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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. This award has a lot of wear to it front and back. You can see were it has rubbed against the BMVK3. Also, there is this mark on the bottom edge.
    2. Thanks for the comments. The only other award that has a marking is the EK2- marked KO. Here are some more scans. Front. The patina on this is dark in the lower areas.
    3. Thanks for the replies. The wear on the ribbons is consistant across the bar. Nothing glows under UV. My main concern is the Bavarian Tapferkeits medal. I'll take it off and scan it seperately tonight.
    4. I'd like to hear some opinions on this bar please. Nothing glows under black light. thanks
    5. Perhaps the distinction is made due to the proximity of danger. Of course you also have the "Who you know" factor.
    6. I first thought is "Floch" based upon the reverse set up.
    7. Hi Rod, scans of the soldbuch would help I think.
    8. I might catch the bug myself. Thanks for posting Chris. We sometimes forget that the Germans actually had opponants.
    9. a couple of more with different lighting. Is this an original and what time period are we looking at for manufacture?
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