Hi Mattyboy,
Lt dR Carl(Karl) Maier (O) do have an BAMA file as "Karl". As an Württemberger he probably have some files in their archives.
His only front-line unit was FAA 277.He was born 31.01.1890 Mittelhaslach, Vaihingen. After the War he was living in Lorch.
He received the Hoh3x on 16.07.1918. Other known awards are: EKII 30.06.1915,WsMVM 10.10.1915,BeoAbz 01.07.1917,EKI 25.02.18,RKFriedrOrdms 18.06.1918 and vwAbz(schwarz) 23.08.1918
He is listed in PVL 16.07.1918.