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Eric Stahlhut,
do not involve in anything you do not know...better you should write this sentence to the Wehrmacht officer! He started ...not me !! So keep quiete...I know the rules...but one Wehrmacht officer doesn t do it..and wrote me bad content and in an ugly style !! Read the rules of the forum...!!
Better you keep silence. I know the rules very well..thats the reason I wrote back.
Please think about it before posting this coment to me. Thank you.
Hello Egorka,
is it a big crime...putting my advertisment in a wrong space ? But this was not the reason of my response..
He wrote something ugly which I am generally not used in modern times especially in the
fine Gentlemen s Military Interest Club..just in opposite to human correspondences and
ideals of free western customs...sorry not my world of human behaviour
I do not like the customs of the WEHRMACHT Officers !! We are proud in Germany the terrible WEHRMACHT
lost the war, just my grandfather got in concentratioin camp and his family suffered many pain during
this time Declairing war against the whole world...shows you how stupid the WEHRMACHT officers have been..
Had no plan " B " To decorate himself with an ugly WEHRMACHT OFFICER picture is his wrong way of
declairing his mind. Writing in the style of the WEHRMACHT OFFICERS is most stupide and unfriendly.
and gets always strong response of the free world...To be proud of such an ugly picture while many
WEHRMACHT Officers killed captured war prisoners of the USA is unbelieveable and I hate this customers
and regret so many soldiers of the USA were terrible killed by many WEHRMACHT Officers !! A shame !!
Best regads
Hallo Heiko,
würde mich um Rückantwort freuen..habe schonmals Kontaktaufnahme versucht
Dietmar Steiner
Dear Christer,
thanks for your reply...no good News...may be you could think about it again...I could offer you many other
interesteing orders and medals from the German States of Anhalt until Württemberg 1918....
or tell me what are you looking for...or which orders or medals you will have to sell or change it ??
best regards from sunny/cloudy Germany