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    Dave Wilkinson

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    Dave Wilkinson last won the day on September 29 2023

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    About Dave Wilkinson

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    • Gender
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      Formby, Merseyside
    • Interests
      Social history. Have collected British and British Colonial police insignia since 1966. Am a founder member of the Police Insignia Collectors Association of Great Britain.

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    1. I understand that the Crown above chevrons is worn by Training Sgts' only in the MoD Police. Usually those who are posted to the force training centre wherever that may currently be. Dave.
    2. Tim, I've been able to source a "used" copy of "Badges of Office". which you are welcome to have with my compliments. Contact me on:- dave.wilkinson73@btinternet.com With your address. Dave.
    3. Tim, When you reply to a topic, or start a new post, at the bottom of the box you are typing in, you will see the image of a paperclip on the left hand side. I click on the blue highlighted words "choose files". That should take you to images stored on your computer. Select your image. Click on "open" and the image will appear on the bottom of your posting. I did have a spare copy of "Badges of Office", but unfortunately parted with it. The book is out of print and has been for several years. Despite that fact, I would not pay any more than £20-25 for a copy for it if you do find one. Dave.
    4. Tim, There was indeed a Torquay Police Force. It existed between 1835 and 1857. There were never any helmet badges but there were tunic buttons. I have an example in my collection. See appended photo. Devon & Cornwall had a myriad of small Town Police Forces, most of which existed for only a few years. Dave.
    5. I would not recommend buying this. There is a degree of misinformation contained within it and some incorrectly described illustrations which are in the main copied from various sources. The individual in question invariably marks each of the photos with his "copyright" mark. Rather rich, when you consider that the majority of the images are taken from eBay and other uncredited sources. A far more reliable tome is that published by the Police History Society, and which is mentioned in my previous posting. I have no time for individuals who seek financial or other such advantage using images belonging to others, without appropriate credit or permission.
    6. I've collected British police insignia since 1966, and have had an interest in the history of British policing since that time. I've looked at several publications. Two in particular "Survey of the Present and Former Police Forces of England, Wales & the Channel Islands" By H.V.D. Hallett (July 1975), and "The British Police, Police Forces & Chief Officers 1829 -2012. Published by the Police History Society (2nd Edition 2011). Neither mention the Stonehouse Borough Police. There is a third book, "Badges of Office" by Wilkinson & Taylor. This book gives details of a "family tree" for each of the current forces. Again, no mention. I don't know who has provided you with the information you apparently have, but it is manifestly wrong. No such force has ever existed. As an aside, I'm sorry to say that I've not been able to open your attachment. So, as I've said previously, you are looking for a helmet plate that does not exist. Dave.
    7. There was no such police force. You are searching for something that does not exist. Dave.
    8. There was never, according to the records I have, such a police force. If they did have a body of police or Constables then they existed before the creation of recognised police forces. That being the case, they would not have worn helmets, which came into use circa. 1865. Dave. Ps. I assume you are talking about Stonehouse in Devon. If you are, it was never a "Borough" but was an area of what is now part of Plymouth.
    9. Without wishing to "stir" the proverbial, I do think that the continual churning out of medals by the UK Government seems to be spiralling out of control. We will soon bring ourselves into line with those other nations (I won't name them) whose uniformed representatives adorn themselves with what seems to be endless lines of medal ribbons. Some of those individuals are obviously very young in service and yet have two or more lines of ribbon to their credit already. What are they for I ask myself, completing their recruit course successfully, or perhaps good attendance for six months? Before my retirement, I spent 20 plus years working in a law enforcement capacity at the Port of Dover and had almost continuous involvement with HM Immigration Service and its later re-incarnation. So, there is little I do not know about their work. Its gone from a non-uniformed, non-confrontational role to a rather aggressive arm of the Home Office. They went from wearing a smart civilian lounge suit to adopting a uniform which so emulates that of a bobby complete with batons and handcuffs hanging from their belt, that they are often wrongly described by many as "police", a term which they themselves seem to cherish. The term "Border Force" appears to be out of step with the Government's wish to be "Service" oriented. The police have (in the main) long since ceased to use the term "police force", so I wonder why there is this desire to present an image which is so out of keeping with what people expect. Do they embark upon dangerous assignments? Probably. But I know from my own experience that they go about their enforcement work "mob handed" and seldom if ever operate on their own. So the risk of them being injured or attacked is reduced significantly. The same could also have been said for the old HM Customs & Excise. If they were dealing with the public there were invariably five or six of their staff present. One further comment I would make is that they are supported by a very active Union and have the right to withdraw their labour at the drop of a hat. Not that the general public would give a hoot if that were to take place, as indeed it has in the past, with very little effect. So, they've got themselves a Long Service & Good Conduct medal. They've joined the "club". Well done! Personally, I've always thought that the elderly gentleman who operates the School Crossing Patrol near where I live has a particularly dangerous job. He's on his own and often faces anger, aggression and risk of assault most days. I'm tempted to start an on line petition suggesting that after two years continuous service he should get a medal. Now that's a thought! Dave.
    10. It is an epaulette badge worn by the States of Jersey Police. Dave.
    11. The CIIIR badge changes seem to be slowly taking place now. Staffordshire Police have introduced a new helmet plate and cap badge. The helmet plates are currently only being issued to recruits. The attached pic. shows the new cap badge on a PCSO's cap. Dave.
    12. Many thanks Gordon. They certainly seem to be slowly introducing them. Attached is a photo of the new Staffordshire Police KC cap badge on a PCSO's cap. There are apparently new helmet plates also, but these are (so far) only being issued to recruits.



      Staffordshire Police KC cap badge.jpg

    13. A nice nostalgic look at a long lost style of policing which we will never see again, more is the pity. Thank you for sharing. Dave.
    14. I can confirm that these items have no connection whatsoever to Liverpool City Police. Dave.
    15. David, Thank you for the detailed explanation. Its appreciated. In particular, I was not aware of the fact that the APM could not be awarded for gallantry. Dave.
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