, Hardy
    7. Quote: "Who else do you know who can get so over empty loops? " ......only you Ricky!
    8. Thanks Rick, sorry neither name nor date on the photo - the portrait is on Agfa paper and postcard size. Rick if you want to use it for the ribbon bar article, please go ahead. Thanks again, Hardy
    9. Here is another one: Hans ? from K?nigliches Bayerisches Infanterie Regiment ?, III. Bataillon Regards, Hardy
    10. Another view of one of the tanks knocked out by the Bavarian NKB 218. (the picture was taken some time after April 16 1917 - the chalk writing on the hull is almost entirely washed of)
    11. This is my Dad (ex Fallschirmj?ger now one of the Wild Ones) on a pre-war DKW in 1949 Hardy
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