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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. I'm not much into Braunschweig, but this is the - I'd guess - 15th or 20th he is offering. Can those all be real ... ? The mounting looks evil, the Bew?hrungsabzeichen either. Don't know about the cross, but even if the cross itself was good, I wouldn'd buy it ...
    2. I'm not convinced it has to be a second row. In my humble opinion it may be the bar of someone who didn't get bravery awards for neither China nor WW I and decided not to wear a 1934 Ehrenkreuz. Both sounds strange, though I prefer my version.
    3. Sorry, no update for me. This guy, by the way, seems a little unaware, talking e.g. about a Z?hringer with swords and oak leaves - were is the OL ... ?! For me it still remains a put together using nice pieces ...
    4. It's the Baden War Merit cross, and I don't know of any rolls, not even roughly numbers ... it was a very common award in WWI for any merit, as we can se from documents. Very different people, civil as military, but no idea how many awards at all.
    5. The second one, in a great lot of bars. I won none of the two autions, as just Baden's not my main interrest ...
    6. Of his pre war old style ribbon bars, two(!) were offered at ca. the same time as the ribbon bar by two sellers on eBay.de. The first one solo as "Reuss und Baden":
    7. I think the piece is good as yet written on a German forum ... I bought one of those ... it looks in my huble opinion pretty good and identical to my father's that came from G. Seymour Collection. I hope both (or all three) of them are good ...
    8. And the 1906 medal - well, it's just a fake. The 1902 and 1906 medals shared one red ribbon with two yellow stripes. There was a similar medal than the 1906 medal, a bit larger, without the writing on the front and with another ribbon. It's the "Friedrich-Luisen-Medaille", awarded from 1906 to 1918 for social welfare merit etc. As well not common, but compared to the one hundered 1906 medals ...
    9. The first one is for Grand Duke Friedrich's 50th reign jubilee, the second one is for the 50th Wedding Anniversary of the ruling monarchs. While the first one is pretty common with almost 30,000 awards (uuh, Rick? ) the second one is extremely rare: just 100 were coined, according to H. Volle. I'll post pictures later, have to look for the 1906 one ... Edit: here's the 1902 medal:
    10. Okay, I have it now here, yet sold the EK II that doesn't fit. The style is okay, thanks. The ribbons are lovely silk. Are you sure the Prussian medal was awarded only for those who fought in Hohenzollern areas? I couldn't find info on this in HuS and I've never seen a Prussian bar from this time without the Hohenzollern medal, so thought it was given to all fighting, no mater where they fought. Were Prussians fighting in Schleswig-Holstein, too? For nothing but honour?! The Gedächtnismedaille 1849 from Baden was given to all soldiers fighting the revolutionists, most of them Prussian, but as well Hessian, Bavarian and Württemberg troops, some Badeners as well. I think it was many Prussians but I have no idea how many. The reason why we don't see many medal bars from this time is not that the medal were rare but that it wasn't too usual back then to mount them. I guess I'd kill for your Godet lapel bow ...
    11. Thanks Gentlemen, so it's most likely a hybrid time from very early IInd Empire, right? No no, the enamel is actually worse than it looks like on the picture ...
    12. The ribbon may be for the 1909 "Erinnerungsmedaille" from Nassau OR Prussian's long service award Ist class. Hard to tell on a last place in a Prussian bar - but was the Nassau medal awarded to persons who were NO former Nassauian NCOs? I think he should have the Nassau 1866 medal too, to wear the 1909 medal. I'm not sure, as both are not too common on medal bars ...
    13. Actually I'm "Imperial German" and never in other forums, but once I bought a French Legion of Honour that I want to show you. When I bought it I thought it's from the 1er Empire, but now I know it's later, presumably a veryyy early piece from 2nd Empire. It seems to be mixed, is definitely not a typicall example to any epoche. I hope you like it as I do ...
    14. Yes, this is a variation. I have yet some, but these are REALLY hard to get on bars, forget the 1902 medal. Well, I thought (and hope) it may be a General's bar impossible a General missed 1864 to 1866 all action ... ? The bar dates 1895 to 1897 as it has yet the "PARIS" bar and the EK ribbon has holes where the oak leaves used to be (by the way, it's an 1914 EK that doesn't belong there!), but no 1897 medal by now. I like the sewing, I like it has no backing, I like the solid brass bar and the remounting on the Baden medal, BUT is this ribbon mounting style known for this period? And how can a Prussian wear the Baden but not the Prussian medal for 1849 ... ? Never seen this as a single on a (Prussian) bar ...
    15. Thanks Wild Card for starting this thread and sorry for using is as an intro for showing my newest bar. Any thoughts on it? I hope to get some feedback, thanks.
    16. Oh, this makes me wonder. There were about 30,000 awarded. I'm sorry but I won't count how many my father has on bars ... My tiny collection has yet five on bars and roughly the same (at least) as singles. =)
    17. Three? We've got dozens, honestly. They're on any better Baden bar and easy to get as singles, every week on eBay ... Or have you mixed something up with the 1906 medal ... ?
