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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. Hi, The Bundespolzei changed to Blue uniforms a few years ago, although it was not overnight... I think they could wear out the old green stuff, maybe some of them still have a bit of green about....
    2. Jeff, that is fantastic !!!! Do you have any idea what uniforms the Bavarian MG units used? Would it have been the same? Thanks Chris
    3. Hi Jeff, Thta is indeed a cool theme to collect!!! Is there any chance of geting the individual tags posted? Thanks Chris
    4. But I see it differently... a non "Turked" Gewehr 88 probably stayed in a depot for many, many decades. With the Turkish ones you have rifles used in germany, then not put into mothballs, but used again.... leaving a rifle that has a real history behind it, with many years of service, and probably some exotic stories to tell....
    5. Many german collectors dont like Gewehr 88 with Turkish stamps. I dont think there are many matching number Turkish stamped ones out there, and if they have German unit stamps, they are seldom like this.... :-)
    6. I scratched some of the glue off the back, the photo was taken by Santerre in August 1916. (French sector of the Somme battle) French Senegalese troops had fought in the area the month before. The Germans had used a ruse, pretending to surrender then attacking, retaking "La Maisonette"... The French General Fayolle wrote "The Senegalese kill everyone", their divisional commander wrote "Our native troops, having experienced two treacherous acts will not give quarter..." I
    7. Hi, Although the jacket originally had sew in boards, I was stuck in a bit of a conundrum... Do I have the tailor close up the seams on the jacket, and put these as on as slip ons, or should he open these along the bottom and then sew them in. Although not 100% as my guy had it, I went for the least invasive surgery, he will just close the open seams, then put these as slip ons... The buttons are the regular Prussian ones in officers, with "extra fine" on the back... like these, but still with their finish.... http://www.ebay.de/itm/191208895947?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
    8. Its not a field I know much about.... my first thought was "Hmmm... a guy with a chicken on his head!" :-)
    9. Hi, would it be a 100% sure thing to say this is a saxon 13th Jäger? Thanks Chris
    10. By a huge coincidence... maybe too much of a coincidence.... exactly that compony, of that battalion on ebay... http://www.ebay.de/itm/Patriotische-AK-gelaufen-Armierungs-Bataillon-73-9146-/371063270934 If it is the same seller.....
    11. Am not to sure what these are, some kind of Coffeine liquid to be injected? Frpm the Gardekorps Medical Depot 1914 and 1915
    12. I am a third of the way through William Philpott's "Bloody Victory : The sacrifice on the Somme" And I must admit, although heavy going in places, it is for me one of the absolute best books of recent years. It looks at the whole battle, North and south of the river, British AND French, Artillery and Infantry.... A "huge" book ... I can recoment it for anyone with an intrest in the battle....
    13. Here are the Boards I need... cost an arm and a leg, but nothing is too good for my man..... desperately seeking 6 nice tunic buttons and a set of Collar Tabs.
    14. Ditto, unless it has a built in Cyanide pill and mini radio transmiter...
    15. Hi, did they also issue them without covers? Maybe the green enamle being enough?
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