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      SS/FM, Organisational, Membership & enamel badges/pins, Political awards. Other than that anything Third Reich......

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    1. Very nice. Those Stadtgruppe Neukölln Kleingärtner badges are tough ones to find...
    2. Oh yes, the fakers are sneaky like that, they choose RZM numbers that exisited. Incidentally, a good little reference book on the subject is Stephen Lautens' (known on many forums as sjl) "A collectors guide to the RZM marks of the NSDAP". 3rd edition, published in 2004. It covers things like this... D
    3. Hi Cameron, Well, apart from one I'd say these are fine originals.... However, bad news on the Deutschland Erwache I'm afraid. These (& other slogan badges/pins) were made in the 1920's, long before the RZM was created. Even if they were made later, they were not party sanctioned therefore not required to have the RZM markings. These should either have just the Ges.Gesch, or a maker's name/mark & Ges.Gesch. Sorry... Don
    4. Hi Nacho, Nice pins, although not my area as they are pre TR. Here is a similar piece that I have for Nationalverband Deutscher Offiziere Stickpin (NDO). Again not my area of collecting so this one needs a new home..... And here are my TR versions, pin back & stickpin. I'd forgotten this book Joe. Been many years since I looked at it. Unfortunately a lot of the information Cone gave has since been discredited. It appears that he made a lot of the stuff up.... Still worth having on the bookshelf though. Again, here's a shot of the cover & a page from inside (note that he shows an AH 1933 as original)...
    5. There aren't any true reference books just for small badges. Various reference books but authors like David Littlejohn will sometimes cover small badges that fall under the subject that the book is about but you have to wade through lots of other info on uniforms etc to maybe find one paragraph on a badge. I do know a collector who is currently writing a book on small badges, but when it will be ready I do not know. Hüsken published his last of what is really just a catalogue of small badges which is often used as a guide by collectors back in 2010. However, the entries are not always correct, the reverses of the badges/pin (sometimes the most important part in identification) are not shown & his price guides are way off (often too high or too low). And, there are known fakes shown as well... As Joe says, you are probably better off sticking with forums as then hopefully you can get opinions from several sources. Here is a scan of the cover & a sample page from the Hüsken catalogue if you are interested in it. It's over 500 pages but will set you back about £50.
    6. Indeed it is. I’ve been collecting around 30 years & I’m still learning new things. It’s a great (if sometimes frustrating) hobby…
    7. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. I always find it amazing just how many different pins are out there....
    8. Tinnies are not my area but #3 looks to be the badge for the 1939 Reichsparteitag.
    9. This is a fake I'm afraid. The shape of the eagle's head & wings is wrong. Plus the pin should be horizontal, not vertical. D
    10. It's a fine original, hard to find. Thanks for posting it. Don
    11. Welcome to the forum Supernaut. I do not think that I have ever seen a CTD marked one either. In case you are unaware, this mark would be for Christian Theodor Dicke, Lüdenscheid. Thank you for posting it. Don
    12. A fake I’m afraid, made in Poland. These never had backing plates.
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