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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. Hi, I´have a real problem believing these are faked, it is the cheapest to buy, most expensively made badge noone really wants. Best Chris
    2. It looks OK, but I would pass, there are so many of these around you would not really need one in this condition.
    3. I have added a nice cross section here... http://www.kaiserscross.com/69501/407022.html
    4. Its a very nice piece... and difficult to believe the previous owner split it !!!
    5. Indeed... he started out as a brave soldier, and finished as a right wing terrorist, morally equivelnt to Bin Laden. The whole cold war fight against communism seems so silly in hindsight (I realise it was not the case back then)... almost like hanging up Garlic to keep vampires out...
    6. Can you start a thread in the Lounge explaining how to train them? Do you teach a woman about medals and stuff, then let her loose with some money... or do you leave it on the computer screen and moan and sigh until she takes the hint and clicks the "buy it now" button... I must confess, I have tried both methods but dont seem to get any results.... :-(
    7. See here http://forumdefesa.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=485 scroll down to the English part...
    8. The Spanish police took its time to investigate what Aginter had left behind and only in February 1977 staged a razzia in Madrid's Calle Pelayo 39, where at Aginter headquarters they discovered arms caches with rifles and explosives. By this time Delle Chiaie, Guerin Serac and their secret soldiers had long left Europe for Latin America, where in Pinochet's Chile many found a new secure operational base. Guerin Serac was last seen in Spain in 1997.
    9. Italian judge Salvini related to the Italian Senators, whereupon he explained that from their Spanish base in 1975 the group of Guerin Serac, together with the American Salby and militant French, Italian and Spanish rightists, had organised a series of bomb attacks each time leaving the signal SOA, which signifies 'Algerian Opposition' in order to discredit a group of the Algerian opposition. 'The bombs were planted at Algerian embassies in four different countries, France, Germany, Italy and Great Britain' and made the Algerian opposition look bad, while 'in reality the bombings were carried out by the group of Guerin Serac, who thus demonstrated his great camouflage and infiltration capabilities'. The bomb in front of the Algerian embassy in Frankfurt did not blow up and was meticulously analysed by the German police. 'In order to understand the links of Guerin Serac and Aginter Press, it is important to notice the complex fabrication of the bomb', judge Salvini highlighted. 'It contained C4, an explosive exclusively used by the US forces, which has never been used in any of the anarchist bombings. lian judge Salvini related to the Italian Senators, whereupon he explained that from their Spanish base in 1975 the group of Guerin Serac, together with the American Salby and militant French, Italian and Spanish rightists, had organised a series of bomb attacks each time leaving the signal SOA, which signifies 'Algerian Opposition' in order to discredit a group of the Algerian opposition. 'The bombs were planted at Algerian embassies in four different countries, France, Germany, Italy and Great Britain' and made the Algerian opposition look bad, while 'in reality the bombings were carried out by the group of Guerin Serac, who thus demonstrated his great camouflage and infiltration capabilities'. The bomb in front of the Algerian embassy in Frankfurt did not blow up and was meticulously analysed by the German police. 'In order to understand the links of Guerin Serac and Aginter Press, it is important to notice the complex fabrication of the bomb', judge Salvini highlighted. 'It contained C4, an explosive exclusively used by the US forces, which has never been used in any of the anarchist bombings.
    10. According to the book "French connections: Networks of influence" by Sophie Coignard and Marie Therese Guichard, he was able to retire as Full Colonel after De Gaulles Anmesty for all actions in Algeria.
    11. Here you go... "When in May 1974 investigators from the Portuguese Armed Forces Movement raided the Lisbon HQ of Aginter Press and its political wing, "Order and Tradition," they discovered Yves Guerin-Serac's last-known forwarding address: Apartado 1682, E1 Salvador." You may want to find this book.... Your man gets a few mentions... http://libcom.org/book/export/html/36251
    12. This is the bombing in Italy that he apparently played a roll in....
    13. Hi, does anyone have any WW2 award ceremony Photos? I unfortunately traded mine away a few years ago. I am interested in seeing in how many do the guys get the medal and document at the same time. Best Chris
    14. Thats fantastic! It is very difficult to find a Photograph with SA non European groups IMHO.
    15. "Yves Guerin-Serac, alias Yves Herlou, Alias Ralph Keriou Alias Yves Guiilou, 1m78, Blond Hair, athletic.
    16. Le juge italien Guido Salvini, chargé de l'enquête sur l'attentat de la piazza Fontana de décembre 1969, expliqua aux sénateurs italiens que les recherches montraient que « Guido Giannettini [un des responsables néo-fascistes suspecté de l'attentat] avait des liens avec Guérin-Sérac au Portugal depuis 1964. Les recherches ont montré que des instructeurs d'Aginter Press (…) sont venus à Rome entre 1967 et 1968 et ont instruit les membres activistes d' Avanguardia Nazionale dans l'utilisation d'explosifs ». Le juge Salvini concluait que Aginter Press, « vitrine de la CIA » (Ganser, 2005), avait joué un « rôle décisif dans les opérations de guerre secrète [secret warfare operations] en Europe de l'Ouest et avait commencé les grands massacres afin de discréditer les communistes in Italie».
    17. Aginter Presse est le nom exact (pour Agence Internationale de Presse). Dirigée par Jean Brune, la rédaction de l'Aginter Presse avait pour raison d'être de collecter et diffuser au moyen d'une lettre confidentielle à ses abonnés, des informations pertinentes dégagées de l'influence des oligopoles occidentaux d'information et des monopoles de propagande des pays de l'Est. Dénonciation de l'Agit-Prop en provenance de l'Est et information pratique et technique, principalement orientée vers la lutte anti-communiste en Europe, l'Afrique, l'Amérique du Sud mais aussi l'ex-Indochine Française. Yves Guérin-Sérac: Le vrai nom du leader de l'Aginter Presse était Yves Guillou, mais on le désignait sous les surnom de Ralph. Tous les membres avaient leur surnom qui servait à parler d'eux. Quant à leurs noms, ils étaient parfois vrais, parfois non. Certains membres de l'Aginter Presse ont connu divers baroudeur cités dans le site de l'ADIMAD, dont les traces recoupent des évènements majeurs de l'histoire mondiale du 20 ème siècle [ADIMAD]. Il est possible que Roger Holeindre ait davantage d'infos, ayant visité l'Aginter Presse à plusieurs reprises au cours des années soixante. Un jovial quinquagénaire, prénommé 'Bob', apportait à intervalles réguliers, de précieuses valises de fonds, depuis Miami. Il était accompagné de jeunes femmes charmantes qu'il trouvait trop 'hot'. Just call him "Ralph"
    18. Hmmmmm... just finished reading it all... a very interesting group indeed, from Soldier to right wing terrorist... as Prosper says, South America would have been the next logical step for him.
    19. What a fantastic group, I cannot believe I missed this the first time around!!
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