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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Jeff, I have not stumbled across a Weimar Naval Officials list (yet). Something to look for! The normal Reichsmarine Lists only give details of Naval Paymasters (Zahlmeister). All other officials are omitted in the seniority lists therein. Regards Glenn
    2. David, my 1883 Milit?r-Wochenblatt is as yet unindexed. If I find his retirement and charakter promotion date I will inform you. He does not appear in the 1865 Ranglisten which presumably means he was originally an Electoral Hessian Medical Officer prior to 1866. As Komtur states, he spent more or less his entire Prussian service as the Garrison Medical Officer in Kassel. He was awarded the EK2 on the white ribbon as the Chef-Arzt of Feldlazareth Nr. 10 of XI. Armeekorps. Regards Glenn
    3. David, he was granted the charakterisierter Rank of Generalarzt 2. Klasse on retirement which at the time equated to an Oberstleutnant. Regards Glenn
    4. Rick, title: Rangliste von Beamten der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine f?r das Jahr (....) Regards Glenn
    5. This is a sample page of a very detailed list concerning Naval Officials (Marinebeamten), this one from 1901. Note: First Names Dates of all awards Dates of all previous promotions What a refreshing amount of detail as compared to their bone-headed Army counterparts. Regards Glenn
    6. Hi VJ, I will answer for Daniel: char. Generalmajor Willy v. Livonius, commander 94 Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade. Regards Glenn
    7. Enzo, came across this today. You now need his RAO. This from around 1904/1905. Regards Glenn
    8. Or how about the 1 May 1942 DAL A: Regular Generals, Field Officers and Captains. Yes Chris, I have not seen a list of DAL S below Major. Regards Glenn
    9. In similar vein, it is of course well known that Podzun published the 3 January 1939 Stellenbesetzung of the German Army under the title Das Deutsche Heer 1939 but here is a page from the 12 October 1937 edition not often seen. Regards Glenn
    10. Chris, DAL T was formerly known as DAL I. It listed the follwing officers: aa) All generals. bb) All officers, who in the second world war were employed as troop leaders in the field army and whose employment as a troop leader in the field army also in the future was planned on the basis of their adjudged full qualifications. cc) All general staff officers (these were just the officers, who were assigned to the general staff and wore the uniform of the general staff). dd) All officers wounded in the second world war so far as they, at the time of their wounding belonged to the officers in paragraphs bb and cc above and as a result of their wounding could no longer be employed in troop units of the field army. ee) Severely disabled officers of the world war 1914/18, if they could fulfill certain conditions. I have seen the DAL T published in separate volumes for the Captians, Oberleutnants and Leutnants or bound all together as one large volume. Unfortunately the names of the Captains and Lieutenants are not indexed. Regards Glenn
    11. Hi Komtur, that may well be Oberst d.R. Otto v. d. Linde. Regards Glenn
    12. Paul, Gen.Lt. Erich T?lff v. Tschepe und Weidenbach: At mobilization Gen.d.Inf. Julius Riemann: 5 Oct 1914 Gen.Lt. Karl Dieffenbach: 17 Dec 1916 Gen.d.Inf. Otto v. Pl?skow: 12 Mar 1917 Gen.Lt. Roderich v. Sch?ler: 11 May 1917 Regards Glenn
    13. Excellent stuff! Leiste was commissioned into Infanterie-Regiment von Goeben (2. Rheinisches) Nr. 28 as a Leutnant der Reserve with a Patent of 16.3.05 Uu. A teacher in civilian life he was promoted to Oberleutnant der Reserve on 22.4.14 and to Hauptmann der Reserve on 18.8.15 whilst serving with the Bekleidungsdepot (Clothing Depot) of the 9. Armee. Regards Glenn
    14. Rick, Paul Hartlaub's service in Infanterie-Regiment 21. He was promoted to Oberleutnant d.L. on 12.10.14 serving in R.I.R 6. He was still with this regiment when promoted to Hauptmann d.L (shown below) on 8.1.16. Regards Glenn
    15. Signed by the later Generalmajor Ernst v. Heynitz, commander of 34. Landwehr-Infanterie-Brigade. Regards Glenn
    16. Chris, That makes sense with his Assistenzarzt promotion date in early 1907. Regards Glenn
    17. Chris, Assistenzarzt d.R.: 27.1.07 Oberarzt d.R.: 18.8.08 He was serving in Sanit?ts-Kompanie 111 of 111. Infanterie-Division at the time of his promotion to Stabsarzt d.L. (Flensburg) on 27.1.16 Regards Glenn
    18. Rick, I have not come across anything resembling this before. Not like any of the Beamtenschilde of the various contingents Regards Glenn
    19. Does anyone recognise the cap badge on the crown of this gentleman's cap? I am assuming he is an official of some description around the 1870s. Regards Glenn
    20. Paul, I can confirm the receipt of your application. Please let me know for what purpose you require the military career of Herr Bobsien. Regards Glenn
    21. Hi Kapitular, The owner was Ernst August Anton Wilhelm Timpe, jailinspector of the jail in Jever/Oldenburg Herr Timpe won the EK2 as an Unteroffizier in the Hannover. Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 10. Regards Glenn
    22. Enzo, I can find only one serving General officer in 1914 with the medal for arts and sciences but not all the listed decorations match: General der Infanterie Emil Woinovich v. Belobreska, Director of the Vienna War Archives was awarded the medal for arts and sciences in April 1907. Unfortunately I do not have a good comparison photograph. His awards as at 1914. FJO-GK LO-R EKO-R3 Ehrenzeichen f?r Kunst u. Wissenschaft MVK Kriegsmedaille Milit?rdienstzeichen 2. Classe f?r Offiziere Bronzene Jubil?umserinnerungsmedaille Regards Glenn
    23. Paul, got a first name for you. Karl Seitz. Got him in the 8. Nachtrag to the 1905 Ordensliste when he picked up his RAO4 in early 1913. Regards Glenn
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