    18. Here from the Statuten, and I don't wonder any person of name/rank had one: "Seine K?nigliche Hoheit der Gro?herzog haben gn?digst geruht, die mit H?chst landesherrlicher Verordnung vom Heutigen gestiftete J u b i 1 ? u m s m e d a i l l e zu verleihen: 1. den s?mmtliclien etatm??igen und den in Ruhestand befindlichen Hof- und Staatsbeamten, sowie den au?erordentlichen Professoren und Privatdozenten an Hochschulen; 2. den Mitgliedern beider Kammern der Landst?nde; 3. den aktiven Offizieren, Sanit?tsoffizieren, Milit?rbeamten und ?lteren Unteroffizieren (nach mindestens 8-j?hriger Dienstzeit) der badischen Truppentheile des 14. Armeekorps, ferner denjenigen aktiven Offizieren anderer deutscher Truppenkontinqente, die badische Staatsangeh?rigkeit besitzen und seiner Zeit in einem badischen Truppentheil des 14. Armeekorps zum Offizier ernannt worden sind; ferner den Offizieren der Kaiserlichen Marine und der Kolonialtruppen, soweit solche Badener sind, sowie auch denjenigen ehemals Gro?herzoglich Badischen Offizieren, die sich nicht mehr in Aktivit?t befinden; 4. diejenigen Badenern, welche im Ausw?rtigen Amt, im ausw?rtigen diplomatischen, konsularischen und Kolonial-Dienst, in den ?brigen Reichs?mtern oder im Reichsgericht angestellt sind; 5. den Oberb?rgermeistern und B?rgermeistern aller Gemeinden des Landes, sowie den Stadtr?then und den Mitgliedern der gesch?ftsleitenden Aussch?sse der Stadtverordneten der St?dte der St?dteordnung, auch besonders bew?hrten Altb?rgermeistern, die w?hrend mehrerer Amtsperioden im Dienst waren, ferner den derzeitigen Mitgliedern der Kreisaussch?sse und der Bezirksr?the; 6. den Vorst?nden und R?then bei den Oberpostdirektionen Karlsruhe und Konstanz und den ?brigen Beamten der Reichs-Post- und Telegraphenverwaltung des Landes, soweit dieselben Badener sind, in entsprechendem Umfang wie die Staatsbeamten; 7. den Mitgliedern der Kirchenregierungen der christlichen Konfessionen, den kirchlichen Beamten in entsprechendem Umfange wie den Staatsbeamten und den Inhabern von Pfarr?mtern; 8. den Mitgliedern des Oberraths der Israeliten und den Inhabern von Bezirksrabbinaten; 9. den Mitgliedern der Handelskammern, der Handwerkskammern, des Ausschusses der Aerzte, der Thier?rzte und der Apotheker, des Landwirthschaftsrathes, des Landesgesundheitsrathes, des Vorstandes der Landesversicherungsanstalt Baden, des Vorstandes der badischen landwirthschaftlichen Berufsgenossenschaft, des erweiterten Verwaltungsrathes der Generalbrandkasse, den Vorsitzenden und Sekret?ren der Verb?nde der l?ndlichen Kreditvereine und landwirthschaftlichen Konsumvereine, den nicht st?ndigen Mitgliedern des Landesversicherungsamtes, den Mitgliedern des Eisenbahnrathes, des Vorstandes der Anwaltskammer, den Fiskalanw?lten, den Mitgliedern der Kammern f?r Handelssachen bei den Landgerichten, den b?rgerlichen Mitgliedern der Aufsichtsr?the bei den Centralstrafanstalten, sowie den b?rgerlichen Mitgliedern der Centralleitung des Landesverbandes der badischen Bezirksvereine f?r Jugendschutz und Gefangenenf?rsorge; 10. an besonders verdiente und ?ltere Beamte der St?dte der St?dteordnung, der Kreisverb?nde und der standesherrlichen Verwaltungen." (taken frome the H. Volle volume) So it is on nearly any nice bigger Baden bar unless the wearer was not yet in service in 1902 or an younger NCO ...
    19. Yeaaaaah, I knew I forgot something ... but these were the only ones, correct? An elderly NCO couldn't, e.g. not for bravery as a German could ...
    20. I hope that I can show you something with the same words soon and hope I was right ...
    21. Thanks webr55 for starting this thread, I didn't see it as I'm not around in this topic of the forum. The Bulgarian ribbon with black stripe does exist, I've seen it ONCE before and missed the auction. That was a good bar, but I actually don't like these now. I don't want to say too much as am-militaria's lawyer wrote yet an letter to me and wanted 10k Euro (!!!) from me for telling such bad stories about his client in a German Forum ... It hurts to see his bars go for this prices while really good ones go for 10,- and 20,- Euro ...
    22. Who says you cannot respond ... ? http://www.wortfilter.de/bew90.html
    23. "Some" more coming up ... I'm getting a bit angry about the Baden bars, as it's the first time he offers something from Baden, at least from what I remember ...
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