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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Hi Steve, I don't think it came from the chef (if I'm thinking of the same guy)... I bought it from a guy further west... It lives a little south of you now.
    2. Gentlemen, the purpose of the discussion is knowledge and the attainment thereof. We really don't need to chuckle over language barriers, do we? Thanks. Spasibo. Merci. Vielen Dank.
    3. I have always felt that this style of case (with the nail-type catch) were leftovers from 1870.
    4. Hi Eric, very nice collection. Hope the healing continues from your wounds.
    5. Fantastic group Ed, nice to see the real documents as opposed to so many of the copies floating about the internet!
    6. If anyone is interested... there's an acceptable example of the MVK, pre-1905 on eBay in the USA right now. $155. & counting. Chipped as usual, but not excessively. A very nice, very hard to find piece. I don't know the seller at all, but I do know the medal. Item #270221247542 Photos attached
    7. Yep, going outside to bang my head on the cement and get that image out of my brain....
    8. Well I can see mini before clicking on the link or reading your entire post. I've seen this happen many times.... it's in there, but someone leaps... Of course with the price of minis these days....
    9. Thanks Rod, I was hoping to coax that one out of the woodwork.... The only Rothe 1870 medal I've seen. I suspect at least one other here in the hands of a member but I will not blow his cover ;>)
    10. The ribbon bar itself or the fact some idiot would be bidding it up to $70 USD and counting!
    11. And very nice to see an authentic Glider badge. The way you photograph helps to explain (sadly) to many people why the one(s) they have bought are copies. Nice to see the real deal!
    12. Nice one. Love to know what else was in that trunk. I only had one of these once upon a time. Not nicely age-worn like your friend's though
    13. Imagine how proud this soldier was.... a solo St. Henry Order, Knight's Cross. Field-Gray backing plate.
    14. Hi Jeff, the Hessian bar looks familiar but I have no image in my archive, so Claudio must have won that battle. Here's an up-close and personal view of why I liked this order so very, very much. This one by Roessner
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