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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Megan

    1. Thank you for the additional information - I shall scurry off to update my website forthwith! Is it one your company manufactures?
    2. Amazing stuff... always fascinating to hear and see how things actually are made.
    3. That's really helpful - and welcome to GMIC! Having people from different countries who are familiar with insignia from their country helps the rest of us struggling to study them from afar (and often in languages we don't speak!). Looking forwards to hearing more from you in the future!
    4. Are the US trying to catch up with the plethora of Russian Federation awards?
    5. There happens to be a branch of the RAOB in Crewe - they asked to use the room normally rented by a society I run for one of their meetings - and they told me that it's basically organised at a local level. Certainly when I requested permission to study their regalia, the local boss man gave me the address of the national headquarters who wrote back and said that it was up to the local membership to decide if they wanted to cooperate or not, but that they had no centralised information about regalia. Think it's much the same for membership...
    6. Thank you, both. Jeff, Spinks have already given me the run of their catalogues (kind souls that they are), so that's OK. And of course I ask, it's only polite... and I teach ethics to computing students, so I need to get my own use of intellectual property right, don't I? Augustin1813 - hope you think my website is a 'good cause'! Would you like to let me know your real name for the acknowlegements (by PM if preferred)?
    7. Fascinating... thank you for sharing. So, is it your opinion that the coat of arms is the reverse, and the map/legend the obverse?
    8. Fascinating thread... I've not yet gone that 'early' in the Spanish section of my website, but it looks like I'm going to have to! 'Augustin1813' and Jeff, any chance you'd be will to permit me to use your images? With full acknowledgement, of course.
    9. Wonderful - thank you so much for sharing!
    10. Well, I for one am glad that you are willing to talk to us... ... and if your colleagues in the Principality of Andorra need any assistance in developing their Honours System, I for one would be honoured to advise.
    11. Paul, I can appreciate your discretion in this matter, but is there any chance of your writing to the Head of House in question to ask if a photograph could be taken of the collar and made available for study?
    12. Right - I'm at work right now (and about to go to a meeting) - will update the site tomorrow with this important point! Still after decent photos, though...
    13. Why, thank you Adrià! I shall look forward to hearing from you. And thanks to Antonio as well, of course
    14. Fascinating, nothing like getting reliable information from someone not only in the country but actually involved in the organisation of their awards! You wouldn't happen to know where I can get decent pictures of any of the REAL awards to go on my website, would you? As for the 'invented' awards, I shall document them separately identifying them as such and hopefully laying them to rest...
    15. I believe that is correct, Chris! Antonio - I have no idea if that is right or not. If it isn't official, who HAS been awarding it? It's been around sporadically for a while. It may have been discontinued when they set up the Order of Charlemangne... I cannot find anything official before then.
    16. Nice... the Order of Merit is described as a Knight, she says, checking the catalogue.
    17. Thank you, folks. Of course I have seen your ribbon chart, Antonio, that's always one of the first places I look Thanks for the date for the Order of Merit, Karhu. The search continues...
    18. I have recently been looking at the Republic of Andorra's orders, decorations and medals, not that there is much to be found There's an Order of Charlemagne (instituted 2007) so not many awarded yet and certainly none escaped to places where I find my images. There is or was an Order of Merit, commander's badges pop up occasionally but I cannot find any details about when it was instituted, if it got discontinued and what you get it for... or even what other grades there were aside from the commander. Then I've found: - Medal of Commercial and Industrial Merit Medal for Professional Merit in the Traffic Police, in 3 classes Medal for Service in the Traffic Police, in 3 classes for 15, 20 and 25 years. And that's all I have found... and virtually no images except Commander of the Order of Merit and Ilja Repetski has a Medal of Commercial and Industrial Merit on his site. I've tried filling out the contact form on the government website, but no response as yet. Anything anyone here can contribute?
    19. Very nice - please betake yourself to The Old Sale Room (right at the top of the forum list) and see if you can drum up some trade.
    20. Just when you thought it was safe to work on another section of a medals site... Thanks for sharing, Frank.
    21. Somewhere there's a cupboard with designs for medals for invading just about every country on earth, the Russians just pull out the appropriate one when they decide to get involved in [insert country here]
    22. Dear Frank

      You've been quiet of late: hope everything's OK with you...

      Have the Russians come up with any more medals recently?

      Hugs from Megan

      1. TacHel


        How very sweet of you to notice and write.  My sporadic presence is due to work...  The past 6 months have been stupid to the point of bordering on the criminal...  I've sent a helo team to the Arctic, prepared a second one for departure, preparing my guys for Iraq and another bunch for Mali...  6-7 day weeks composed of 12-16 hour days...  I'm about ready to fall flat on my face.  Oh well, the show must go on!  

    23. Instituted 25 June 2004, awarded for participation in multinational operations (NATO, UN, EU, etc) for at least 3 months.
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