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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. This should be of interest to both parties: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19685
    2. Thanks guys. I've been looking for a bar with the Liakat on it for ever. Thanks to Christian for getting this one for me.
    3. A fake as noted. Looking over the site I didn't see anything I'd drop money on. A real BS artist. The picture of the "reciptiant" appears to be wearing a GAB 25/50.
    4. Nice spange Chris. I thought you didn't touch nazi thingies any more.
    5. A beautiful bar. Note it doesn't have the wreath for the gold medal since it was self explanitory what the awards were.
    6. I think we can use that 1914 spange as a benchmark piece with which to compare others. A great bar. Thanks for showing. If you ever tire of it I'm sure it will find a nice home quickly.
    7. Can we see a close up of theEK2, oak and 1914 repitition bar please. I'd say a Dr's bar is most likely.
    8. Worse IMO is that fakers watch these forums and correct thier wares.
    9. The majority of fakes are unmarked imo. This conversation must have been a while ago.
    10. A fake. Used to be called the 2 dot fake but the makers have since improved it by removing the 2 dots at the bottom of the grass by the wreath.
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