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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. I'm trying to find an Imperial era manufacturer of uniform insignia with the initials I.C.M. or J.C.M. Anyone know of someone that fits please let me know. thanks in advance.
    2. I just got back from a quick trip to Texas and on my flights I read a book I picked from ebay on the German A7V Tank, and the captured British Mark IV Tanks of WW1. 240 glorious pages of technical, developmental, and employment details. The operational deployment details are really worth noting. For instance: 20 AV7s saw combat on the Western Front. Each had a crew of 18. (20 x 18= 360) 60 Captured Mark IV saw combat. Each had a crew of 12 personell. (60 x 12= 720) So we have potentially 1080 personell elegible for the Kampfwagonabzeichen. If you assume 30% casualties, 30% people rotating out to other assignments or missing actions for various reasons you still have 432 people theoretically elegible for the badge. The book quotes the 100 number but the more I look at it that seems to be a nice round arbitrary figure. Perhaps it was the number of former tankers on active duty at the time the badge was instituted. Just a thought. Another interesting thing worth noting is that in several photos members of the tank crews are seen wearing the Machinegunners Sharpshooter Badge. Obviously the course taught machinegun skills that were thought to be critical enough to send some tankers to. Authors: Hundleby & Strasheim Published in 1990 ISBN: 0-85429-788-X
    3. I just got back from a quick trip to Texas and on my flights I read a book I picked from ebay on the German A7V Tank, and the captured British Mark IV Tanks of WW1. 240 glorious pages of technical, developmental, and employment details. The operational deployment details are really worth noting. For instance: 20 AV7s saw combat on the Western Front. Each had a crew of 18. (20 x 18= 360) 60 Captured Mark IV saw combat. Each had a crew of 12 personell. (60 x 12= 720) So we have potentially 1080 personell elegible for the Kampfwagonabzeichen. If you assume 30% casualties, 30% people rotating out to other assignments or missing actions for various reasons you still have 432 people theoretically elegible for the badge. The book quotes the 100 number but the more I look at it that seems to be a nice round arbitrary figure. Perhaps it was the number of former tankers on active duty at the time the badge was instituted. Just a thought. Another interesting thing worth noting is that in several photos members of the tank crews are seen wearing the Machinegunners Sharpshooter Badge. Obviously the course taught machinegun skills that were thought to be critical enough to send some tankers to. Authors: Hundleby & Strasheim Published in 1990 ISBN: 0-85429-788-X
    4. You guys... The seller doesn't expect anyone to look too closely at it, just read the description and bid.
    5. And if he had his black with 2 wounds from WW1 he would get the silver, ie. it would just add on to his previous badge?
    6. Thanks for the clarification. Now, if a guy had a wound badge from WW1 and was wounded in WW2 what kind of wound badge would he get?
    7. Could some of these be for wounds received during WW2, ie from the Allied bombing campaign?
    8. If you can get it with a right of return period then it is probably worth a shot. I don't see anything that scares me but I hate angled/cut off pics.
    9. Try some straight on front and rear over all shots in natural light.
    10. Now to see if I can get a copy of the citation. Thanks to Chris B for the help obtaining this.
    11. Hallo,biete hier eine Verleihungsurkunde f?r das Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse an.Ausgestellt am 14.03 1918.Verliehen am 29.12.1917.Maschinengewehr-Scharfsch?tzen Abteilung 2/3. Kompanie http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...A:IT&ih=013 Ok, so what is so special abouth this doc that it is up to 181 euros with more than a day to go?
    12. as a footnote to these Detlev showed one today as his Fake of the Week.
    13. I can't match it to any of the ones I've ever seen. The aging looks artificial and the catch doesn't look right. Unless someone can convince me otherwise I'm going to say repro. Sorry.
    14. I don't get a warm and fuzzy from these pics. Can you post larger pics, front and back along with pics of the hinge and catch.
    15. Troy and gang, you might find this site of some value: http://bayoswede.zoomin.se/index/29788.html
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