Well only few collectors will buy a carmine tunic when 20.000 would buy a yellow one The tag say 15Feb1939 and not 1945, the name is not identifyed I would examine the insignas, to find trace of others insignas thing is simple: you are comparing a tag dated 15Feb1939 to a tunic as it was at the end of the war - but what happened to the owner or to the tunic in beween, it seems that nobody know, do you? Many addition/transformations were done to the issued uniforms, some were use 2,3 ................ times re-used by different branches/ranks etc,etc ...... many examples are seen on those non regulation uses/modifications. The items are becoming exotic VS textbook, does that make them fake? Krick is right if you want a textbook one or when it will be the time for you to resell it (if you do) but what Drick will not admit is that many things non text book have been use during the war. But a the end of the day you are the one to take the decision, we only give you opinions based on our experiece **** Can you pm me the price, please Fran?ois Lundstr?m