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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Gordon, Glad it is of interest, you should see his HBT work cap (in fact you will when I get time), if it were not for a very small lable (easily removed) you could badge it as Coastal Artillery and sell it on (if one was that way inclined) and I doubt it would be challenged. Jock
    2. Becklingen NW Germany
    3. Becklingen NW Germany
    4. Guys, Got this yesterday, it is a very nice shape and the style is very similar to its WW2 counterpart. Looks to be private purchase in Hannover. The peak is leather like the old WW2 crushers. It may be quite early as some of his other stuff was as well but I didn't take that. Jock
    5. Chip, Please see below, it is taken with the microscope. Looks like Komp not Korp. Jock
    6. Fantastic that it has all survived together, I have just been offered a nice group from a house clearance but two docs are missing and the bloke said 'oh theres another box somewhere but it may already have been skipped'! It is all too easliy lost and near immpossible to replace. Thanks for showing it. Jock
    7. Thats a relief! Would be tragic if they were all seperated. You should start a groupings thread or is there one already?
    8. Kevin, Are these seperated docs or do you have the rest of the paperwork regarding the individuals? Such a shame if these things have been seperated from other surviving documentation or are you just complying to the thread title? cheers jock
    9. Guys, I thought IG might like this as it shows the horse gear rather well and he looks to have an Artillery Luger in his holster, well he at least has the holster? Jock
    10. Guys, This is another one from the weekend. The square looking affair is three colours horizontaly arranged with a star shaped badge in the centre, it may not even be militay but thought you all may know? Jock
    11. Guys, Thanks for the extra info, here was me just pleased with the sword detail. Cheers Jock
    12. John, Nice award, I wonder how many variants were produced by the various firms of these sort of item? Do you or anyone else have a period catalouge ? There must be hundreds of variants and you don't see them that often. Jock
    13. Guys, thanks for the info! IG how did you get the unit as I can't make out the shoulderboard? Jock
    14. Bernhard, He had been a bit busy hadn't he. I don't know how he coped with such a busy 'social' life. I was surprised the Blind flying school and Channel Watch Group were in plain speak and not FPN, one would think that any mail was suseptable to intercept at any point regardless of where it originated? Maybe an oversight at the time that provided a good source of Int, I suppose we will never know? I am sure that captured or stolen mail would be equivilant of intecepted phone and email conversations today and would have been valued. Never gave it much thought before now... Jock
    15. Nice badge Alec, I also haven't seen one in my travels. Nice to learn new stuff every day! Cheers Jock
    16. Some of the varied unit stamps as opposed to FP stamps, I would have thought this a breach of security. I like the Streifendienste Ukraine stamp this is quite unusual I think? Jock
    17. Guys, Got a big pile of it at the weekend, just going through it and sorting it out. I thought this was interesting as it reminds one that lives were going on in the middle of the chaos of war with the daily drama and stresses of normal life relationships etc to deal with as well, the typed FP are always best as you can read them easily. Jock
    18. Glenn, You are spot on, p34 para D of Vol 3 above publication. Cheers Jock
    19. Glenn, Thanks for that, every day is a school day! I will have a look at my books but they are mostly the comercial post war reference books, maybe something about it in Uniforms & trads of KM somewhere. Thanks again Jock
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