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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Thanks for the steer, I will let him know but it is mounted behind glass so I doubt he will take it off the bar now. Thanks again.
    2. Guys, The miniature set I got out of the skip yesterday but I only had 10 minutes to look as they were closing. I hope the full size medals are not in there too as it will get pushed Monday morning and then lost forever as am away at BASF, Ludwigshafen for the week so I can't bend in. The question is what is the one on the blue and red ribbon? The second query is for the husband of my wife's friend, Grandad was in Africa as can be seen but what is the strange looking medal on the right of the group in the frame? Thanks for any info.
    3. Guys, I got this from one of my new German colleagues, he swapped for a pair of British army boots. I have got them all searching for me now! I wish I had made this transition a lot sooner! couple more
    4. Guys, I would not normally go for these but the fact that the dust covers have survived persuaded me take them. I find the mad staring eyes on the cover for Rebellion in Germany a bit unsettling.
    5. Guys, While helping my wife with one of her customers collection/deliveries, I met a rather nice bloke, when we went again to deliver the finished item he rather kindly gifted me this scroll with the words of the song which they still use today. Turns out he is quite high up in the BW, Lt Gen Jacobson and he knows a few of my old bosses as well. He is a thoroughly nice bloke and very down to earth. His wife is lovely too she is an ex British Officer, quite unusual for them to have married but a nicer couple you would struggle to find. I just need a nice frame now and to get it on the wall. As an aside there are a lot of versions of this catchy tune on youtube, I have not found a version with the 3rd verse being sung yet!
    6. Stig, There are three distinct phases in combat helmet production the 35. 40 and 42. If this were to be taken as the real deal it would have to be a 35 which it is not. The separate vent hole that it seeks to copy is the biggest give away. If you consider this vendor a good source then you should cease trading and have anything you have bought from them checked out on as many fora as is possible just to be sure if you do not trust our opinion. Yes there were export models of the M35 made for China but I don't like the look of that one mainly since the area where the decal is has a dark patch centered exactly where the decal is and it is a lot brighter than the area that appears to have been reworked? What do you think? I don't know enough about SS stickers but the side on view of the chinstrap buckle rules that part out for me and therefore the lid.
    7. Guys, This bloke must have been as big as Goering. I think this could be pre war and it is well made complete with felt backing that you don't see post war often. This type of belt leather is ideal for modification to SS with the correct stamping being added.
    8. Guys, This is another of these large powder containers used to ship raw explosives to the factory that would fill the munitions, they exist in this metal form or an air tight wooden version FP= Fur Pulver according to my very knowledgeable German pal. couple more
    9. Gordon, There is a lot on WAF that you can't find anymore but that is for other reasons. I don't get too hung up on stuff if it is cheap and cheerful, if it is a copy I think the lady would be doing herself out of business. Provenance is important in the hobby but it is not always available and is often fabricated. I am guessing you won't be buying much signage then? Craig, It was between €20-30 I am not sure which and a bit of fun at a local 'Old Timers Treff' where I did not expect to find anything much of interest except the vehicles (I got the Fire Insurance plaque from her that I posted in the non military section at the same time). I am happy with it right or wrong! It just kind of reminds me of the TR ones that I have.
    10. Guys, From the weekend, I know it is not something rare but it is in such good condition the silver on the decoration is still bright.
    11. Gordon, Thank you for the mail, I have looked at the items you directed me to and I take your point but I will say they are town boundary signage and as such are normally open and exposed to all the elements? A building sign depending on which way it is facing may not be as exposed? Again due to my lack of photographic skills it looks a bit new and shiny but I can assure you it is less so in the hand. Please see attached pictures of some of the rust and pitting on the reverse and a few dings on the front. It has been hung some where? Do you have any pictures of the copies that you mention and is this one of the same type? Cheers
    12. Bernhard, Thanks for your steer, I have a German pal that has an extensive knowledge and collection of all things 'muni' he states as follows: das ist die Bezeichnung ist für den Treibsatz einer 21cm Wurfgranate 42. (Tp) = Tropenmunition Habe Dir da eine Unterlage im Anhang beigefügt. He included this extract from his files. 21cm Wgr 42 Spr.tif
    13. Kev, Thanks for your time taken to resolve this soldiers fate. Shame he was not recovered. I doubt that the originator of the letter can be found as I suppose he would be too far down the food chain if Heinz was only a Sgt. Thanks again.
    14. Guys, Struggling with this, if I had to guess I would think something to do with nebelwerfer or heavy mortar? Any thoughts?
    15. Guys, This was in a pile of paper and I noticed that the Adolf stated that Heinz was one of his Grüppenfuhrers? Kevin, you are normally quite good at this sort of thing, any thoughts? Regardless I like the fact that he has taken the time to write to the NOK to try and give some sort of closure even after the war.
    16. Guys, I have now left the British fold here in Germany and I am now engaged in my new job. Already I have met some interesting folk in under a month. This bust was found in the 70's by a colleague in a fast flowing river. It screams I was there!
    17. It needs sorting out or why bother to have the award in the first place? They need to give them back until they have qualified, end of?
    18. Morten, I have noted you like Narvik! I hope these are not already here somewhere but I thought you might like to see the 'birth' of the award so to speak? This is from the Gesetsblatt that I found at the week end, it had been denazified but I was able to steam off the the brown tape that was over the badge picture. There is a cheeky amendment to the KVK as well at the end on the last page. Edit, the KVK amendment starts on p2 so no need for p3 but I have included it since it was there on the original post.
    19. Guys, You may remember I got this flight combi so I was in the parish again on Sunday and thought I would be cheeky and go and ask for the name of the pilot as this was a yard sale purchase as such. Well as it transpires there is not much to research as it has been mostly done and published in 'Saft's' book about the end of the Luftwaffe. His 'buckshees' reside in a Luftwaffe museum in Berlin. The rest has been sold off peace meal and nothing now remains, the family have kept modern copies of original prints? I was however able to secure a few original pictures of the pilot and one of them is published in the book, spot of luck but sadly I was too late as the most had already been sold and these were the left overs. He continued flying post war and rubbed shoulders still with Gallant etc(see Pic) He reached a good age and had a relatively quick passing according to the family.
    20. Guys, This is from Sunday, I went out late but still bagged a few bits. Looks like the Unit had his vehicle pennant mounted up? He said he had no interest in keeping it despite having been Bty Commander?
    21. Guys, I think this was €25 well spent, I have not had a good look through yet but last time there was a few interesting bits and bobs. I am not sure what the Arbeitsgesets are about and the business stats things look fairly uninteresting? They all originally belonged to the Reichsbahn Direktion Hannover library.
    22. Guys, This handful was cheap and cheerful, it comprises of a bundle of A4 size photographs that are high quality and no doubt pre digital. I will scan them in if there is any interest and there are a couple of doubles.
    23. Couldn't remember what it was you were after and I picked this up in error today, prat that I am. I will still keep my eyes open. He had two army flyers berets too, burgundy coloured with a Luftwaffe style wing thing crossing a sword? I believe they may be stationed at Fassberg?
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