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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Bernhard, I was not aware it was routinely done. Saxcob, That is tragic, I wonder what was troubling him so much to take his own life? Jock
    2. Eric, Got no idea! I have not seen many pictures of 'dinner time' from the Germans in the first war. Not the best system as everyone goes hungry if the bloke bringing it forward gets 'pegged'!? Jock
    3. Bernhard, It is a first for me but I am aware that means nothing in the greater scheme. Glad you like it. Hope you are keeping well. Best regards Jock
    4. Guys, is this a promotion doc within the Beamter system? It was amongst his mail home! Jock
    5. Guys, This was with the paper I got today most of which is Feldpost to a Paymaster in a Gebirgsjager Unit (gen kom XIX Geb A.K Heers Unterkumft verwaltung 268), A luftwaffe 'spanner' (mechanic) in Finnland, a Grenadere in training Gren Ers Bat 194 and a Flak searchlight bloke! I see no clue as to which it may have belonged to. I think they are all one family one way or another. Jock
    6. Guys, This dates from 35/36 when lots of changes were taking place, quite like the stamps, embossed ink and a Reichswehr stamp? jock
    7. Guys, From today, marked BAW (Bekliedungs Amt Wilhelmshafen) 39. Note the leather trim not webbing otherwise pretty much identicle to the current Bundes Marine bag, why fix something thats not broke! Jock
    8. Guys, Bit of 'skip licking' today just a bit too late but rescued a few bits, this amongst them. It still has a few screws and washers in it as it was full of scrap. Anyone got any straps? Jock
    9. Is this the French taking surrender to a new level (joke)..... or are these guys from those border areas where nationality is blurred? Very unusual indeed, must have been awkward for them if they were of French ancestary. Or are the cards just in French as the service may have been in France? Facinating none the less, it is the little things that makes one ponder. Jock
    10. This one is a bit the worse for ware and my camera it taking the piss so this is the best I can do. It is on an ET M42 Jock
    11. Without compairing it to any I like the look of it. White bits can happen. Jock
    12. An award to recognise his contribution to the struggle of NS cause before they came to power. Is that a likeness of the badge at he top of the doc as the picture is too dark to view? I have never seen this before but then there is plenty I haven't seen. Jock
    13. Uwe, I never thought of that, quite unusual to have the same bloke in place for 5 years? Perhaps he was a civie working with the military? I haven't seen the others yet so I don't know exactly what is on them, I will post them when I have them. Jock
    14. IG, I box it up or swap it out. it is quite dificult to swap stuff but I am never in a rush. Jock
    15. Mervyn, They do have to buy them and they do not get anything like that in the rations so you still have to buy them on operations. It is still not a cheap option in the NAAFI, I think a 200 carton is around €38. Jock
    16. It is only a tea spoon, it was €3 so a little under what some would pay but a fair price for nothing fancy. Jock
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